Südafrika Südafrika liegt an der Südspitze Afrikas. Es grenzt an Namibia. Botswana. Simbabwe. Mosambik. Swasiland und Lesotho (die vollständig von Südafrika umgeben ist). Es ist ein riesiges Land mit sehr unterschiedlichen Landschaften und hat 11 Amtssprachen sowie eine ebenso unterschiedliche Bevölkerung. Südafrika ist bekannt für seine Weine und ist einer der weltweit größten Goldproduzenten. Südafrika hat die stärkste Wirtschaft in Afrika und ist ein einflussreicher Akteur in der afrikanischen Politik. 2010 fand in Südafrika die erste Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent statt. Verstehen Sie bearbeiten Wenn Sie in Südafrika reisen möchten, dann ist Südafrika ein guter Platz, zum zu beginnen. Während Sie in jedes Land im südlichen Afrika fliegen können, werden die meisten Flüge sowieso durch Südafrika reisen. Südafrika ist auch ein guter Ort, um sich an Reisen in der Region zu gewöhnen (obwohl einige argumentieren würden, dass Namibia besser dafür ist). Natürlich ist Südafrika nicht nur ein Sprungpunkt, es ist selbst ein hervorragendes Ziel, reich an Kultur, Fauna Ampflora und Geschichte. Außenseiter-Ansichten von Südafrika werden durch die gleichen Stereotypen wie der Rest von Afrika gefärbt. Entgegen der landläufigen Meinung, Südafrika ist nicht verheerend schlecht mit einer instabilen Regierung. Südafrika ist zu einem großen Teil zwei Länder innerhalb eines. Auf der einen Seite ist es ein erster Weltstaat, vor allem die großen Städte wie Kapstadt und Johannesburg, und andererseits ist sie unterentwickelt und hat große Armut. Südafrika ist eines der ungleichen Länder der Welt, in dem Opulenz und starke Armut oft zusammen beobachtet werden können. Der ländliche Teil Südafrikas bleibt unter den ärmsten und am wenigsten entwickelten Teilen der Welt und Armut in den Gemeinden kann entsetzlich sein, Fortschritt wird gemacht. Der Prozess der Erholung von der Apartheid, die fast 46 Jahre dauerte, ist ziemlich langsam. Tatsächlich ist der Südafrika-Index der Vereinten Nationen für menschliche Entwicklung, der sich in den letzten Jahren der Apartheid langsam verbesserte, seit 1996 drastisch gesunken, was vor allem auf die AIDS-Pandemie zurückzuführen ist, und die Armutszahlen scheinen zunehmend zuzunehmen. Südafrika verfügt über eine gut entwickelte Infrastruktur und verfügt über alle modernen Annehmlichkeiten und Technologien, ein Großteil davon in den Jahren der weißen Minderheit Regel entwickelt. Die Regierung ist stabil, obwohl Korruption häufig ist. Die Regierung und die primären politischen Parteien haben in der Regel ein hohes Maß an Respekt für demokratische Institutionen und Menschenrechte. Geschichte Bearbeiten Die Spitze von Afrika ist die Heimat der Khoisan (kollektiven Namen für Hottentot (Koi) und Buschmänner (San)) Menschen seit Tausenden von Jahren. Ihre Felskunst kann noch in vielen Orten in Südafrika gefunden werden. Es wird geschätzt, dass Bantu-Stämme begonnen haben, langsam in die nördlichsten Gebiete des heutigen Südlichen Afrikas vor etwa 2.500 Jahren zu expandieren und bis etwa 500 n. Chr. Die verschiedenen Kulturkreise in den üppigen Gebieten im Norden und Osten des Wesens begründet wurden Ist heute bekannt als Ost-Südafrika, Simbabwe und Mosambik. Die Wüsten - und Halbwüstengebiete der westlichen und nördlichen Kapprovinzen sowie die westlichen Teile der Ostkapprovinz blieben vom Bantu als trockenes Klima, begrenzte saisonale Regenfälle, spärliche Vegetation und Knappheit natürlicher Quellen von Wasser unberührt Nicht die großen Völkerwanderungen und Viehbestände, Vieh ist das primäre Vieh, das von den Bantu gezüchtet wird und zahlreiche kulturelle und ökonomische Funktionen innerhalb der Stammesgesellschaft erfüllt (Rindvieh dient als rudimentäre Währung und Basiseinheit für einen gegenseitig angenehmen Wert zwischen Tauschhandel Und damit die Funktion des Geldes). Die Khoisan bestand in diesen Gebieten als nomadische Jäger, die sich nicht dauerhaft als die Bewegung des Wüstenspiels auf der Suche nach schwindenden Wasserversorgungen während der Wintermonate bestimmen ließen. Erst als sich die Buren (siehe nächster Absatz) in diese Gebiete begeben und Bohrlöcher und Auffangbecken errichtet haben, könnten in diesen Gebieten dauerhafte Siedlungen entstehen. Heute, mit zuverlässigeren Quellen des Wassers und modernen Methoden der Wassererhaltung die landwirtschaftliche Tätigkeit begrenzt hauptsächlich auf Schafe und Strauß Ranching, da diese Tiere sind besser geeignet für die spärliche Futter und begrenztes Wasser. Die ersten Europäer, die nach Südafrika gelangten, waren die Portugiesen, die 1488 das Ende des Landes Kap der Guten Hoffnung nannten, als sie es geschafft hatten, nach Indien zu reisen. Ständige europäische Siedlung wurde erst in Kapstadt gebaut, nachdem die holländische Ostindische Kompanie im April 1652 das Kap der Guten Hoffnung erreicht hatte. Am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts begannen die Boers (Niederländer für Landwirte) langsam östlich entlang der Küstenlinie und später nach oben in die Innere. Um 1795 übernahm Großbritannien das Kap, als Folge der napoleonischen Kriege auf den Holländern, 1820 eine große Gruppe von britischen Siedlern in der Region ankam. Im Jahre 1835 begann eine große Anzahl von Buren auf dem Groot Trek (die große Wanderung) ins Innere, nachdem sie mit der britischen Herrschaft unzufrieden geworden war. Im Inneren gründeten sie ihre eigenen, international anerkannten Republiken. Einige Buren konnten sich zunächst mit den Einheimischen vertraut machen (wie bei den Tswana) und in anderen Gebieten stießen die Buren mit den einheimischen Bevölkerungsgruppen (vor allem der Zulu) schlecht zusammen. Am 16. Dezember 1838 schlachtete eine schlecht unterzahlte Bureneinheit über 3.000 Zulus an der Schlacht von Blut-Fluss in, was jetzt KwaZulu-Natal ist. Zwei Kriege für die Kontrolle über Transvaal und Natal wurden zwischen den Buren und den Briten im Jahre 1880 und 1899 gekämpft. Der zweite Krieg trat auf, nachdem britische Siedler in das Gebiet um Johannesburg, das als Witwatersrand bekannt war, als Reaktion auf die Entdeckung von Gold überschwemmt wurden Im Jahre 1886. Der Zweite Boer-Krieg (Afrikaans: Die Tweede Vryheidsoorlog oder Zweiter Unabhängigkeitskrieg) war besonders unangenehm, da die britische Regierung die bürgerliche Zivilbevölkerung in Konzentrationslagern enthielt. Tausende von Boer-Zivilisten starben in den Lagern vor Hunger oder Krankheit. Bauerhöfe, Viehbestände, Getreide und Gehöfte wurden ebenfalls weitgehend zerstört. Nachdem der Frieden durch den Vertrag von Vereeniging von 1902 wiederhergestellt worden war, wurde die Vereinigung von Südafrika 1910 gebildet, die die verschiedenen Boer Republiken und britischen Kolonien zu einem vereinigten Staat als Mitglied des britischen Commonwealth vereinigte. 1961 wurde die Republik Südafrika gegründet, und SA verließ das Commonwealth. Inzwischen, während des frühen 20. Jahrhunderts, begann eine Reihe von Afrikaner Denker eine Philosophie der weißen Vorherrschaft artikulieren. Diese Philosophie wurde von der niederländischen reformierten Kirche in Südafrika theologisch begründet, die predigte, dass es keine Gleichheit in Kirche oder Staat gäbe. Im Jahr 1948 kam die Afrikaner-dominierte Nationale Partei an die Macht und begann die volle Umsetzung seines lang gehegten Traums der weißen Vorherrschaft, auf Kosten von Schwarzen und Farbtönen. Darüber hinaus bemühte sich die NP um die Förderung der Afrikaner-Kultur auf Kosten der englischen Kultur und kooptierte oder marginalisierte englischsprachige Weiße. Die NP führte in den fünfziger Jahren zahlreiche Apartheidgesetze ein, die die Klassifizierung aller Personen in willkürliche Rassenkategorien (die in vielen Fällen zu unsinnigen Ergebnissen geführt haben, da seit über 300 Jahren interrassische Kopplungen im Lande stattgefunden haben und Geschwister in derselben Familie enden konnten In verschiedenen Rassen) beschränkte die Abstimmung auf weiße Personen (vorher waren die Farbigen in der Lage, in der Provinz Cape zu stimmen, die den Großteil des Landes Territorium ausmachten) Mandat Trennung aller öffentlichen Einrichtungen (und sichergestellt, dass Nicht-Weißen immer die unterlegenen) Und teilte beide Städte und das Land in Gruppenbereiche. Alle erwachsenen Bürger waren verpflichtet, ein Sparbuch, eine Art interner Reisepass zu tragen. Nicht-Weiße mussten eine besondere Erlaubnis von Weißen erhalten, um in weiß-nur Bereichen vorhanden sein. Die Polizei (die immer weiß war) konnte jederzeit verlangen, nicht-Weiße-Sparbücher zu sehen, willkürlich die Inhaberlauben in ein weißes Gebiet zu streichen und dann prompt zu verhaften, in Ordnung zu bringen und den Inhaber in Anwesenheit zu verhaften Weiß-nur Fläche ohne Erlaubnis. Einige existierende Distrikte (wie Sophiatown in Johannesburg und District Six in Kapstadt) waren entweder zu wohlhabend oder zu rassistisch integriert aus der Regierungsperspektive, sie wurden summarisch als weiß-re-designiert und alle nicht-weißen Bewohner wurden zusammen verdrängt. Als der Kalten Krieg in den frühen 1950er Jahren Gestalt annahm, versuchte die NP, die Apartheid im Hinblick auf eine angebliche kommunistische Verschwörung, die Südafrika zu übernehmen, notwendig zu machen. Die NPs konzentrierten sich auf antikommunistische Propaganda besonders ironisch, da Südafrika unter dem NP mit einer viel höheren staatlichen Kontrolle der Wirtschaft als die überwiegende Mehrheit der antikommunistischen Länder endete. Viele Staatsbetriebe wurden später nach dem Ende der Apartheid in private Unternehmen ausgegliedert. Um den Kommunismus zu bekämpfen, war die staatliche Zensur omnipräsent, und die Freiheiten der Rede, der Presse und der öffentlichen Versammlungen wurden alle kräftig unterdrückt. Auch die Technik des Fernsehens wurde verboten und unterdrückt. Es wurde widerwillig in das Land erlaubt, nur nachdem Südafrika die Peinlichkeit erlitt, eines der wenigen Länder zu sein, in denen die Mondlandung im November 1969 nicht einmal von ihren reichsten Bürgern live beobachtet werden konnte. Allerdings war Apartheid nie ein einheitliches Programm. Es bestand in einem Zustand der ständigen Spannung zwischen jenen Afrikanern, die den größten Teil des Landes vorsahen, das völlig von Nichtweißen gereinigt wurde, und jenen Afrikanern (besonders Geschäftsleuten), die erkannten, dass es Jahrzehnte dauern würde, wenn nicht Jahrhunderte, entweder genügend weiße Kinder zu schaffen oder zu importieren Genügend weiße Immigranten, um eine ausreichend große Arbeitskraft zur Verfügung zu stellen, die die eventuelle langfristige Vertreibung aller Nicht-Weißen aus Südafrika-Städten ausgleichen würde. Infolgedessen wurden einerseits alle Nicht-Weißen als Bürger eines von mehreren quasi-souveränen nationalen Heimatländern (bekannt als bantustans) bezeichnet, die in den Vereinigten Staaten wie in den USA geboren wurden, aber auf einer viel größeren Rahmen. (Wie die Indianerreservate wurden die Heimatländer üblicherweise dem Land mit der schlechtesten Qualität zugewiesen, während die Weißen das Land mit der besten Qualität erhielten.) Andererseits verlegte die Regierung städtische Nicht-Weiße in Gebiete an den Rändern von Südafrika Städte (Cape Flats bei Kapstadt und Soweto bei Johannesburg), wo Weiße sie als billige Arbeit nutzen konnten. Diese Nicht-Weißen mussten dann lange, miserable Pendelzüge auf überfüllten Zügen und Taxi-Transportern in weiß-kontrollierte Gebiete (wo ihre Aufenthaltsgenehmigung jederzeit widerrufen werden konnte) und Arbeit für Löhne, die ein Pittance waren im Vergleich zu Denen vergleichbar qualifizierte weiße Mitarbeiter zur Verfügung stehen. Der Afrikanische Nationalkongress (ANC) widerstand all diesen Entwicklungen anfangs mit gewaltlosen Protesten. Der ANC gelang es, eine Handvoll von rechtlichen Siegen in den 1950er Jahren zu punkten, da die südafrikanische Judikative noch viele ehrliche Richter von der vorherigen United Party ernannt hatte. Viele dieser Richter respektierten immer noch die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und waren bereit, eine begründeten Anhörung zu einem begründeten rechtlichen Argument zu geben, auch wenn sie den Angeklagten wegen seiner Rasse persönlich verachteten. Im Jahre 1960 bildete eine ausscheidende Gruppe ehemaliger ANC-Mitglieder den Panafrikanischen Kongress unter der Führung von Robert Sobukwe, der versuchte, Proteste gegen die verhaßten Passgesetze zu organisieren. Eine unterlegene Polizei-Einheit in Panik geraten und in eine Menge von unbewaffneten Demonstranten in Sharpeville gefeuert. Infolgedessen erklärte die NP einen Ausnahmezustand und verwendete sie als Entschuldigung, um die verbleibenden Fetzen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit in Südafrika zu zerreißen. Die ANC-Führung erkannte richtig, dass der ANC bald verboten werden sollte (zusammen mit allen anderen Anti-Apartheid-politischen Organisationen) und nicht mehr in der Lage wäre, in Südafrika als politische Organisation offen zu operieren. Daher gründete der ANC einen bewaffneten Flügel namens Umkhonto wir Sizwe (Spear of the Nation, kurz MK genannt), um ein Programm von häuslicher Sabotage und Terrorismus zu implementieren. 