Eigenschaften silbriges graues Gittertuch Yorkville. Besitzt Dyna-Bass 0011 und hat es als Werbe-Tool verwendet. Preis 395 EUR gebraucht, Zustand unbekannt, encore-music. org, Scarborough, Ontario, Kanada, 7. Februar 2001 Sehr schwer zu finden. Feb 2002 Dyna-Bass, Vorderansicht, Winkel (anscheinend die gleichen wie die folgenden) 1963 Dyna-Bass, Seriennummer 0011, Vorderansicht, Winkel (Craig, Dan Lear, Pete Thiessen, Sean Kilback, Yorkville) YBA - Master 40-50 Watt, Röhrenkopf, 1966, 1968, 1972 Features Zwei Kanäle, tiefe (Bass) und helle (Gitarre) haben jeweils einen abgeschwächten und einen normalen Verstärkungsfaktor (wie die alten Marshalls) Kanal 2 Höhen, Bass, Low Range Expander, Hochbereichs-Expander (passiv) Der Low Range Expander kann wie eine Mid-Range klingen, der Hi-Range Expander klingt wie Präsenz (auf Marshalls oder Fender) zu einigen (die Sektion ist eine virtuelle Klon des Marshall JTM-45) Bereitschaftsschalter Pilotlicht - und Ein-Aus-Schalter kein Lüfter Ein Hauptlautsprecher Ausgang, Impedanz wird nicht angezeigt (läuft mit einer 8-Ohm-Kabine, auch oft mit vier Ohm Lasten betrieben), eine Verlängerung Lautsprecherausgang auch ohne angezeigte Impedanz. Ein YBA-1 hat einen Nenn-8 Ohm-Ausgang und die beiden Lautsprecher-Buchsen sind parallel geschaltet. Läuft auf weniger als 440 Volt, wiegt 39 Pfund Maße: 8x18x10 (HWD) Gewicht: 40 lbs. Maße: 19x10x13 Gewicht: 39 lbs. (Quelle: Katalog) Silbriges graues Gittertuch Ursprüngliches Layout war sehr nah an dem Tweed Bassman und dem Marshall JTM-45 50-Watt-Modelle bemerkenswert riesige große schwere Transformatoren sind ein Traynor-Markenzeichen in diesen Einheiten bis zu den ungefähr 1972 Modellen Early Modelle waren Tube Rektifiziert (5AR4) und verwendet zwei 7027A Röhren. Sie verfügen über ein Flip-Top-Design, dass die Spitze des Kopfes zu öffnen wie ein Deckel ermöglicht. Bass-Masters sind identisch mit dem Voice MasterSignature Middle Versionen: Solid-State-Gleichrichter begannen in etwa Mitte 1966. Ein 1967 YBA-1 wird berichtet, dass ein Dioden-Gleichrichter. Die verwendeten Röhren sind, wie im Amp bezeichnet: Zwei 6CA7s (austauschbar durch EL34s) und drei 12AX7As (auch 7025s oder ECC83s genannt) Plattenspannungen waren schon immer eine Frage an diesen Geräten, aber ich denke, das kann größtenteils wegen der Verwirrung sein Die YBA-1A Modelle, die sehr hohe Plattenspannungen laufen die meisten der YBA-1-Modelle kommen wahrscheinlich irgendwo -450 Volt (man berichtet 425 Volt auf Platte, eine weitere ca. 437 Volt) dies kann höher nach 1971, aber erhalten haben In den Sommer 1971 Id erwarten, dass die Plattenspannungen auf 6CA7s unten im Wesentlichen von der YBA-1A sind die Chassis Schieben-in ala Fender. Letzte Versionen haben, dass leicht identifiziert Gummi-und Chrom-Spritzgießen läuft um jedes Ende des Kopfes Schrank Mine ist von 1971 und ist diese letzte Version 1972 Modelle haben keine Choke ein 1978 ist schwarz mit dem schwarzen Kunststoff-Stoff und hat das Baby Stoßfänger trimmen, es hat Zwei 6CA7 und drei 12AX7A Röhren in ihm und kein Sicherungshalter, nur eine rote Reset-Taste habe ich Mullard EL34s in meinem YBA-1. . Als die YBA-1 auf 7027 lief, war es eine Rock-Maschine (denken Black Crows, Zep, etc.). Es hat wahrscheinlich ein bisschen weniger Boden Ende und mehr Mitten und Höhen jetzt. Ich habe vertauscht die 4M Volumen Töpfe für 1M, und legte einen 47K Widerstand in der NFB-Schleife. Diese Mods lohnt sich für jeden SignatureBass-Master, IMO. Sound Seine hat den besten Ton, aber seine nicht die lautesten (wenn für Bass). Besser Sound als Fender Bassman niedriger powered, würde gut funktionieren in einem Blues oder niedriger Lautstärke-Einstellung (wenn für Bass oder Gitarre verwendet). Ein feiner Gitarrenverstärker. Klingt wie ein Snarling frühen Marshall. Sowohl die YBA-1 und YSR-1 haben jeweils 4 Eingangsbuchsen, so kann ich überbrücken die Kanäle und verwenden Sie sowohl die hellen und normalen Volumes, um meinen Ton einzustellen. Das funktioniert wirklich super. Zuverlässigkeit Sehr solide Konstruktion. Alt und immer noch stark. Professioneller Schlosser erforderlich, obwohl Schaltplan enthalten ist, seltsame Mängel möglich. Preis Mint 1978 YBA-1 und 1977 YT-15 Set für US 100 gekauft. Es muss einer der letzten YBA-1 Traynors gemacht worden sein. Die YBA-1 Seriennummer ist 8011108 die YT-15 Seriennummer ist 7125596. CAD 253 verwendet, schlechter Preis, AMP im Durchschnitt (510) Zustand, Song Bird Music, Ottawa, Kanada, Sommer 1998 US 125 verwendet, benötigt ein wenig Arbeit Aber spielbar, billig kaufen US 299.99 gebraucht, gesehen bei brocktonmusicamps. html, September 1998 CAD 189 gebraucht, guter Zustand, gesehen bei Used Music, Ottawa, September 1998 CAD 150 gebraucht, schäbiger Zustand, sehr früh (vor Oktober 1966) Wrap-around Typ mit Röhrengleichrichter, gesehen bei Used Music, Ottawa, September 1998 CAD 115 gebraucht, ca. 1966 frühen Modell, kosmetisch seine in ziemlich gutem Zustand, der Tolex ist perfekt, der Grill hat zwei winzige Haken über an einem Ende, aber es scheint, dass dieser Verstärker kann gefallen Gesicht zuerst irgendwann, wenn ich es gab es nur zwei von Die Chicken Head Knöpfe, und die Frontplatte Schrauben Löcher wurden entfernt, so dass Sie einfach ziehen konnte es von theres keine Beulen oder irgendetwas in der Frontplatte, nicht einmal ein Kratzer, innen seine perfekt sauber, kein Staub oder Korn überall, vor kurzem, Oktober 1998 CAD 230 verwendet, zusammen mit einem mathematischen verwendet 4x12 Kabine, gekauft bei einem Pfandhaus, Oktober 1998 CAD 200 verwendet, gesehen bei Used Music, Ottawa, November 1998 US 100 verwendet, ein 1978 YBA-1 zusammen mit einem 1977 YT-15, Beide Minze US 150 verwendet, sehr frühen Modell, die Seriennummer ist 0278, die es im Jahr 1966 setzt, verwendet 6CA7 Rohre, wie im Röhrendiagramm angegeben, keine Rohr-Gleichrichter, und die Marshall-Stil Phenol-Turm Bord, auch hat es das Loch Im Chassis für die Rohrgleichrichter-Steckdose, aber es ist mit einer kreisförmigen Stahlplatte gesperrt, die 5-Volt-Gleichrichter-Heizung Wicklung an der Macht tranny geschnitten wird etwa 2 cm aus, Dezember 1998 Rating Sehr gut. Es ist ein 1969 YBA-1 Felsen Ich habe eine 1977 YBA1 mit einem passenden YT-15-Gehäuse. . Das muss einer der letzten echten Traynor Verstärker gewesen sein. Wie über das Eine der letzten Sein wahrscheinlich nicht wert ein Drittel als Sammlereinzelteil aber dieser Amp schreit wirklich. Es ist ein Wächter, den ich meine YRM-1 Sekunde auf meine YBA-1, weil es nicht so viel Bälle. Auch meine YBA-1 klingt großartig auf allen Bänden, darunter niedrige Einnahmen. Die YRM-1 ist gut klingende, aber nicht so reaktionsschnell, roh, oder soulful wie meine YBA-1. Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass die YBA-1 ist besser für Gitarre, während die YBA-1A ist besser für Bass. Ich kaufte sowohl ein 1971 yba-1 und ein 1972 () yba-1a und wirklich lieben sie beide. Derzeit mit dem yba-1 durch eine alte Klangstadt 4x10, die ich mit 80 Watt anpaßte. Dieser Verstärker klingt wie ein Traum für mich. Bricht wie ein Champion, wenn getrieben und singt süß, wenn ich die Abholung Volume (s). . In der Regel ein neues gibson les paul verblasst durch sie. Ich besitze einen Traynor YBA-1 Amp-Kopf. Ich habe es brandneue zurück in den späten 1960er Jahren (Ich handelte einen Händler mein Fender Super-Reverb sogar für sie). Ive verwendete es regelmäßig während der Jahre, gigging überall Detroit Gebiet, und später in E. Lansing Gebiet in gegen Ende der 1970er und Anfang der 1980er Jahre. Der Sound ist fantastisch. Es ist auf allen meinen Aufnahmen zu hören, und ihr könnt mich in den Videos meiner Band Terrain sehen. Ive vor kurzem musste die Schläuche darin ersetzen. Es ist ein echtes Arbeitspferd. (Vernon Fitch) Bewerte den YBA-1 Bass-Master. 