1963 ermöglichte ein Verbrechen der Polizei auf einem Bauernhof in Rivonia der Regierung, genügend Beweise für die Verhaftung und Verurteilung einer großen Anzahl von ANC - und MK-Führern (einschließlich Nelson Mandela) im Jahre 1964 zu beschaffen, was später als Rivonia-Prozeß bekannt wurde. Die Apartheid regime Macht erreichte in den späten 1960er und 1970er Jahren, nachdem die Anti-Apartheid Widerstand brutal zerdrückt wurde. Während dieser Zeit genossen Südafrika weiße Bürger die Früchte des starken Wirtschaftswachstums und der schnellen Infrastrukturentwicklung in Form des hochwertigsten Lebensstils in Afrika (das entspricht fast dem Ersten Welt Lebensstandard) und waren zufrieden, ruhig zu bleiben und Nicht zu viele Fragen stellen. Der ANC und MK bauten sich still im Exil zusammen, trainierten zahlreiche Arbeiter und begannen neue heimische Aufstände und Terroranschläge zu starten. Zur gleichen Zeit, die schwarze Mehrheit Frustration mit ihrer miserablen Situation weiter zu bauen. Schließlich kochte es über und explodierte in Form des berühmten Soweto Aufstandes von 1976, gefolgt von der Bewegung des schwarzen Bewusstseins. Südafricas Gefängnisse wurden bald mit einer neuen Generation von BCM Radikalen überschwemmt. Ironischerweise hat BCM die Regierung dazu veranlasst, sich auf eine ältere Generation von ANC-MK-Aktivisten zu konzentrieren, weil sie ihre Hände voll mit der Unterdrückung von BCM-Aktivisten hatte. Zu Beginn der 80er Jahre hatten die Vereinigten Staaten schließlich ihre eigenen historischen Experimente mit weißer Vorherrschaft und rassischer Segregation überwunden und waren nicht länger bereit, das Apartheidregime zu tolerieren. So begann die internationale Gemeinschaft verspätet, sich gegen Südafrika zu wenden, indem sie strenge Waffen und Handelsembargos einführte. Südafrika wurde von den Olympischen Spielen und den meisten anderen internationalen Sportwettbewerben verboten. Viele internationale Stars wie Bruce Springsteen, geräuschvoll boykottierten Südafrika, komponierten Protestlieder, die Südafrika angreifen, und kritisierten scharf irgendeinen Künstler oder Athleten, der bereit war, in Südafrika zu spielen oder zu spielen. Gleichzeitig, um die späten 1980er Jahre, begannen viele weiße Moderaten zu erkennen, dass Veränderung unvermeidlich war. Internationale Sanktionen und interne Streitigkeiten begannen, einen starken Tribut zu Südafrika zu nehmen. Die Weißmütigen erkannten, dass die weiße Vormachtstellung durch den nackten Einsatz von Gewalt nicht unbegrenzt aufrechterhalten werden konnte und es dem schwarzen Wüten erlaubte, das Gebäude aufzubauen, nur dann zu einem explosiveren Endspiel führen würde, ähnlich dem, was in vielen anderen afrikanischen Ländern passiert war (zum Beispiel Algerien). Auf der ANC-Seite hatten die Schwarzen schon längst erkannt, dass die Rache, indem sie alle Weißen aus Südafrika vertrieb, weder gerecht noch klug war. (In seiner berühmten Rede bei seiner Verhandlung von 1964 stellte Nelson Mandela fest, dass er sowohl die weiße Herrschaft als auch die schwarze Dominanz bekämpft hatte.) Sie erkannten, dass Südafrika das einzige Haus war, das die meisten weißen Südafrikaner jemals gekannt hatten Friedliche Entschließung dieser Tatsache Rechnung tragen müsste. Aus rein pragmatischer Perspektive führte die weiße Monopolisierung der besten Bildungsressourcen zu einer Situation, in der die überwiegende Mehrheit der qualifizierten Führungskräfte und Fachleute, die in der Lage waren, eine moderne industrialisierte Wirtschaft zu betreiben, weiß war. Zusammenfassend vertrieb diese Profis und Führungskräfte riskiert Schaffung einer riesigen wirtschaftlichen Katastrophe (wie es in vielen anderen afrikanischen Ländern während der Entkolonialisierung), und würde nichts tun, um die langfristigen Perspektiven der schwarzen Mehrheit zu verbessern. Dementsprechend mäßigte Weiß innerhalb des Sicherheitsdienstes und die Nationale Partei selbst fing an, ruhig zu erreichen ANC Führer, um Gemeinsamkeit zu finden und zu verhandeln, wie man Apartheid abbauen. Der eigentliche Prozess begann mit der Befreiung von politischen Gefangenen im Jahr 1990. Die Befreiung von Nelson Mandela aus dem Gefängnis von Victor Verster in der Nähe von Kapstadt am 11. Februar 1990 wurde live im Fernsehen auf der ganzen Welt abgedeckt. Politische Gewalt verschlechterte sich in den frühen 1990er Jahren, als Extremisten aller Art und Rassen versuchten, die Friedensgespräche auf der Konvention für ein demokratisches Südafrika (CODESA) zugunsten ihrer eigenen verärgerten Visionen der Zukunft von Südafrika zu entgleisen. Tausende von Menschen wurden bei Unruhen oder Terroranschlägen ermordet. Unabhängig davon, 1992, stimmten 73 der abstimmenden weißen Bevölkerung in einem Referendum zur Unterstützung der Abschaffung der Apartheid. Während dieser schrecklichen und gefährlichen Periode wurden die CODESA-Verhandlungen in den Ruhestand getreten und standen mehrmals still, als die Parteien zurücktraten und ein neues Verfahren am 1. April 1993 nannten, das Mehrparteienverhandlungsverfahren (MPNP). Ein paar Tage später drohte die Ermordung des populären politischen Aktivisten Chris Hani am 10. April 1993, Südafrika an den Rand des Bürgerkrieges zu drängen. In dieser Nacht gab Mandela eine im Fernsehen übertragene Rede, die später im Rückblick als Präsidentschaftskandidat im Hinblick auf seine Fähigkeit, die Länder ernsthafte rassische Spannungen zu beruhigen sah. Im Gegenzug wurde der Tod von Hanis zum Katalysator, um alle Seiten wieder an den Verhandlungstisch zurückzuschieben. Das MPNP führte schließlich zur Verabschiedung einer neuen Übergangsverfassung Ende 1993 und dann zu den ersten wahren demokratischen Wahlen im April 1994, in denen alle erwachsenen Erwachsenen unabhängig von ihrem ethnischen und kulturellen Hintergrund stimmen dürfen. Der ehemalige politische Gefangene Nelson Mandela wurde als der erste demokratisch gewählte Präsident gewählt. Der ANC gewann eine 63 Mehrheit und fuhr fort, eine Regierung der nationalen Einheit mit dem NP zu bilden. Als Teil der Friedensgespräche wurde erkannt, dass, nachdem die Apartheid abgeschafft worden war, es keinen Sinn machte, ihren Gegnern zu erlauben, ihre eigenen paramilitärischen Widerstandskräfte fortzusetzen. Dementsprechend wurde 1994 ein Verfahren ins Leben gerufen, in dem die verschiedenen Guerilla-Einheiten (einschließlich MK-Einheiten) sowie bantustanische Verteidigungseinheiten in die südafrikanische Verteidigungskräfte integriert wurden. 1996 wurde die Übergangsverfassung durch die derzeitige Verfassung von Südafrika ersetzt. Der ANC verfestigte seine Kontrolle über die Wähler in den folgenden Jahren. Die Nationale Partei verdarb dann ihre Reste mit anderen Oppositionsparteien, um die gegenwärtige Opposition, die Demokratische Allianz zu bilden. Ortsnamen Bearbeiten Viele Regionen-, Stadt-, Straßen - und Gebäudenamen in Südafrika wurden mehrmals nach dem Ende der Apartheid verändert. Einige von ihnen werden noch heute geändert. Diese Änderungen können manchmal zu Verwirrung führen, da viele der neuen Namen noch nicht bekannt sind. Das zugrunde liegende Problem besteht darin, dass die Regierung der Nationalen Einheit von 1994 sofort ihre Namen änderte, so dass sie neutral und nicht offensiv sein sollten. Dies beinhaltete den Grundsatz, dass Orte, wenn überhaupt, nicht für bestimmte Personen benannt werden sollten, um eine bestimmte Rasse nicht zu beleidigen. Zum Beispiel, Jan Smuts International Airport wurde Johannesburg International Airport. Nachdem der ANC im Jahr 2004 die volle Kontrolle über die Regierung übernommen hatte, kehrte der ANC den Kurs zurück und zog auf eine Politik der Veränderung europäischer Namen zu afrikanischen Namen zurück und nannte Plätze nach den Führern des Apartheidwiderstands. Zum Beispiel, nach der neuen Politik, wurde Johannesburg International Airport O. R. Tambo International Airport im Oktober 2006, nach dem ANC Führer, der ins Ausland versandt wurde, um die Organisation lebendig im Exil zu halten. Dieser Reiseführer wird die offiziellen neuen Namen, aber auch die Vornamen, wo möglich. Klima Das Klima in Südafrika reicht von Wüste und Halbwüste im Nordwesten des Landes bis zu subtropisch an der Ostküste. Die Regenzeit für die meisten des Landes ist im Sommer, außer im Western Cape, wo die Regenfälle im Winter kommen. Niederschlag im östlichen Kap ist gleichmäßig verteilt das ganze Jahr. Winter Temperaturen schweben um Null, Sommer können sehr heiß sein, an mehr als 35 Celsius (95F) an einigen Stellen. Der Südafrikanische Wetterdienst liefert aktuelle Wetterinformationen, Prognosen und Satellitenbilder. SAWS hat auch ein Netzwerk hochauflösender Doppler-Radare implementiert, um die Qualität seiner Prognosen zu verbessern. Leider ist die SAWS-Radar-Bildgebung nicht auf kommerzielle Nachrichtendienste abgestimmt und somit schwer online zu finden. Feiertage Die Feiertage in Südafrika sind: Neujahr (1. Januar) Menschenrechts-Tag (21. März) Osterwochenende (4-tägiges Wochenende im MärzApril) - Bestehend aus Karfreitag, Ostersamstag, Ostersonntag und Ostern Montag sind die Termine nach der westchristlichen Tradition festgelegt. Tag der Versöhnung (16. Dezember) Tag der Versöhnung (16. Dezember) Tag der Versöhnung (16. Weihnachtstag (25. Dezember) Tag des Goodwill (26. Dezember) - Oft bezeichnet als Boxing Day. Wenn ein gesetzlicher Feiertag auf einen Sonntag fällt, ist der Montag danach ein Feiertag. Schulferien finden Anfang Dezember bis Mitte Januar, Anfang April, Mitte Juni bis Mitte Juli und Ende September statt. Die meisten Südafrikaner gehen auf Urlaub während dieser Zeiten und Unterkunft wird schwerer zu finden. Die Protea ist die Nationalblume von Südafrika Tourismusbüros Edit South African Tourism betreibt eine Reihe von Büros in anderen Ländern. Möglicherweise möchten Sie das Büro in Ihrem Land für weitere Informationen oder Unterstützung Australien kontaktieren. Ebene 1, 117 York St, Sydney. 61 2 9261-5000 (info. ausouthafrica. net Fax 61 2 9261-2000). 160dit Frankreich. 61 Rue La Boetie, Paris Gästebewertungen. 33 1 456-10197 (info. frsouthafrica. net. fax 33 1 456-10196). 160dit Deutschland. Friedensstrasse 6-10, Frankfurt am Main. 49 69 929-1290 (info. desouthafrica. net Fax 49 69 28-0950). 160dit Italien. Via XX Settembre 24, 3F, Milano. 02 4391-1765 (info. itsouthafrica. net, Fax: 39 02 4391-1158). 160dit Japan. Akasaka Löwen Bldg, 1-1-2 Moto Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokio. 81 33 478-7601 (infosouthafricantourism. or. jp. Fax 81 33 478-7605). 160dit Niederlande. Jozef Isralskade 48 A, Amsterdam Gästebewertungen. 31 20 471-3181 (info. nlsouthafrica. net Fax 31 20 662-9761). 160edit Großbritannien. Nr. 5 Ampere 6 Alt Grove, Wimbledon, London. 44 20 8971-9350 (info. uksouthafrica. net Fax 44 20 8944-6705). 160dit Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika. 500 Fifth Ave, 20F, Ste 2040, New York. 1 212 730-0000 (info. ussouthafrica. net Fax 1 212 764-1980). 160dit Regionen Südafrika ist in 9 Provinzen unterteilt, sie sind: Regionen Südafrikas Northern Cape Capital Kimberley. Berühmt für seine Diamanten und das große Loch. Größte Provinz mit den wenigsten Menschen, ist Upington die zweite große Stadt, eine gute Basis bei der Erkundung der Kalahari Wüste, Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park und die Augrabies Falls am Orange River. Auch Ai-AisRichtersveld Transfrontier Park und die Halbwüste Karoo. Free State Capital Bloemfontein, das auch das Oberste Oberlandesgericht, das höchste Gericht in nicht verfassungsrechtlichen Fragen (das Verfassungsgericht ist in Johannesburg seit 1994). Das Weltkulturerbe Vredefort Dome. Reste des größten und ältesten Meteoritenaufprallkraters. KwaZulu-Natal Durban. Die größte Stadt in der Provinz und zweitgrößte in Südafrika und beliebte Küsten Urlaubsziel für Südafrikaner. Die Drakensberge. Wenn Sie gerne wandern und auch die Tugela Falls. Dem zweithöchsten Wasserfall der Welt. Territorien Bearbeiten Städte Ändern Pretoria 8211 Die Verwaltungshauptstadt von Südafrika Bloemfontein 8211 Ort des Obersten Berufungsgerichts, das höchste Gericht in nicht-verfassungsrechtlichen Angelegenheiten. Das Verfassungsgericht in Johannesburg wurde das höchste Gericht in konstitutionellen Fragen im Jahr 1994. Kapstadt 8211 Die gesetzgebende Hauptstadt und Sitz des Parlaments. Eine Weltklasse-Stadt benannt nach ihrer Nähe zum Kap der Guten Hoffnung. Auch innerhalb eines Steinwurfs von Südafricas Winelands. Eine der schönsten Städte der Welt, eingebettet zwischen dem Meer und dem Tafelberg, ist es ein beliebtes Sommerziel sowohl von inländischen als auch von ausländischen Touristen. Durban 8211 Größte Stadt in KwaZulu-Natal. Drittgrößte in Südafrika und beliebte Küsten Urlaubsziel für Südafrikaner. Newcastle 8211 3. größte Stadt in KwaZulu-Natal. Einer der großen regionalen Städte in Südafrika und Hauptstadt des nördlichen KZN. Berühmt für Stahlproduktion, Kohlebergbau, Schwerindustrie und ist South Africas Textile Industry Capital. Johannesburg 8211 Das wirtschaftliche Herz Afrikas und der häufigste Einstieg in das südliche Afrika. Kimberley - Hauptstadt der Nordkap-Provinz. Berühmt für seine Diamanten und Big Hole. Polokwane 8211 Hauptstadt von Limpopo (früher bekannt als Pietersburg) und ein guter Ausgangspunkt für Besuche in den nördlichen Teilen des Krüger Nationalparks und Simbabwes. Port Elizabeth 8211 Küstenstadt im östlichen Kap mit Addo Elefanten-Nationalpark in der Nähe. Upington 8211 Diese Stadt liegt in der ariden Nordkap-Provinz und ist eine gute Ausgangsbasis, um die Kalahari-Wüste und die vielen Nationalparks im Nordkap zu erkunden. Andere Reiseziele Edit Nationalparks Edit Rhino auf einer privaten Reserve in Mpumalanga Südafrika ist ein Paradies für alle Interessenten in der Naturgeschichte. Eine breite Palette von Arten (einige potentiell gefährlich) können in Parks, Bauernhöfe, private Reserven und sogar auf den Straßen angetroffen werden. Der Krüger Nationalpark ist außergewöhnlich gut geführt und ein beliebtes Reiseziel. Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park im Herzen der Kalahari Wüste mit weiten Räumen und Horden von Spielen einschließlich der majestätischen Gemsbok. Dies ist der erste Park in Afrika, der die politischen Grenzen überschreitet. Es gibt auch eine große Anzahl von kleineren Parks, wie der Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park. Addo Elefanten-Nationalpark. Pilanesberg Nationalpark oder der iSimangaliso Wetland Park. Siehe Afrikanische Flora und Fauna und Südafrikanische Nationalparks für weitere Informationen. Es gibt Wanderwege in fast allen Parks und um geographische Orte von Interesse, Wandern in Südafrika enthält Informationen über diese. Die Wiege der Menschheit. 1. in der Nähe von Johannesburg ist ein Muss für alle Interessierten, wo es begonnen hat. Eine große Sammlung von Höhlen reich an hominiden und fortgeschrittenen Affen Fossilien. Robben Island kurz vor der Küste von Kapstadt, wo Nelson Mandela für viele Jahre eingesperrt wurde. Die Cape Floral Region im Western Cape iSimangaliso Wetland Park. 2 Mapungubwe Königreich, 3 in Limpopo Ukhahlamba Drakensberg Park. 4. für die Landschaft, die Artenvielfalt und die Felskunst. Vredefort Kuppel, Reste des größten und ältesten Meteoritenaufprallkraters. Holen Sie sich in Bearbeiten Aufgrund der aktuellen Ebola-Virus-Ausbruch wird der Eintrag für die Bürger von Guinea verweigert werden. Liberia. Und Sierra Leone. Staatsangehörige der Länder, die über Botswana ankamen. Äthiopien. Kenia. Mosambik. Namibia. Nigeria. Sambia. Und Simbabwe wird auch die Einreise verweigert werden. Sowie diejenigen, die vor kurzem besuchte die westafrikanischen Länder (außer Nigeria). Visum-Bearbeitung Bürger von Indien müssen für Touristenvisa gelten, aber das Visum wird kostenlos ausgestellt. Das gleiche gilt für Südafrikaner, die Indien besuchen. Dies ist wegen der Gegenseitigkeit, die Indien mit vielen Ländern wie Argentinien, Uruguay und der Mongolei teilt. Nicht erscheinen, ohne ein Visum, wenn Sie erforderlich sind, um eine haben. Visa können und werden nicht in Häfen der Einreise ausgestellt werden. Bei Bedarf können Sie Ihr Visum in Südafrika verlängern. Mit einer Verlängerung beträgt die Gesamtdauer der Aufenthaltsdauer 6 Monate. Weitere Informationen sowie Visaanträge finden Sie im Department of Home Affairs 27 12 810 8911. Das Department of Home Affairs ist notorisch ineffizient, so stellen Sie sicher, Visa und Visaerweiterungen so früh wie möglich zu beantragen. Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie eine leere Seite haben (zwei, wenn Sie ein Visum benötigen) und dass Ihr Reisepass für mindestens 30 Tage nach dem beabsichtigten Abreisedatum gültig ist oder Sie zurückgesandt werden. Die meisten internationalen Fluggesellschaften, Spezifische Fragen beim Check-in. Sie werden nicht zulassen, dass Sie einchecken oder an Bord Ihres Fluges, wenn Ihr Pass nicht erfüllt diese beiden strengen Anforderungen, weil sie aus schmerzhafter Erfahrung wissen, dass Sie summarly verweigert Eintritt werden. Darüber hinaus, wenn Sie nicht über eine Rückfahrkarte (wissen die Reservierungsnummer ist genug), müssen Sie eine Kaution zu zahlen. Seien Sie vorsichtig mit der Ankunft mit einem beschädigten Pass, da neue Sicherheitsmaßnahmen könnte Ihren Eintrag hochfahren. Mit dem Flugzeug Bearbeiten Siehe Flugreisen in Südafrika für detaillierte Informationen. Hinweis: Gepäckdiebstahl auf Flughäfen ist vor allem am OR Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg so vermeiden, setzen Wertgegenstände wie Schmuck und teure Geräte in Ihrem Hauptgepäck, wenn Sie können und legen Sie sie in Ihrem Handgepäck. Mit dem Auto Bearbeiten Sollten Sie aus einem der anderen Länder in Südafrika eingeben, können Sie dies mit dem Auto machen. Südafrika betreibt eine Reihe von Landgrenzen zwischen sich selbst und unmittelbar benachbarten Ländern. Die häufiger sind: Skilpadsnek. (Auf der N4, 54 km von Zeerust), 27 18 366 1469. 06: 00-22: 00. 160dit Maseru Brücke. (15 km von Ladybrand auf der N8 in Richtung Maseru), 27 51 924 4004. Geöffnet 24 Stunden. 160dit Ficksburg-Brücke. (Nur außerhalb von Ficksburg), 27 51 933 2760. Geöffnet 24 Stunden. 160dit Sani Pass. (Im Park KwaZulu-Natal Drakensberg), 27 51 430 3664. 08: 00-16: 00 Uhr. Lebombo. (Auf der N4 btwn Nelspruit und Maputo), 27 13 790 7203. 06: 00-22: 00. 160dit Kosi Bay. (R22 btwn Hluhluwe und Ponta do Ouro), 27 35 592 0251. 08: 00-16: 00. 160dit Nakop. (132km von Upington auf der N10 in Richtung Ariamsvlei), 27 054 571 0008. Geöffnet 24 Stunden. 160dit Vioolsdrift. (Auf der N7 N von Springbok), 27 27 761-8760. 24 Stunden geöffnet. 160dit Oshoek. (120km von Ermelo auf der N17 in Richtung Mbabane), 27 17 882 0138. 07: 00-12: 00. 160dit Beit Brücke. (Auf N1 etwa 16 km (10 mi) N von Messina), 27 15 530-0070. 24 Stunden geöffnet. 160dit Offene Zeiten werden oft während der südafrikanischen Feiertage verlängert. Für eine vollständige Liste der Einreisehäfen oder zusätzliche Informationen finden Sie im South African Border Information Service oder kontaktieren Sie sie auf 27 86 026 7337. Mit dem Boot Edit Die meisten der größeren Kreuzfahrt-Linien, wie Princess Cruises 5 bieten Kapstadt als eines ihrer Ziele , Aber Sie können auch versuchen, etwas anderes RMS St Helena. 44 20 7575 6480. 6. Dieses Passagier-Frachtschiff ist das letzte funktionierende Royal Mail Ship und hält in Kapstadt auf dem Weg nach St. Helena. 160edit Mit dem Flugzeug Editieren Edit href = Bearbeiten Südafrika hat eine gut etablierte Inlandsflugverkehrsinfrastruktur mit Verbindungen zwischen allen Hauptzentren. Es gibt zahlreiche lokale Fluggesellschaften, die Sie verwenden können, um um das Land zu erhalten. Vergleichen Sie die Preise und finden Sie ein gutes Angebot. Auf der Straße Edit Hail Taxis sind in der Regel nicht verfügbar in Südafrika und ein Meter Taxi müssen Sie zu einem öffentlichen Platz zu gehen oder vorab buchen einen privaten Taxi-Service über ein Call-Center, die in der Regel gibt den Preis für Ihre Reise. Vielleicht sind Sie mit Straßenschildern nicht vertraut. Toll roads have SOS phones at regular intervals All measurements use the metric system distances on road signs are in kilometres (1.6 km is about 1 mile) and fuel is sold by the litre (3.8 litres1 US gallon). To acquire a car in South Africa, there are basically three options: you can hire a car (car rental in North American English), buy one or use the so-called buy-back option. Hiring a car is fairly easy and bookings can be made online and in all major cities, although you can get better rates by calling some of the smaller operators. Buying a car takes a bit more work ( Roadworthy license, registering the car, insurance ), but there is a lively used car market in South Africa. The third option is a combination of both, as you buy a car with a guarantee that the rental company will buy-back your car at the end of the contract. Most cars in South Africa have manual transmissions and the selection of second-hand automatics may be limited and definitely pricier than a manual. Gear shift is operated using the left hand while the foot pedals are, from left to right: clutch, brake, accelerator. Renting a car in South Africa can range anywhere from USD15 per day and upwards of USD200 per day depending on the car group, location and availability. The major rental agencies are Avis, Bidvest, Budget Car Hire, Europcar, Hertz, Tempest Car Hire, Thrifty, Dollar and Long Term Car Rental. The car rental agencies maintain branches around South Africa including smaller towns and game reserves and national parks and perhaps most popularly found at airport terminals. Most rental fleets in South Africa largely have manual transmissions and vehicles with automatic transmission are limited and tend to be much more expensive. Renting a vehicle with complete loss damage waiver (as is available in the United States) is expensive and hard to find most agencies will provide only reduced waiver ceilings or waivers for certain types of damage such as to the glass and tires. If you plan to drive on dirt roads in South Africa, check with the rental agency about (1) whether that is authorized for the vehicle you intend to rent and (2) do your own research into whether the vehicle(s) offered are adequate for expected driving conditions. If however you dont have a driving licence or are uncomfortable with driving yourself around then you can hire a pre-booked taxi service or a chauffeur driver from the various service providers in this industry. Rules of the road Edit Road traffic in South Africa (and its neighbouring countries) drives on the left. South African vehicles are right hand drive, but the levers on the steering column are not reversed (as is sometimes the case in Australia and New Zealand). Just like with most U. S. and UK vehicles, Americans, Canadians, and visitors from the majority of countries that drive on the right can almost always safely assume that the left lever is the indicator lever (headlights and turn signals) and the right lever controls windscreen wipers. However, many other controls will be necessarily reversed and must be operated with the opposite hand, especially the gearshift and console controls (such as radio). Make sure you familiarize yourself with and understand South African road signs. South Africa previously used an unusual system of road signs which combined American typefaces with English and German design elements. This was problematic as American typefaces were not designed to accommodate the long place names typical of Afrikaans. The result was that place names were often abbreviated or hyphenated and broken across two lines to fit them on signs. Since 1994, South Africa has been implementing a system of road signs almost identical to Germanys system, with suitable modifications for local conditions (German, like Afrikaans, also has long place names). However, older signs may still be in use. A special kind of intersection very commonly found in both city and highway driving is the roundabout (referred to by locals as a four way stop when talking with foreigners who have roundabouts that follow different traffic habits) where the car that stops first has right of way. Outside of the country the rule may be the car on the left or right may have the right-of-way, but in South Africa, which car gets to proceeds first is based upon timing -- not spatial arrangement. Sections of the nations major roadways, such as the N1, are two-lane at times. With some vehicles having a max speed of 80 kmh, some drivers may display signs of aggressive behavior and attempt to pass even when it may be prohibited during that section. Thus it is always good to remain alert, especially when driving at high speeds. Yellow lane driving is common, whereas a vehicle in front may use the shoulder to let a speedier vehicle pass. Once passed, it is customary in South Africa to turn ones hazard lights on for a few seconds to thank the passed vehicle, while that driver will reciprocate with a quick flashing of their headlights. Some vehicles, such as fuel trucks, are prohibited from yellow line driving and will be designated with a sign on the rear of the vehicle. Yellow line driving is not always practiced by drivers, so if wanting to pass, a speedier driver may need to wait until multiple lanes are available or a dotted line (passing zone) is legal. Slower moving vehicles may have a speed limit posted on the tail of the vehicle, designated with a yellow circle and number in the middle. For example, trucks may notify fellow drivers they are prohibited from driving over 80 kmh, or a commuter van may have a self-imposed limit of 100 kmh. Left (or right) turns on red at traffic lights are illegal. You will, however, find traffic lights and four way stops that have an accompanying yield sign explicitly permitting a left turn. The wearing of seat belts is compulsory . The front seat occupants of a car are required to wear seat belts while travelling, and for your own safety, it is recommended that those in the rear seats do so as well. If you are caught without that, you will be subjected to a fine. The use of hand-held cell (mobile) phones whilst in control of a vehicle is illegal . If you need to speak on your cell phone, use either a vehicle phone attachment or a hands-free kit. Or even better (and safer), pull off the road and stop. NOTE: only pull off the road at safe places, such as a rest area (denoted with a sign with a tree on it) with picnic tables or a petrol station. Pulling over and stopping along roads can be dangerous. The majority of petrol stations are open 247. Safety Edit South Africa has a high rate of traffic accidents. It regularly ranks somewhere between 8 to 11 among the countries with the highest per-capita traffic-related death rates in the world (31.9 killed per 100,000 per year as of 2011). You should at all times exercise extreme caution when driving, especially at night in urban areas. Watch out for unsafe drivers (minibus taxis), poor lighting, cyclists (many of whom seem not to know about the drive on the left rule) and pedestrians (who are the cause of many accidents, especially at night). South Africans pedestrians in general tend to be rather aggressive, like pedestrians from some Southern European countries, and you must be alert for pedestrians who will step into traffic and expect you to stop or swerve for them. You will also encounter a very large number of people walking along the freeways or running across them simply because that is the fastest route on foot to where they want to go and they cannot afford a car, taxi, or minibus to take them there. Look out for South Africas notorious taxi and minibus drivers, who will sometimes even stop on freeways to pick up or drop off fares. When driving outside of the major cities, you will often encounter animals, wild and domestic, in or near the roadway. The locals tend to herd their cattle and goats near the road. If you see an animal on or by the road, slow down, as they are unpredictable. Do not stop to feed wild animals Should you find yourself waiting at a red traffic light late at night in an area where you do not feel safe, you could (illegally) cross over the red light after first carefully checking that there is no other traffic. If you receive a fine due to a camera on the traffic light, you can sometimes have it waived by writing a letter to the traffic department or court explaining that you crossed safely and on purpose, due to security reasons. The fact remains that, for whatever reason, you have broken the law. Do not make a habit of this. When stopped at a traffic light at night, always leave enough room between your car and the car in front of you so you can get around them. It is a common hijacking maneuver to box your car in. This is especially prevalent in the suburbs of Johannesburg. So far as possible, and especially when driving in urban areas, try not to have any belongings visible inside the car - keep them out of sight in the glove boxes or in the boot (trunk). The same applies, but even more so, when parking your car. It is also considered safe practice to drive in urban areas with the car windows closed and the doors locked. These simple precautions will make things less attractive for potential thieves and criminals. As you would do in any other country, always be alert when driving. The safest way is to drive defensively and assume that the other driver is about to do something stupid dangerous illegal. Road system Edit Speed limits are usually clearly indicated. Generally, speed limits on highways are 120kmh, those on major roads outside built-up areas are 100kmh, those on major roads within built-up areas are 80kmh and those on normal citytown roads are 60kmh. But beware - in some areas, the posted speed limits may change suddenly and unexpectedly. The roads within South Africa, connecting most major cities, and between its immediate neighbours are very good. There are many national and regional roads connecting the cities and larger centres, including the N1 running from Cape Town through Johannesburg and Pretoria up to Harare, Zimbabwe, the N2 running from Cape Town to Durban, which passes through the world-famous Garden Route near Knysna. and the N3 between Durban and Johannesburg. Some portions of the national roads are limited access, dual carriage freeways ( the N3 between Johannesburg and Durban is freeway almost all the way ) and some sections are also toll roads with emergency assist telephones every couple of kilometres. Toll roads generally have two or more lanes in each direction. The large fuel companies have rest stops every 200-300km along these highways where you can fill up, eat at a restaurant, buy takeaways, do some shopping or just stretch your legs. Restrooms at these facilities are well maintained and clean. Most (but not all) of these rest stops also have ATMs. Some of the main roads have only one lane in each direction, especially where they are far from urban centres. When driving on such a road, it is common that a truck or other slow-moving vehicle will politely move onto the hard shoulder (often marked by a yellow line) to let you pass. Once you have passed it is customary to flash your hazard lights once or twice. This is considered a thank you and you will very likely receive a my pleasure response in the the form of the slow vehicle flashing its headlights once. Bear in mind that it is both illegal and dangerous to drive on the hard shoulder - although many people do. In many rural areas, you will find unpaved dirt roads. Most of these are perfectly suitable for a normal car, although a reduced speed might often be advisable. Extra caution is required when driving on these roads, especially