1965 oder 1966 YBA-1 Bass-Master (alter Wrap-around-Stil), Logo 1965 oder 1966 YBA-1 Bass-Master (alter Wickelkasten), Vorderansicht, Winkel 1965 oder 1966 YBA-1 Bass-Master YBA-1 Bass-Master, Chassis 1966 YBA-1 Bass-Master, Verkabelung 1968 YBA-1 Bass-Master, Verkabelung 1968 YBA-1 Bass-Master, Verkabelung 1968 YBA-1 Bass-Master (Seriennummer 2xxx), Vorderansicht 1968 YBA-1 Bass-Master (Seriennummer 2xxx), Vorderansicht 1968 YBA-1 Bass - Master, Katalogseite YBA-1 Bass-Master, schematisch 101966 YBA-1 Bass-Master, schematisch 61971-1974 YBA-1 Bass-Master, Schaltplan 51974 - Bitte beachten Sie: Dieses Schema hat a Ernsthafte Fehler in ihm. Sein ein schönes computer-gezeichnetes schematic, aber ein Fehler wurde beim Transkribieren des vorhergehenden schematic. Insbesondere muss R36 68K sein, nicht 6K8 wie geschrieben. Eine Plattenbelastung von 6K8 hätte im wesentlichen Null Verstärkung und wahrscheinlich viele andere Probleme. Dieser Teil des handgezeichneten Schemas von 61971-1974 ist verschmiert und schwer zu lesen, aber seine definitiv 68K. Ich öffnete die Oberseite auf meinem 1975 YBA-1 gerade, um zu schauen, und sicher genug sein ein 68K. (Dave, 11.11.2014) - korrigierte Version (Brian, Craig, Dan Lear, Dave Rutherford, DCloud1050, Eric Knudsen, Glen H. Greg, Jon Rogers, Jonathan Krogh, Jon, Kraig Olmstead, (Bass und Gitarre), zwei Eingänge für jeden Kanal, die oberen Eingangssignale sind die beiden Kanäle (Bass und Gitarre) Leicht gedämpfte Treble - und Bassregler, ein Tonexpander-Bereich mit niedrigen und hohen Reglern (nach Dan Torres, dies sind eigentlich Midrange - und Presence Controls) gibt es zwei Lautstärkeregler, die gemischt werden können, um unterschiedliche Sounds zu bekommen Ein heller Kanal und eine klingt regelmäßig Zwei 6CA7EL34 Power-Röhren, drei oder vier 12ax7s, Solid-State-Gleichrichter handverkabelt, sehr hochwertige Arbeit, einfach zu modifizieren Schaltung größer als die, die im Bass-Master YBA-1 50- Watt Hammond-Transformator (7 lbs.) Oft mit 4 Ohm Lasten am besten mit einem 8 Ohm Fahrerhaus betrieben Läuft auf 540 Volt, Gewicht 54 Pfund - größere Transformatoren als die YBA-1 Abmessungen: 8x18x10 (HWD) Gewicht: 40 lbs. Abmessungen: 19x13x10 Gewicht: 54 lbs. (Quelle: Catalogue) Bei den Early Bass-Master Mark IIs ist der (laute) Lüfter seitlich am Gehäuse montiert, später am Bass-Master Mark IIs (mit Abhebeoberseite und Reflektor Traynor Logo) Back center Silvery graues Gitter Tuch Kann 600 Volt auf Platte übertreffen, erwarten Sie etwa 550 Volt, wenn Sie Glück haben (man hat 537 Volt auf Platte exportiert) Early Modelle sind identisch im Aussehen der Voice MasterSignature. Ich habe vertauscht die 4M Volumen Töpfe für 1M, und legte einen 47K Widerstand in der NFB-Schleife. Diese Mods lohnt sich für jeden SignatureBass-Master, IMO. Sound Wie ein Plexi 50 Watt Marshall (wenn für Gitarre verwendet) Punk oder laute Rock (oder mit Kanal bridging Entwistles Bass Sound) (wenn für Bass verwendet) Besser Sound als Fender Bassman (Bass und Gitarre) niedriger powered, würde nur funktionieren Fein im Blues oder niedriger Lautstärkeeinstellung () laut wie die Höllenklasse A Schaltung so gibt es wenig Verzerrung, klingt sehr schlagkräftig und klar sehr mechanisch klingenden SRV und Hendrix Köpfe brauchen nicht gelten. Wenn Sie nach etwas Originalem