when encountering other traffic - windscreens and lights broken by flying stones are not uncommon. Whilst it is not compulsory, more and more drivers are adopting the practice of driving with their headlights on at all times. This greatly increases their visibility to other road users. The N1 between Gauteng and Cape Town and the N3 between Gauteng and KwaZulu Natal can become very busy at the start and end of Gauteng school holidays, due to many people from Gauteng spending their holidays at the coast. If you are planning on using these two highways, it is wise to try and avoid the two days after schools break up and the two days before they open again. School holiday calendars for South Africa can be found here. 8 The N3 normally has a Highway Customer Care line during busy periods, 0800 203 950, it can be used to request assistance for breakdowns, accidents or general route information. Current toll fees, road and traffic condition can also be found on the N3 website 9. Fuel stations Edit Fuel As of March 2010, fuel can now be bought on a normal credit card most garages have ATMs on the premises. Visa Electron and other debit cards are accepted at most fuel stations. Fuel stations are full service with lead free petrol, lead replacement petrol and diesel available. Pump attendants will offer to wash your windscreen and check oil and water in addition to just filling up the car. It is usual to tip the attendant approximately R5 - if you dont have change filling up R195, for example, and let the attendant keep the change, it is a courteous idea. Most fuel stations are open 24 hours a day. Major chains include international chains Shell, Total, and Caltex (the last one is part of US oil giant Chevron), as well as domestic chains Engen and Sasol. Historically, South African fuel stations were cash only, which was and still is indicated by many guidebooks. However, after a period in which fuel stations accepted only their own proprietary credit cards, in 2009, the government authorized them to begin accepting major credit cards like Visa and MasterCard. As of 2013, only the most remote or rural fuel stations are still cash only. If a fuel station is in a reasonably sized town (at least a few thousand people), you can safely assume that it will accept major credit cards. Thus, you do not need to carry large amounts of cash to pay for fuel, unless you are absolutely certain you will need to purchase fuel in a very remote area that does not yet support credit cards. The law Edit Law enforcement (speed and other violations) is usually done by portable or stationary, radar or laser cameras. Unlike other countries like Australia, South Africa does not post signs expressly warning you that you are approaching a speed camera. In fact, many speed cameras in South Africa are classic speed traps: positioned just around curves or crests or behind columns so that you will not see them until it is too late to brake. In major cities, one clue that you are approaching a known speed camera is when traffic in all lanes on an otherwise busy freeway suddenly slows to the speed limit. On less busy freeways and highways, there may not be enough traffic from which that pattern can be discerned until it is too late. Local police forces, especially in rural areas, direct a lot of their efforts in to fining motorists (so to raise revenue rather than to improve road safety). If you see an oncoming car flashing his headlights at you then he or she is probably warning you of an upcoming speed camera he has just passed. Non camera portable radar and laser systems are also used and you may be pulled over for speeding (or other violations) and given a written fine. Fines can be sent to the registered address of the vehicle you are driving, but paying on-the-spot fines is also common, usually the policeman will hold your license whilst you go to the local police station to pay the fine, you get a receipt, and drive back to where you were stopped hand the receipt over to to the policeman get your license back - this can take a good hour or more, which can be more of an annoyance than the R400 fine. In general, the police are pretty honest, but they do respond to politeness and deference to their authority. Sometimes when a traffic police officer stops you, they will ask for some ludicrous piece of paperwork which a tourist would neither need nor have on them (a letter from some government ministry, the cars roadworthiness certificate, etc.) and warn that you will be in a lot of trouble if you dont have it. This is not true. The only paperwork a South African registered car is required to carry is a round licence disc in the front left of the windscreen. You need to produce only your valid drivers licence and passport. Be firm, stay cool and friendly and be patient. In general, the police want an easy life and cant be bothered to argue for ages if they think you arent going to offer a tip. South Africa currently does not have a merits system and does not share traffic violation information with other nations. Licence requirements Edit If your drivers licence is in any of South Africas 11 official languages ( e. g. English ) and it contains a photo and your signature integrated into the licence document, then it is legally acceptable as a valid drivers licence in South Africa. However, some car rental and insurance companies may still insist that you provide an International Drivers Permit. It is generally best practice to acquire an International Drivers Permit in your country of origin, prior to starting your journey, regardless of whether your licence is legally acceptable or not. Note that police may ask for a bribe (between R200 to R600) if you produce a foreign drivers licence (see also Stay safe section). Dont pay it, ask for their name and ID number and report them. National Roads Agency . 10. has latest toll tariffs and road condition reports. South African Automobile Association . ph: 27 083 843 22, 11 Motorhomes Edit With the abundance of caravan parks available in South Africa, motor homes are becoming ever more popular with international visitors. It gives you the freedom to move around as well as a place to stay wherever you are. A number of companies offer motor home rentals Helderberg Camper Hire. 27 021 855-3818 (reservationshelderbergcamperhire. co. za. fax. 27 021 855-1184 ), 12. Based in Cape Town with branches nationwide Prices depend on camper size and which options are selected. Definitely the cheapest of them all. 160edit Bobo Campers. 27 011 395-4621 (infobobocampers. fax. 27 011 973-4555 ), 13. Branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Windhoek. Namibia From R900 to R1500 per day depending on camper size. 160edit Kea Campers. 27 011 230-5200 ( 49 211 2297 5440 (European contact number). reservationssakeacampers. co. za ), 14. Branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Windhoek, Namibia 160edit Auto International. 27 011 883 2787 (reservationsautointernational. co. za. fax. 27 086 657 7161 ), 15. 160edit Maui. 173 Tulbagh Rd, Pomona, Kempton Park, Johannesburg. 27 011 396-1445 (mauiiafrica. fax. 27 011 396-1757 ), 16. 160edit Offroad vehicles Edit Should you want to wander off the beaten path, a 4x4 or other high clearance vehicle might be required. Often it is possible to have camping gear included with the vehicle rental allowing you to combine your transport and accommodation requirements in one. Bushlore. Unit A5, Sanlam Industrial Park, Masjien Road, Randburg, Johannesburg. 27 011 792-5300 (infobushlore. fax. 27 011 792-3947 ), 17. Branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Kasane, Victoria Falls and Windhoek. 160edit Bush Trackers. 27 011 465-5700 (bushtrackersiafrica. fax. 27 011 465-5700 ), 18. 160edit Kea Campers. 27 011 230-5200 ( 49 211 2297 5440 (European contact number). reservationssakeacampers. co. za ), 19. Branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Windhoek, Namibia 160edit Around About Cars. 27 021 422 4022 (infoaroundaboutcars. fax. 27 021 422 4083 ), 20. 160edit CABS Car hire. 27 021 386 5500 (infocabs. co. za. fax. 27 021 385 1110 ), 21. 160edit Exeque Car Rental. 27 010 235 0898. 22. Long Term Car Rental lat long emailinfoexequecarrental. co. za fax27 086 720 1311gtCheap Cash Car Rental and long term car rental (Cheapest Rates) 160edit By bus Edit There are scheduled bus services between Cape Town, Johannesburg, Durban and other cities (with stops in between), as well as connections to neighbouring countries. The main bus companies are: Booking for the above can also be done via Computicket 27. Smaller services include City Bug 28 and Lowveld Link 29. An alternative is the Baz Bus 30. It offers a regular hop-on-hop-off service on some of the most interesting routes for the tourist (Cape Town to Durban via the Garden RouteDurban to Johannesburg via the Drakensberg). Baz Bus picks you up and drops you off at many hostels along the route, so you dont have to hang around at a downtown bus stop at night. If youre really in a pinch, you can use minibus taxis . They are poorly maintained and rarely comply with safety standards. They also require patience as they make many detours and changeovers at the taxi rank (hub) where the driver will wait for passengers to fill up the bus. But they cover many routes not covered by the main bus service and are quite cheap (25 cents per kilometre per person on the main routes). Warning: Many buses are removed from service by the police, due to lack of legal road-worthiness. Seek up-to-date advice on which companies are more reputable. Occasionally, the driving can be rather wild, and if youre prone to motion sickness, be prepared. By train Edit Passenger Trains in South Africa The Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa (PRASA) 31 is the national rail operator. There are budget passenger services between major South African cities. Shosholoza Meyl has three classes. Including tourist class, economy class(known as Shosholoza Meyl 32 ) as well as Premier Classe33 between Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban. The gautrain that operates in the Gauteng province is a modern day high speed train. This can be very efficient from OR tambo air port in Johannesburg. Central Reservations (for both Shosholoza Meyl and Premier Classe) can be contacted as follows160: To book tickets, phone Central Reservations on one of the numbers given above and make your booking. You can pick up and pay for the tickets later at any train station. There are also commuter trains in larger cities (Johannesburg, Pretoria, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth and East London )160 these are run by MetroRail 34. Most services are perfectly safe, but certain routes are overcrowded and not always safe. Mid-range Edit Bushveld Train Safaris. 27 014 736-3025 (infoboon. co. za ), 35. Offers rail Safaris across South Africa 160edit Shongololo Express. 27 011 781-4616 (infoshongololo ), 36. Rail Safaris across South Africa 160edit Splurge Edit Blue Train. 27 012 334-8459 ( Cape Town 27 021 449 2672, UK 44 1403 24 3619, central Europe 44 2089 245126, U. S. 1 305 864 4569. BlueTrainSpoornet. co. za ), 37. This world famous luxury train operates between Pretoria and Cape Town, with a stopover in Kimberley. They advertise as a five-star hotel on wheels and charge accordingly: 2009 prices start from R9,215 one-way per person (low-season Deluxe twin-sharing) and climb to a whopping R18,405 (high-season Luxury single). The trip takes 27 hours, and your fares includes a private suite with attached bathroom as well as all meals and drinks (except champagne and caviar). 160edit Rovos Rail. 27 012 315-8242. 38. Offers luxury rail travel throughout Southern Africa. Destinations include Cape Town, Pretoria, Durban, George. Swakopmund in Namibia, Vic Falls in Zimbabwe and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. 160edit By thumb Edit Hitchhiking in South Africa is not so hard, but most people will think you are catching a ride with the local taxis and thus expect you to pay. You may want to tell them you are looking for a free ride before climbing aboard. The main issue is crime . some drivers may hijack you and your belongings. Hitchhiking is generally frowned upon and considered unsafe. Drivers are also wary of potentially criminal hitchhikers. Never hitchhike at night. By bicycle Edit Cycling can be a good way to experience the country, as you really get to admire the views and get the opportunity to mingle with the locals. While it could be considered unsafe to cycle through the cities, because of crime and reckless drivers, there are many farmdirt roads throughout South Africa. Locals and Farmers are generally willing to provide you with food and a place to sleep, as long as you are willing to talk. The Freedom Trail. 27 845674152 (infofreedomchallenge. org. za ), 39. The Freedom Trail 160edit Heritage Tours Private Travel . U. S. based company focusing on private travel experiences in Southern Africa, including luxury accommodations, transportation, expert guides, safari and more. Contact us at 800-378-4555 or HTprivatetravel GoTravel24. 27 011 925 0225. 40. great package holidays geared to your requirements - book and pay online Destinations include Cape Town, Johannesburg, Kruger Park. Winelands. Garden Route, Victoria Falls and Mauritius. 160edit South Africa has 11 official languages, namely Afrikaans. Southern Ndebele. Xhosa. Zulu. Swazi. Northern Sotho (Sepedi). Southern Sotho (Sesotho). Tswana. Tsonga. Venda and English. Most people other than rural black Africans speak English as a second language. Only about 8 of the population speak English as a first language, almost exclusively in the white population which is ironically declining as a first language, while it is already a lingua franca among South Africans, and about 60 of the population can understand English. South African English is heavily influenced by Afrikaans. Afrikaans is also widely spoken, especially by the majority of the white and coloured population. Often Afrikaans is incorrectly called afrikan or african by foreigners. Note this is very incorrect as African for a South African corresponds with the native-African languages: Zulu. Xhosa. Pedi etc. (and, of course, there are thousands of languages in Africa so no single language can be called African) Afrikaans has roots in 17th century Dutch dialects, so it can be understood by Dutch speakers and sometimes deciphered by German speakers. Other widely spoken languages are Zulu (mainly in KwaZulu-Natal - South Africas largest single linguistic group) and Xhosa (mainly in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape ), as well as Sotho and Venda. This changes, according to the region you are in. A few words you may encounter are: eish - as in, eish, its hot today, eish, thats expensive or eish, thats too far to drive lekker - nice, enjoyable howzit - how is it (generally a rhetorical question) yebo - yes boet . bru . china or ou - brother or man (equivalent to dude or bro ) koppie - a small hill (can also mean a cup) Madiba - Nelson Mandela Molo - Hello (in Xhosa) robot - traffic light tannie - (auntie) respectful term for an older woman oom - (uncle) respectful term for an older man tinkle - phone call just now - sometime soon (from Afrikaans net-nou) now now - sooner than just now (from Afrikaans nou-nou, pronounced no-no) braai - barbecue. cheers - we use this for saying good-bye, as well as saying thank you and for the occasional toast. heita - hello sharp - (usually pronounced quickly) OK or good sure-sure more pronounced like sho-sho - Correct, Agreement, Thank you ayoba - something cool zebra crossing - a crosswalk. named for the white amp black stripes that are generally painted on crosswalks. Spelling Edit In general, English spelling follows British rules rather than American litre rather than liter . centre rather than center . etc. Wild animals in their natural habitat Edit Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga and Limpopo and the private reserves bordering. The annual Sardine run off the Wild coast and KZN south coast Great White Sharks of False Bay and Gansbaai Addo Elephant National Park in the Eastern Cape Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park between South Africa and Botswana iSimangaliso Wetland Park (World Heritage Site) and Sodwana Bay in northern KwaZulu-Natal The Whale Route in Hermanus Zilkaatsnek Nature Reserve in Hartbeespoort Areas of natural beauty and botanical interest Edit Cultural heritage Edit Other Edit Dive . see Diving in South Africa for details. River Rafting: The Orange River on the border to Namibia is a popular destination for rafting tours. Several tour operators launch 4-6 day trips in blow-up boats from Vioolsdrif with camping under the stars. Money Edit South African notes and coins The currency of South Africa is the Rand for which the symbol, R . is conventionally placed immediately before the amount. On Forex display boards, the three letter code is usually ZAR . The Rand is divided into 100 cents (c). Notes are in denominations of R200, R100, R50, R20 and R10. Higher value notes are slightly larger in physical size than small value notes. All notes have a metallic security strip and a watermark. Note that there are two types of R5 coins in circulation. One is a silver-coloured coin while the other is silver-coloured with a copper insert. Both are legal currency. Coins are in denominations of R5, R2, R1, 50c, 20c, 10c and 5c. Production of 2c and 1c coins was suspended in April 2002, but those still in circulation remain legal tender. All transactions are rounded down to the nearest lower 5c, so as not to require the use of 2c and 1c coins. Conversion rates vary wildly depending on politics. Its best to import or carry US, or GB, as conversion between any of them and the Rand can be done at any bank without trouble. South Africa is part of the Southern African Common Monetary Area and the Rand can be used in Namibia ( where it is an official currency along with the Namibian Dollar ) as well as Lesotho, Swaziland. Mozambique and the southern half of Zimbabwe ( where it is widely accepted, but not an official currency ) Travellers Cheques are a safe way of carrying money around. You can exchange them at all banks (which are found throughout the country even in rural areas) and you will get a refund if they are stolen. The disadvantage is that you cannot pay with them and you will need change when exchanging them into Rand. Use ATMs instead if possible. Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) . linked to all major international networks, are available throughout the country and will generally dispense money in a mixture of denominations between R200 and and R10, with about 80 of the value requested being high value notes and the rest in smaller denominations. You can use any Cirrus or Maestro card as well as all major credit and debit cards at the ATMs. South African bank ATMs do not charge any fees above those levied by your own financial institution. It is best to use only ATMs that are inside a mall or other building. Always be careful to make sure no one is watching you enter your PIN, and be vigilant about scams (e. g. machines that seem to eat your card and wont give it back after you enter the PIN). Do not accept help from strangers when withdrawing money at an ATM. If you are approached and offered unwanted help, rather cancel the transaction immediately and go to a different ATM. The till points at some major retail stores ( such as Pick n Pay ) also act as ATMs simply tell the checkout clerk that you would like to withdraw money. VISA and MasterCard are accepted almost everywhere. American Express and Diners Club are also accepted, but not as widely. Most retail stores accept credit cards and pin based debit cards as payment. While South Africa largely uses a chip-and-PIN credit card system like Europe, most stores can still operate on the traditional credit card system in which the user merely signs the receipt after the transaction is approved. Thus credit card users from countries also still on that system (like the United States) will have no problem using their credit cards in South Africa, provided that they have notified their bank in advance of their travel plans. VAT (Value Added Tax) is levied at 14 on almost all products in South Africa. By law, advertised prices should be inclusive of VAT except when explicitly stated otherwise. Foreign passport holders may claim back the VAT on products that were bought in South Africa and are being taken out of the country, provided that the total value of the goods exceeds R250. Full details of the procedure to follow are available from the Department of Foreign Affairs and their new TAX Refund for tourists website. VAT Refund Administrators offices are available at both Johannesburg (O. R. Tambo) and Cape Town International Airports. Refunds will be credited to a Travelex Visa card that you will be given, denominated in US dollars or Euro, the fees in conversion associated with this card can leave you with up to 10 less than you thought you were getting. The cards can only be used outside of South Africa. Costs Edit Petrol and diesel Edit Liquid fuel prices in South Africa are regulated and are fixed by region monthly. In general petrol is cheaper near the ports (Durban, Cape Town, Port Elizabeth). In January 2014 a litre of petrol cost around R13.50. See the current prices 41. Toll roads Edit Toll roads are becoming increasingly popular. Most tolls are under R30 and are spaced at about every 100km. The most expensive toll gate in South Africa is the Swartruggens toll plaza on the N4 between Swartruggens and Zeerust. cost is R75 for a normal car. In total, road tolls between Pretoria and Nelspruit or between Johannesburg and Cape Town will cost you just under R100. Sometimes there will be signposted alternative routes to avoid the toll road - generally these are slower back roads. Traveling on highways around central Gauteng will also incur charges from the E-Tag system implemented late in 2013, although payment is rarely enforced. South Africa is famous for delicious, high-quality food at relatively low prices. You can buy three McDonalds burgers ( a hamburger, cheese burger or chicken burger ) for around R20 each A sit down lunch in an average establishment will cost you between R50 and R100 per person. A decent 30cm pizza will cost you between R50 and R80 Pricing Edit Prices in shops are fixed, but prices in open markets or from street vendors are open to barter. South Africa is not a place to find bargains for most goods. For example, most ordinary consumer goods, electronics, and appliances are all manufactured in China nowadays, while most luxury goods are manufactured in Europe. This means the prices in South Africa will have the cost of transporting them there built-in. However, South Africa is a superior destination for buying African art, curios, and souvenirs which are far more difficult to obtain outside of Africa. Retail Edit Major supermarket chains include Checkers, Pick n Pay, Shoprite, Spar, and Woolworths Food. Major department store chains include Stuttafords, Woolworths, Edgars, and Truworths. At first glance, South African supermarkets and department stores look like their counterparts elsewhere, but a close examination soon reveals major differences. Both supermarkets and department stores tend to feature primarily South African, African, or European brands, as well as a small number of American and Asian brands. Thus, tourists from the Americas will have the greatest cultural shock. Apart from a few familiar brands of soft drinks, candy, electronics, batteries, cosmetics, accessories, magazines, and personal healthcare products, everything else is completely different. Americans in particular will notice that many items taken for granted in the United States simply have no equivalent on South African shelves, such as lactose-free milk for the lactose intolerant. While South African supermarkets are able to operate at the same level as their contemporary First World counterparts in terms of store dcor and organization, South African department stores are lagging behind. This is especially evident in details like mannequins, some of which may look obsolete or old-fashioned to First World tourists. South African malls tend to feature primarily local boutiques and local chains, with some European, Asian, and American boutiques at the most prestigious malls (VampA Waterfront and Sandton City). Since Amazon has not yet entered the South African market, South Africas domestic book retailers are still thriving. They havent yet experienced the collapse of the book retail industry that occurred in the United States and elsewhere. Thus, South African malls still feature bookstores like Exclusive Books, where one can find postcards, South African calendars, and South African literature. Tipping Edit Tipping is the norm in restaurants and at gas stations (which are all full-service). Indeed, most of these businesses pay their staff the legal minimum-wage, relying on customer-tips to bring staff incomes up to liveable levels. Tips of around 10 of the bill are considered the norm. South African cuisine is just as diverse as its cultures, with influences from British. Dutch. German. Indian. Malay. Portuguese and of course the native African influences. Braaivleis . meat roasted over an open wood or charcoal fire, is very popular and generally done at weekend social events. The act of roasting the meat as well as the social event is referred to as a braai . Pap . a porridge made with corn meal. Slappap (runny porridge), is smooth and often eaten as a breakfast porridge, Stywepap (stiff porridge) has a doughy and more lumpy consistency and is often used as a replacement for rice or other starches. Krummel pap also called umphokoqo (crumby porridge) is drier, resembles couscous and is often served at a braai covered in a saucy tomato relish. Potjiekos . a meat and vegetable stew made in a cast iron pot over an open fire. A favorite at braais . Boerewors . a spicy sausage. Boerewors Rolls are hotdog buns with boerewors rather than hotdogs, traditionally garnished with an onion and tomato relish. Biltong and Drowors . seasoned meat or sausage that has been dried. Beef, game and ostrich meat is often used. A favourite at sports events and while travelling. Bunny chows . half a loaf of bread with the inside replaced by lamb or beef curry is a dish not to be missed when traveling to KwaZulu Natal . Bobotie . meatloaf with a Cape Malay influence, seasoned with curry and spices, topped with a savoury custard. Morogo . a wild spinach on its own or with potato. Sometimes served with pap . Waterblommetjiebredie . mutton and indigenous water lily stew. Masonja . for the culinary adventurer, fried Mopanie worms. Melktert . milk tart, a milk-based dessert. Koeksisters . a deep-fried sticky dessert. Fast food Edit You will find the usual array of international fast food outlets. McDonalds . KFC . Subway . Wimpy . and Cinnabon are well represented throughout the country. McDonalds archrival Burger King recently entered the South African market. Local franchises worth mentioning are Black Steer and Steers for the best burgers and Nandos 42 for peri-peri chicken. Pizza delivery is available in most urban areas the dominant national chain is Debonairs . Drink Edit Municipal tap water is usually safe to drink. In some area such as Hartebeespoort Dam, it is advisable to boil your water before drinking. Milk is widely available at most supermarkets, but bottled orange juice not-from-concentrate is much harder to find than in North America. Most South African retailers carry only orange juice reconstituted from concentrate or orange juice blended with other juices or milk. Soft drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are widely available. Consider trying popular domestic soft drinks like Appletiser (carbonated apple juice), as well as the unique Creme Soda and Iron Brew produced by Sparletta. The legal age to purchase and drink alcohol in South Africa is 18. Almost all restaurants are licensed to serve liquor. If offered Witblits or Mampoer those are locally distilled under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture, and allocated a manufacturers license. They are safe and enjoyable to consume and does not resemble the names for moonshine or firewater . The alcohol content is controlled by the Department, so is the quality. Local beer production is dominated by SABMiller 43 with Castle, Hansa, Black Label and Castle Milk Stout being most popular brands. There are also Micro Breweries all over South Africa. Imported beers such as Stella Artois and Grolsch are also widely available. The Namibian Windhoek brand beers are also popular and generally available. Prices can vary widely depending on the establishment. Expect to pay anything from R7 to R18 for a beer. South Africa has a well established wine industry with most of the wine produced concentrated in the Cape Winelands in the Western Cape and along the Orange River in the Northern Cape. Wine is plentiful throughout the country and very inexpensive. Liquors Edit Amarula Cream 44 is made from the marula fruit. The marula fruit is a favorite treat for African elephants, baboons and monkeys and in the liqueur form definitely not something to be passed over by humans. Pour over crushed ice and enjoy. The taste, color and texture is very similar to the world famous Baileys Irish Cream. Cape Velvet is a favorite in and around Cape Town. Tea and Coffee Edit The local Rooibos tea, made from a herb from the Cederberg Mountains is a favorite for many South Africans. You will find coffee shops in most shopping malls, such as MuggampBean 45 and House of Coffees 46. Coffee shops similar in concept to Starbucks, like Seattle Coffee Company and Vida e Caffe 47 (Portuguese themed), are becoming commonplace. Sleep Edit Establishments in South Africa can have themselves graded by the Tourism Grading Council of South Africa 48 on a 5 star basis. Many establishments make use of this service and you will see the star grading displayed on most advertising material. 1 star - Clean, comfortable and functional. 2 star - Good: Quality furnishings, service and guest care. 3 star - Very good: Better furnishings, service and guest care. 4 star - Superior: Excellent comfort and very high standard furnishings, service and guest care. 5 star - Exceptional: Top of the line quality and luxurious accommodation to match the best international standards. Flawless service and guest care. Hotels Edit South Africa offers a wide range of international and domestic hotel chains. International hotel chains Accor, Best Western, Hilton, Hyatt, IHG, Marriott, and Starwood all operate hotels in South Africa. Older hotels tend to resemble traditional European or Asian hotels in that everything (rooms, bathrooms, lobbies, parking) is small and cramped. Hotels built after the end of apartheid (and the end of international trade sanctions) tend to be larger and have larger rooms resembling those in North American hotels. Most hotels have a parking lot which is gated and guarded 24 hours. However, they dont use a keycard or ticket system as in North America. Rather, if you are well-dressed and appear respectable, the guard on duty will often take your word that you are a guest (and if your appearance does arouse suspicion, showing your room keycard or your reservation should be sufficient). Africa-specific hotel chains include: Tsogo Sun. 27 11 461 9744. 49. South Africas largest hotel group, with a large portfolio of hotel brands like Southern Sun, StayEasy, Garden Court, and Sun1. Also operates InterContinental hotels in South Africa. 160edit City Lodge. 27 011 557-2600 (infocitylodge. co. za ), 50. From around R400 sharing. 160edit Protea Hotels. 27 021 430-5000 (infoproteahotels ), 51. Another large South African hotel group. Acquired by U. S. hotel giant Marriott in November 2013. From R200 per person sharing. 160edit Game reserves Edit Most international tourists coming to South Africa on vacation are there because they want to go on safari but its their first time in Africa and they find Kenya or Tanzania dangerous. Apart from the national parks, there are many private game reserves which stock the Big Five game (lion, rhino, buffalo, leopard and elephant) as well as most other wildlife native to Southern Africa. Generally, your first choice in going on safari is (1) game reserve or (2) national park. The problem with national parks is that you cant really go off-road very much, any animal near a road will rapidly draw a crowd, and many of the hospitality options are rather basic. On the one hand, national parks are big, game reserves tend to be a bit small, and many game reserves are on reclaimed farmland (and often show evidence of civilization) while some national parks (like Kruger) have always been relatively wild. On the other hand, game reserves are less crowded than national parks (in that only overnight guests are allowed to come in), they are staffed by professional guides or trackers who can find wildlife a lot faster than you (especially since they share sightings over a local radio network), and certain game reserves still allow guides to go off-road in order to follow up on a sighting. That kind of flexibility can often mean the difference between getting only a tiny glimpse of a Big Five animal fleeing into the bush, versus a memorable up close and personal encounter that will make for amazing photos and stories to share when you get back home. If you decide you want a game reserve, the next choice is which reserve. The reserves in eastern Limpopo and northern Mpumalanga near Kruger National Park are universally agreed to offer the finest scenery and wildlife. Unfortunately, like Kruger itself, they sit northeast of the malaria line, meaning that you will have to take malaria prophylaxis (which requires intensive medical monitoring and can be dangerous in itself for a small minority of people). The unique contours of the high-altitude South African highveld create an oddly-shaped hump where the malaria line curves north around Limpopo and North West Provinces. Thus, there are several reserves in those provinces with terrain almost like Kruger, but are proudly malaria-free. Finally, there are many other excellent game reserves well south of the malaria line, but most of them (especially in the Western and Eastern Cape) tend to feature less dramatic fynbos flora, rather than the classic veld experience (with a savanna horizon punctuated with marula and acacia trees) which most people think of when they imagine going on safari. Most reserves are host to multiple lodges. You must determine which lodge matches your budget and needs---that is, what you want out of your African vacation and how much you can afford. Nearly all lodges now have a Web site. Researching and choosing a lodge can be enjoyable, but is rather time-consuming if you are short for time, consider using a travel agent. Next, you (or your agent) books directly with the lodge, which arranges for your access to the reserve. All lodges typically include twice-daily game drives (dawn and dusk) in an open-air safari vehicle driven by a professional game guidetracker. Beyond that, lodges vary from a basic tented camp with outdoor showers and self-catering (where you must bring and cook your own food) all the way to ultra-luxurious high-end lodges which feature lavishly decorated private villas separate from the main lodge with individual plunge pools, a huge central pool at the lodge, a full board meal program consisting of three multi-course meals per day prepared by a professionally trained chef, and a lodge manager similar to a hotel manager at a very high-end hotel who anticipates your every need and gets the staff moving before you even need to ask. Some high-end lodges also offer amenities like a full-service spa, beauty salon, chapel, wine cellar, reading library, conference center, full-service restaurantbar, business center, day care center (for children too young to enjoy game drives), or fitness center. Some lodges do not need rigorous security (because they have no lions walking around) others have a security perimeter formed by electrified fences to keep lions away from the lodge area and still others have strict security procedures in place which are explained to you either at time of booking or at check-in (usually involving an armed escort when outdoors at all times). Finally, when budgeting for your game reserve and lodge, dont forget that it is customary to leave separate gratuities for both your guidetracker and the lodge staff. Some lodges provide envelopes expressly marked for that purpose. Game ranches Edit South Africa also features many game ranches where one may actually hunt game (that is, shoot with gun or bow and arrow, rather than a mere camera). Most game ranches are focused on the hunting of relatively abundant species like Cape buffalo, plus all the various types of African antelope, so only the most fervent animal rights activists object to them. A few ranches do specialize in breeding lions to be hunted and are hence more widely controversial. Backpacker lodges Edit Backpacking lodges or hostels are widespread all over the country. Most establishments offer great value tours and activities in the areas. There is a great network of transport around the country making it suitable for single and younger travelers. Some lodges provide meals especially in the more remote areas. Most have self catering facilities and shared bathrooms although en-suite bathrooms are also common. For more info check Backpacking South Africa 52 BampBs Edit Bed and breakfast establishments are becoming very popular. The accommodation is usually provided in a family (private) home and the ownermanager lives in the house or on the property. Breakfast is usually served. Bathroom facilities may be en-suite. In general, the guest shares the public areas with the host family. Self catering Edit A house, cottage, chalet, bungalow, flat, studio, apartment, villa, houseboat, tents or similar accommodation where facilities and equipment are provided for guests to cater for themselves. (This can include a fridge, oven, stove, microwave etc. ) The facilities should be adequate to cater for the maximum advertised number of residents the facility can accommodate. Guest house Edit A guest house is either a converted house, manor, etc adapted to accommodate overnight guests or it may be a purpose built facility. A guest house is run as a commercial operation and is often owner-managed. A guest house has areas which are for the exclusive use of the guest. The ownermanager either lives off-site, or in a separate area within the property. Camping and caravaning Edit A small caravan park on the Gamtoos River South Africans are an outdoors people, and thus there exists a culture of caravaningcamping throughout the country. Caravan parks can be found in most towns that are holiday destinations. Most caravan parks also offer camping sites where you can pitch a tent (double check because sometime tents are excluded). The parks generally have central ablution facilities. Most of South Africas National parks have excellent camping facilities at very reasonable prices Also see the By motorhome and By offroad vehicle sections for additional camping options. Timeshare Edit There are many timeshare resorts in South Africa, most participate in international exchange agreements. Many timeshare owners also rent their time when they can not make use of it. Long-term Edit Many real estate agents in South Africa also offer rental services. The rental properties are mostly available on unfurnished long term lease, but you will also find furnished properties on offer with 1 to 12 month lease agreements Your local branch of an international estate agent with a presence in South Africa might also be able to assist you. Learn Edit University of South Africa. Non-South African citizens need to be in possession of a study permit to study inside the country. You should apply for one at a South African High Commission, Embassy, Consulate or Trade Mission in your country of origin, or in the nearest country, should there be no South African representation is available in your country. Government form BI-1738 53 needs to be completed for the application. You will need to do some preparation to gain a study permit . At a minimum you will need acceptance by a South African University, repatriation guarantees, return air ticket and proof that you can cover living expenses while in South Africa before a permit will be issued. The cost for obtaining a study permit is R425 and applications take about 6 weeks to process. Expect to spend about R5000 per month on general living expenses ( accommodation, food, travel, etc ) in addition to tuition fees. There are many secondary and tertiary education centres in South Africa. The University of Cape Town is the top-ranked university in Africa, placing 198th in the world, according to the 2007 Times Higher Education ranking. The Universities of the Witwatersrand, Stellenbosch, Pretoria and KwaZulu-Natal also routinely appear in the Shanghai Jiao Tong University Top 500 rankings. University of Pretoria. Co Lynnwood Rd and Roper St Lynnwood, Pretoria. 27 012 420-3111 (cscup. ac. za. fax. 27 012 420-4555 ), 54. 160edit University of South Africa (UNISA). Preller St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 27 011 670-9000 (study-infounisa. ac. za. fax. 27 011 471-2987 ), 55. This university offers full-time classroom as well as distance learning courses. 160edit University of the Witwatersrand (WITS). Braamfontein, Johannesburg. 27 011 717-1000 (studysainternational. wits. ac. za. fax. 27 011 717-1065 ), 56. 160edit University of Johannesburg. Bunting Rd, Auckland Park, Johannesburg. 27 011 489-3129 (internationaluj. ac. za. fax. 27 011 489-2191 ), 57. 160edit University of Cape Town. Cape Town. 27 021 650-2128 (admissionsbremner. uct. ac. za. fax. 27 021 650-5189 ), 58. 160edit University of KwaZulu-Natal. Durban, Pietermaritzburg, Pinetown and Westville. 27 031 260-3414 (educationukzn. ac. za ), 59. 160edit Rhodes University. Grahamstown. 27 (0)46 603-8111 (registrarru. ac. za. fax. 27 (0)46 622-5049 ), 60. 160edit South African Film School (AFDA). Johannesburg and Cape Town. 27 011 482 8345. 61. 160edit Stellenbosch University (Maties). Stellenbosch. 27 021 808-4514 (beo1sun. ac. za. fax. 27 021 808-3822 ), 62. 160edit University of the Free State. Bloemfontein. 27 051 401-3219 (niemannaja. rdmail. uovs. ac. za. fax. 27 051 401-9185 ), 63. 160edit University of Fort Hare. Alice. 27 040 602-2011 (dmcufh. ac. za. fax. 27 040 653-1554 ), 64. 160edit University of Limpopo. 27 015 268-9111 ( fax. 27 015 267-0152 ), 65. 160edit North-West University. 11 Hoffman St, Potchefstroom. 27 018 299-1111 (regcfvdwpuk. ac. za. fax. 27 018 299-2799 ), 66. 160edit University of the Western Cape. Cape Town. 27 021 959-3900. 67. 160edit South Africa is also an excellent venue to learn new skills such as flying, sailing and scuba diving since costs are generally far lower than in more developed countries while quality of training will be equal or better. Examples of companies that offer these kind of courses include: Blue Chip Aviation. Main Terminal, Wonderboom Airport, Pretoria. 27 012 543-3050 (bluechipbluechip-avia. co. za ), 68. 160edit Divetek. 27 011 791-1095. 69. For PADI dive courses 160edit Flight Schools South Africa. 27 031 208-7960. 70. Obtain a Private Pilots License 160edit Ocean Sailing Academy. 27 021 425-7837 (academyoceansailing. co. za ), 71. Offers Royal Yachting Association courses. 160edit Scubadviser. 72. Scuba diving guide to dive centres and liveaboard boats in South Africa 160edit Commercial diving . South Africa is quite popular for commercial diver training as the qualification is internationally recognised by the International Diver Recognition Forum, and the Department of Labout is a member of the International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA). A South African Department of Labour certification as a Class I or Class II diver is acceptable for offshore work in many other parts of the world, including the North Sea and Nigerian offshore oilfields. Due to the large number of unemployed South Africans, there are limited work opportunities for foreigners in South Africa. Non South African citizens are only allowed to work in South Africa if they are in possession of a work permit . Students in Canada can apply for a work visa through SWAP 73. although costs are high the service is helpful and well organized. The process of applying for a work permit is similar to applying for a study permit, contact a South African High Commission, Embassy, Consulate or Trade Mission in your country of origin, or in the nearest country, should there be no South African representation is available in your country. Government form B1-159 (AampC) needs to be completed for the application. Processing of the application will take 8 to 12 weeks. Scarce Skills and Work Permit Quotas Edit There are some skills that are in short supply in the country and the Department of Home Affairs has a Quota Work Permit program aimed at sourcing these skills from abroad. A list of skills in demand and set quotas for each of those skills are published yearly. Applicants with formal qualification and work experience in the required fields may apply for a quota work permit. This permit costs around R1600 and applications will take between 6 to 8 weeks to process. If the application is approved one will have a 90 day period ( from the time of entering the country ) to find employment in the field that the permit was issued for. Once employed, the permit will stay valid as long as one is employed within the same field of work ( changing employers is allowed ). More information, as well as the skills and quotas list for the current year, can be found on the Department of Home Affairs homepage 74 Stay safe Edit South Africa is notorious for an extraordinarily high violent crime rate (although part of this may be due to better crime reporting than most developing countries). Its not unheard of for the police to refuse to leave their air-conditioned offices to investigate crime on the basis that its too dangerous out there South Africa is consistently ranked at somewhere between 14 to 18 among the countries with the highest murder rates in the world (31.8 per 100,000 per year as of 2013). However, by being vigilant and using common sense, you might have a safe and uneventful trip. The key is to know and stick to general safety precautions. Never walk around in deserted areas at night or advertise possession of money and expensive accessories. Do not accept offers from friendly strangers. Do not wear jewellery or expensive watches. Do not wear a tummy bag with all your valuables, consider a concealed money belt worn under your shirt instead. Distribute your valuables in inside pockets and other pockets. A decoy wallet may also be worth considering. Leave passports and other valuables in a safe or other secure location. Do not carry large sums of money. Do not walk by night in deserted places. Hide that you are a tourist: conceal your camera and binoculars. Like many developing countries, South Africa is not a good place for solo travellers to use local urban mass transport systems, unless you are a military veteran, a martial arts expert, or are otherwise experienced and confident in your ability to defend yourself against armed muggers in strange foreign environments. Rent a car, take a taxi, or take an escorted tour. Do not leave your valuables in plain sight when driving in your car, as smash and grab attacks do sometimes occur at intersections, and keep your car doors locked, and windows closed. Know where to go so that you avoid getting lost or having to read a map in public: that will minimize the risk of inadvertently signalling to strangers that you are a tourist. If you are carrying bags, try and hook them under a table or chair leg when sitting down, this will prevent them from being snatched. Visiting the townships is possible, but do not do it alone unless you really know where youre going. Some townships are safe while others can be extremely dangerous . Go with an experienced guide. Some tour companies offer perfectly safe guided visits to the townships. South Africa has very few earthquakes, cyclones, tornadoes, floods, terrorist incidents or contagious diseases (with the notable exception of HIV). Note that taking an evening stroll or walking to venues after dark can be very risky. It simply is not part of the culture there, as it is in Europe, North America or Australia. It is best to take a taxi (a metered cab, not a minibus taxi) or private vehicle for an evening out. The same applies to picking up hitchhikers or offering assistance at broken-down car scenes. It is best to ignore anyone who appears to be in distress at the side of the road as it could be part of a scam. Keep going until you see a Police station and tell them about what you have seen. Beware that if you are driving in South Africa, when police officers stop you to check your licence, and you show them an overseas drivers licence, they may come out with some variant of have you got written permission from random government department to drive in our country - if your license is written in English or you have a International Driving Permit then they cant do anything - stand your ground and state this fact - be polite, courteous and dont pay any money. Take extra care when driving at night. Unlike in Europe and North America, vast stretches of South African roads, especially in rural areas, are poorly lit up or often not lit up at all. This includes Highways. Be extra careful as wildlife and people often walk in the middle of the road. You must also take extra care when driving in South Africa due to the small risk of vehicle hijackings, which sometimes prove to be very violent in nature. Security warning for O. R. Tambo International Airport Edit Similar to other airports around the world, baggage operators may be tempted to steal valuables from checked baggage so it is best to pack accordingly. Pack valuables in carry-on luggage, use the airports baggage wrapping service (R70 per bag) or consider shipping valuables separately. Remember that more than 100 mL of liquids are not allowed to be taken in carry-on luggage. If you cannot fit both your laptop and your digital camera in your carry-on bag, then one or the other is too big. Unless you are a professional photographer, or youre so old you dont care anyway (i. e. this is a bucket list trip), this is not the country to bring your desktop replacement laptop with 17-inch screen and digital SLR camera with telephoto lens. If you can afford to come to South Africa, then you can probably afford to buy a cheap used laptop and a smaller prosumer camera for which you wont feel quite as traumatized when you lose them to theft or robbery. Important telephone numbers Edit Road signs will remind about emergency numbers The National Tourism Information and Safety Line. 27 (0)83 123-2345. Operated by South African Tourism 160edit From a fixed line Edit 107 - Emergency (in Cape Town only from fixed lines) 10111 - Police 75 10177 - Ambulance 082911 - Netcare911 76 and The National Sea Rescue Institute 77 From a mobile phone Edit 112 - All Emergencies 082911 - Netcare911 78 and The National Sea Rescue Institute 79 (You only need to dial 911 from Vodacom mobile phones) International calls at local rates Edit Step 1: Dial: 087 150 0823 from any mobile or landline 80 Step 2: Dial destination number and press e. g. 00 44 11 123 4567 Countries: USA, UK(Landline), India, Bangladesh, China, Hong Kong and many more. Supported On: Vodacom, MTN, Cell C, Telkom and Neotel Wildlife Edit One of the main reasons travelers visit South Africa is to experience the outdoors and see the wide range of wildlife. When driving in a wildlife reserve, always keep to the speed limits and stay inside your car at all times. Do not drive too close to elephants. Be prepared to back up very quickly if they charge at you. Elephants are strong enough to roll many small cars. They can total small cars by sitting on them (which means they blow out all tires and windows and bend the frame beyond repair) while you scream for your life inside. On game drives or walks, always follow the instructions of your guide. Many tourists have lost their lives after they disregarded instructions, or their guide carelessly allowed them to walk too close to wildlife. You do not want trampled by elephant on your obituary Ensure that you wear socks and boots whenever you are walking in the bush do not wear open sandals. A good pair of boots can stop snake and insect bites and avoid any possible cuts that may lead to infections. In many areas you may encounter wildlife while driving on public roads. Monkeys and baboons are especially common. Do not get out of the vehicle to take photos or otherwise try to interact with the animals. These are wild animals and their actions can be unpredictable. Sometimes you might find yourself in the open with wild animals ( often happens with baboons at Cape Point ). Keep your distance and always ensure that the animals are only to one side of you, do not walk between two groups or individuals. A female baboon may get aggressive if you separate her from her child. Always check with locals before swimming in a river or lake as there may be crocodiles or hippos. Most major beaches in KwaZulu-Natal have shark nets installed. If you intend to swim anywhere other that the main beaches, check with a local first. Note that shark nets may be removed for a couple of days during the annual sardine run ( normally along the KwaZulu-Natal coast between early May and late July ). This is done to avoid excessive shark and other marine life fatalities. Notices are posted on beaches during these times. Stay healthy Edit Emergency and Medical Assistance Edit There are a number of independent emergency assist companies in South Africa Netcare 911. 49 New Rd, Midrand. 27 011 254-1927. 81. Some travel agents offer Netcare911 cover as an option, but you can also deal with them via Travel Insurance ( see below ) or find out if your existing cover has an association with them. 160edit Travel Insurance. 27 011 780-3300. Contracted to Netcare and offers comprehensive EMS cover for the inbound traveler to South Africa . 160edit ER24. Manor 1, Cambridge Manor Office Park, corner Witkoppen and Stonehaven, Paulshof, Sandton. 27 084 124. 82. A large and well represented emergency assist company incorporating the Medi-Clinic chain of hospitals. 160edit Hospitals Edit It is best to avoid public hospitals where possible. Private hospitals ( such as the Netcare Group 83 ) are of world class standard. Pharmacies Edit The major pharmacy chain found at shopping centers catering to tourists (e. g. Sandton City, VampA Waterfront) is Clicks. Some supermarket chains like Checkers have in-store pharmacies. South African pharmacies are generally comparable to their counterparts in Europe and North America. However, note that the retail shelves of South African pharmacies tend to have a smaller selection of drugs than their North American counterparts, and a higher amount of dietary supplements. South African pharmacies do carry many OTC drugs, but if you dont see them on the shelf, youll have to ask for them at the counter when the pharmacist is in. For example, the antidiarrheal drug Imodium (loperamide) is sold in South Africa under that name in slightly different packaging, but unlike in North America, it is not placed out on the retail shelves and must be asked for by name at the pharmacists counter. Water Edit Municipal tap water is usually safe to drink throughout the country. In the Western Cape mountain water is safe, even if it has been stained brown due to vegetation. A strong risk of bilharzia exists for still-standing water. Sunburn Edit Many activities in South Africa are outdoors, see the sunburn and sun protection travel topic for tips on how to protect yourself. HIV and AIDS Edit South Africa has one of the highest HIV infection rates world-wide. 5.4 million people out of a population of 48 million are HIV-positive ( South African Medical Research Council ). The HIV infection rate in the total population older than 2 years varies from around 2 in the Western Cape to over 17 in KwaZulu-Natal ( Avert and all together 18.8 of South Africans over 15 years of age are HIV-Positive ( UNICEF 84 ). One in four females and one in five males aged 20 to 40 is estimated to be infected ( Avert 85 ). Malaria Edit The north-eastern areas of the country (including the Kruger National Park and St. Lucia and surrounds) are seasonal malaria zones, from about November to May. The peak danger time is just after the wet season from March to May. Consult a physician regarding appropriate precautions, depending on the time of year you will be travelling. The most important defences against malaria are: using a DEET-based mosquito repellent covering your skin with long-sleeved clothing, especially around dusk and using mosquito nets while sleeping. Tabbard and Peacefull Sleep are commonly used mosquito repellents and can be bought almost anywhere. Also read the Malaria and Mosquitoes travel topics. The CDC also has these tips for staying healthy when traveling to South Africa. Smoking Edit Smoking is banned in all enclosed public spaces, these include airports, pubs, shopping malls and theaters. OR Tambo airport has a smoking lounge. Most restaurants do have smoking sections, either ventilated indoor areas or outdoor open areas. Respect Edit South Africans are generally polite, friendly and accommodating to tourists. Public behaviour is very similar to what you might find in Europe. Heterosexual displays of affection in public are not frowned upon unless you overdo it. Homosexual displays of affection may generate unwelcome attention although they will be tolerated and respected in the more gay-friendly and cosmopolitan areas of Johannesburg (Sandton, Rosebank and Parkhurst), Cape Town (Greenpoint, Clifton and De Waterkant) and Durban. South Africa is the first and only African nation where the government recognizes same-sex relationships and homosexual marriages are recognized by law. Men generally greet with a handshake, which may be firm or gentle depending on culture, while women will do the continental kiss on the cheek. Except for the few designated beaches, nude sunbathing is illegal, although topless sunbathing for women is sometimes acceptable along Cape Towns Clifton and Camps Bay beaches. Thong bikinis for ladies and swimming trunks for men (speedos if you really must) are acceptable. Eating places are casual except when otherwise indicated. Eating is generally done the British way with the fork in their left hand and the tines pointed downward. Burgers, pizzas, bunny chows and any other fast foods are eaten by hand. It is generally also acceptable to steal a piece of boerewors from the braai with your hands. Depending on which cultural group you find yourself with, these rules might change. Indians often eat biryani dishes with their hands, a white person from British descent might insist on eating his pizza with a knife and fork or a black person might eat pap-and-stew with a spoon. Be adaptable, but dont be afraid to also do your own thing South Africans are used to diversity. If your table manners are really unacceptable, people will generally tell you so rather than take offence. South Africans are proud of their country and what they have achieved. Although they themselves are quick to point out and complain to each other about the problems and shortcomings that still exist, they will harshly defend against any outsider doing so. One thing you need to understand is that South African people are very straight-forward. If you do or say something that offends a South African, they will tell you so, in a very straight-forward manner. So, you must not be offended if this happens, but just apologise and change the manner in which you do things so that you dont offend any other people. Those who are practised in North American racial terminology should understand that familiar words have different meanings in South Africa, and the rules for what terms are polite or not are different. Also note that there are many South Africans that think classification according to skin colour or appearance in general, whether for political or social reasons, is inappropriate and would prefer to be referred to as simply South African irrespective of what you think they look like. If you wish to refer to South Africans of solely African ancestry, black is appropriate and will not cause offence. Terms such as person of colour that are considered politically correct abroad are not impolite, but are not generally used and may cause confusion. The term coloured refers only to people of mixed European and African or Malay descent. Coloured people dwell chiefly in the Western Cape and generally speak Afrikaans or English, often both. Unlike in North America, coloured is not at all a derogatory term, but mixed race is - a coloured person may be offended if referred to as of mixed race. Some coloured people will also be mildly offended if incorrectly referred to as black. White South Africans can quite simply be called white or white South African. The mother-tongue of white South Africans is either Afrikaans (derived from Dutch) or English, so we have Afrikaans and English speaking white South Africans. Almost all white South Africans can speak English, even if their mother-tongue is Afrikaans since commerce is predominantly English and English is a mandatory subject in school. Typical white South Africans consider themselves as African just as those born in the United States consider themselves American most have family who have lived in South Africa for centuries, and the only continent they call home is Africa. Do not call an Afrikaans speaking person a Dutchman as it is considered a derogatory term and an insult it will almost certainly evoke a very hostile response. Avoid referring to Afrikaans as Dutch as they are fiercely independent and proud of their language, and do not consider themselves Dutch. In the white Afrikaans speaking community you will sometimes hear people referring to themselves as Boereboers, literally meaning farmers. This term dates back to the days before South Africa became a union. Before unification there were two boer republics (Transvaal and Orange Free State) who fought two wars against the British. Refrain from calling an Afrikaans speaker a boer unless you are 100 certain that it is acceptable for this person. Although some consider it a title of extreme honor, others will feel highly offended if you do. English speaking whites will also most likely be amused by your ignorance if you call them Boers. Also take caution when using the term Afrikaner. Although it is a term generally used to refer to a white Afrikaans speaker, some prefer thinking of themselves in a broader context, and favour the term Afrikaanse, or Afrikaans speaker. Safest however, is just to stick with the term South African. The fourth racial category left over from the apartheid system is Indian ( from India ), referring to South Africans whose distant ancestors came from India during the 19th century British colonial period. The largest Indian populations are in KwaZulu Natal, in particular around Durban. Indians are also concentrated in Johannesburg. Black - the majority of South Africans - of bantu origin. The three most populous groups are Xhosa (Eastern amp Western Cape), Zulu (KwaZulu Natal) and Sotho (Free State). White - can be subdivided into Afrikaans speakers (the majority), and English speakers Coloured - of mixed heritage - Afrikaans or English speaking, and concentrated in the Western Cape. Indian - of Indian descent - concentrated around Durban It is wise to avoid racial or political remarks while in South Africa if you dont have a good understanding of South African history because the countrys very diverse cultural disposition means that putting your foot in it is easy. However, you will encounter many South Africans who lived through the apartheid period, and who are willing to talk about their experiences of the time. It can be very interesting to speak with them about their experiences, and if you have an open mind and willingness to listen, you can avoid offence. South Africa is now in its second decade since the end of apartheid ( a very sensitive issue for everyone ) in 1990, but it is always easier to change laws than people. You will occasionally still hear overtly racist remarks, from any race group in South Africa, not only from white South Africans. This is more common from the older generation than the younger ones. The best thing to do is simply ignore it leave the responsibility for enlightening lectures to other South Africans, who know the subject better than any foreign traveller as they have lived it. South Africans of different races generally treat each other politely at a personal level. Political movements are another matter, and political parties have been aligned along the racial fault lines of the society although there is starting to be a move toward better integration. The majority of black South Africans vote for the African National Congress, and the majority of white and coloured South Africans vote for the liberal centrist Democratic Alliance. Politics in South Africa is a touchy issue, and its best to talk about it with care. Interracial marriages are becoming quite common, and, except for possibly some of the older generation, people no longer take offense if you and your partner are not the same colour. Contact Edit Phone Edit South Africas country code is 27. Phone numbers within South Africa are of the format 0XX YYY ZZZZ and all the digits must be dialled - there is no abbreviated local dialling Large cities have area codes 0XX (Johannesburg is 011, Pretoria 012, Cape Town 021, Durban 031, Port Elizabeth 041, East London 043, Kimberley 053, Bloemfontein 051) while smaller towns may have longer area codes (0XX Y for example) with shorter local numbers. When dialing a South African number from outside the country, one should dial 27 XX YYY ZZZZ. Dialing within the country one should use all 10 digits, 0XX YYY ZZZZ. To dial out of South Africa, dial 00 followed by the country code and the rest of the number you are trying to reach. Pay phones are available at airports, shopping malls and some petrol stations. The number of pay phones in open public areas have been reduced over recent years, but you should still be able to find one when you need one. Pay phones use either coins or prepaid cards that are available at most shops and petrol stations160 coin phones are generally blue while card phones are usually green. MTN Tower in Jeffreys Bay South Africa has an extensive GSM network, working on the same frequency as the rest of Africa and Europe. There are five cell phone providers in South Africa: Vodacom 86. MTN 87. Cell-C 88. Virgin Mobile 89 and 8ta90. The networks support GPRS countrywide and 3G, EDGE and HSDPA support is available in larger urban areas. Do not assume you will not have network coverage just because you can not see a GSM tower. Many of the towers have been built to look like trees ( Vodacom ) or other structure ( MTN ) in order to better blend into the surroundings and not be an eyesore. In some rural areas, GSM towers still look like towers because of problems with animals damaging them when they look like trees. SIM card prepaid starter kits are available for around R1. You will need a passport and a proof of residential address and it has to be registered before you can call or receive calls. If you call into a Vodacom or MTN store with a passport and drivers licence, you can be all connected on the spot. You can buy credit for prepaid phones just about everywhere, remembering you will usually need cash to do so from service stations. Internet Edit There are plenty of Internet Cafes and access rates are cheap. Even cheaper and more mobile would be to buy a prepaid cell phone starter pack (less than R10) and access the Internet with GPRS or 3G. Generally R2 per MB for out of bundle data from most providers (50c for Virgin Mobile), but it becomes significantly cheaper if you buy a data bundle. Vodacom prices range from 38c per MB on a 500MB bundle to 19c per MB on a 1GB bundle. MTN prices range between R1 per MB on a 10MB to 39c per MB on a 1GB bundle. Mobile data connections are always charged per MB as opposed to per second (as is popular on many European networks). ADSL1 is popular for residential use and is generally available in speeds from 2mbps to 10mbps. Due to the Telkom monopoly on last-mile infrastructure, the total cost of fixed line internet is high. On average, ADSL data is R30GB and although uncapped internet is becoming standard, it usually is quite slow. Wi-Fi Edit AlwaysOn seem to be leading the way in prepaid Wi-Fi access. Their hotspots can now be found at Cape Town, Durban and OR Tambo airports, City Lodge Hotels, Sun International Hotels, some Southern Sun Hotels, Mugg amp Bean restaurants and various other places. Simply connect to the access point and you will be given the opportunity to pay for access by credit card. Pricing starts at around R15 for 10 minutes or R60 for 100MB. Their support desk can be contacted on 27 11 759 7300. Dealing with beggars Edit As is the reality with many developing countries, beggars are rife in South Africa. There are also many children and mothers with babies begging on the streets. People are discouraged by social services from giving children and mother-with-baby beggars money, as there are a number of childrens homes available and giving them money keeps them on the street and often feeds a drug or drinking habit. However, if you encounter a particular friendly beggar, theres nothing stopping you from giving them a few rands or a burger or bag of apples. Just be aware that muggers and con-artists are also rife in South Africa, so be wary at all times. Embassies and consulates Edit Australia. 292 Orient St, Cnr Schoeman St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 423-6000. High Commission 160edit Austria. 1109 Duncan St, Brooklyn, Pretoria. 27 012 452-9155 (pretoria-obbmaa. gv. at ). Embassy 160edit Belgium. 625 Leyds St, Muckleneuk, 0002 Pretoria. 27 012 440-3201 (pretoriadiplobel. fed. be ). Embassy 160edit Brazil. Block C, Hatfield Office Park, 1267 Pretorius St, Pretoria. 27 012 426-9400 (pretoriabrazilianembassy. org. za ). Embassy 160edit Canada. 1103 Arcadia St, Hatfield, Pretoria. 27 012 422-3000 (pretinternational. gc. ca ). High Commission 160edit Germany. 180 Blackwood St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 427-8900 (GermanEmbassyPretoriagonet. co. za ). Embassy 160edit Greece. 1003 Church St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 430-7351 (embgrsafglobal. co. za ). Embassy 160edit India. 852 Schoeman St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 342-5392 (indiahchicomind. co. za ). Embassy 160edit Ireland. 2nd Floor, Parkdev Building, Brooklyn Bridge Office Park, 570 Fehrsen Street, Brooklyn 0181, Pretoria. 27 012 452 1000 (pretoriadfa. ie ). Embassy 160edit Japan. 259 Baines St, Groenkloof, Pretoria ( Cnr Frans Oerder St ), 27 012 452-1500 (enquiriesembjapan. org. za ). Embassy 160edit Netherlands. 210 Queen Wilhelmina Ave, Nieuw Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 27 012 425-4500 (nlgovprecis. co. za ). Embassy 160edit Portugal. 599 Leyds St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria. 27 012 341-2340 (portembsatis. co. za ). Embassy 160edit Russia. 316 Brooks Street, Menlo Park, Pretoria. 27 012 362-13378 (rusposprmweb. co. za ). Embassy 160edit United Kingdom. 255 Hill St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 421-7500 (media. pretoriafco. gov. uk ). Her Britanic Majestys High Commission 160edit United States of America. 877 Pretorius St, Arcadia, Pretoria. 27 012 431-4000. Embassy 160edit If your country is not listed here, have at look at the list provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs 91. International banks Edit A number of international banks operate branches in South Africa. ABN AMRO. 2 Exchange Sq, 85 Maude St, Sandton, Johannesburg. 27 011 685-2000. 92. 160edit Barclays Bank. Any ABSA branch. 27 021 670-2300 ( fax. 27 021 670-2328 ), 93. Now part of ABSA 160edit Citibank. Citibank Plaza, 145 West St, Sandton, Johannesburg. 27 011 944-0417. 160edit Commerzbank. 5 Keyes Ave, Rosebank, Johannesburg. 27 011 328-7600 ( fax. 27 011 328-7635 ). 160edit Deutsche Bank. 3 Exchange Square, 87 Maude St, Sandton, Johannesburg. 27 011 775-7000 ( fax. 27 11 322 6899 ), 94. 160edit HSBC. 2 Exchange Sq, 85 Maude St, Sandton, Johannesburg. 27 (0)11 676-4200 ( fax. 27 (0)11 783-9119 ), 95. 160edit Standard Chartered. 27 011 217-6635 (account. infoza. standardchartered ), 96. 160edit Stay legal Edit There are some laws that the average tourist might not be aware of. If you intend to do any angling (fishing), either freshwater or at the coast, you will require an angling licence for the province you are in. These can be obtained at any Post Office and the price depends on the province, but is generally under R50. Fishery and environments officials do from time to time check if anglers are in possession of a licence and you can expect to be fined if you are caught fishing without a licence. Also pick up a booklet from the nearest angling shop that will tell you what the size limits for each species of fish is. Except for specific areas, clearly indicated by notice boards, it is illegal to drive a vehicle onto any beach. Boat skippers need a license to pilot a craft on ALL water courses, fresh or saltwater, within South Africa. Tickets Edit You can get tickets online at Computicket 97 for most major events that occur in South Africa. Every till point at ShopriteCheckers 98 is also a Computicket outlet. Photography Edit Automated machines to print (or copy to CD) from digital media (CF, SD, MMC, Memory stick etc.) are becoming quite common and easy to find. Larger shopping malls have dedicated photography shops where you can buy cameras and lenses or have a camera repaired. Most major camera manufacturers are well represented. If you still use film, it is possible to get it developed. Ask about this at larger camera shops.
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