klingen und mit einem guten Stück Stil suchen, dann ist es (wenn Sie eine finden können) Mehr Power und Punch als Fender, weniger Robustheit als Marshall. Id sagen, seine näher zu einem Vox-Sound, aber wenn Sie wollen Vox-Sound, wird dies nicht ausreichen. Zuverlässigkeit Es ist ein riskantes Angebot für Reparaturen Old und immer noch stark Preis Ich kaufte mir meine YBA-1A verwendet ca. 15 Jahren für 62 USD. . Die 2. gebraucht, die ich ebay für 235 USD gekauft habe, war komplett für Gitarre mit extra Töpfen auf der Rückseite moded. . Oct 2002 US 120 verwendet man kann für unter US 200 gekauft werden - ein gesamtes Schnäppchen US 150 gebraucht, benötigt ein wenig Arbeit aber spielbar, billig kaufen US 199 gebraucht, man bekommt einen billigeren CAD 300 gebraucht, guter Zustand, bei Songbird Music gesehen , Ottawa, November 1998 (seit Januar 1999 hatte er seinen Zustand aber sehr gut geändert) Bewertung sehr gut amp Meine persönliche Meinung ist, dass die YBA-1 besser für Gitarre ist, während die YBA-1A für Bass vorzuziehen ist. Mein YBA-1A. Verwendet 6550s und sein der beste Rockbaßkopf, den Ive besaß. Das zweite habe ich gekauft. War total moded für Gitarre mit extra Töpfen auf der Rückseite und Vorrat EL34s. Ich bevorzuge den 6550 Kopf für Bass. ICH . Haben einen YBA-1A Mark II Verstärker, der mit dem YT-15 Gehäuse geht und das klingt alles prima. Ich steckte ein Master-Volume auf dem Rücken, sprang die Kanäle, und schaltete beide Kanäle auf 7-8, steckte in meinem kundenspezifischen Shop 61 wiederaufnehmen sg, und es tritt so viel Arsch durch 4x12 25w Greenbacks seine unbeschreiblich Ich kaufte sowohl ein 1971 yba - 1 und ein 1972 () yba-1a und lieben sie beide. . Die yba-1a ist derzeit schlagen die snot aus einer alten Mesa 4x12 mit 90 Watt in ihr. Es kann so laut ich kann nicht einmal beschreiben es ist wirklich süchtig. Ich glaube, obwohl ich nicht sicher bin, dass diese 1as in der Klasse a. Würde dies sinnvoll für mich zu bedenken, wie sehr zerquetscht es ist und doch chimey. In der Regel ein neues gibson les paul verblasst durch sie. Ein großartiger Verstärker. Kaufte es für CAD 150. Legen Sie es auf eine alte 18 Kabine und wow. Anders als das alte kein Grundnetzanschlusskabel und ernste Schocks und Summen es klang besser als, was ich verwendete. Das einzige wirkliche Problem war, dass es schien, Sicherungen zu blasen. Sogar nachdem ein Freund mir geholfen hat, das Spg. Versorgungsteil zu den heutigen Standards zu schalten und kein Summen und Erschütterungen auftrat. Immer noch weht Sicherungen aber nicht so oft es schien. Ich werde gesagt, dass es etwas Arbeit auf den Rohren benötigen kann (Kosten über selben wie Verstärker selbst). Bewerten Sie den YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II. 1971 YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II (Oberseite nicht entfernbar trotz späterem Fall), Vorderansicht 1971 YBA-1A Bass - Master Mark II, Rückseite YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II, Katalogseite YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II, schematisch 11969-121970 YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II, schematisch 11969 -121970 YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II, Katalogseiten, Handbuch, Lüfterkonvertierung, schematisch 11966, schematisch 11969-11972, schematisch 1972-21973 YBA-1A Bass-Master Mark II: Sieht genauso aus wie die andere mit Eine Drossel außer es zeigt 6CA7 als die Macht Rohr statt 7027 (Larry). (Aaron, Craig, Dan Kukkonen, Dan Lear, Eric Knudsen, Greg, Jay Rogers, John, Jon Aley, Kraig Olmstead, Mate 15 Watt, Schlauchkopf und 1x15 Schlauch Combo, vor 1970 Eigenschaften Volumen und Tonsteuerungen nur es hat zwei Eingänge, scheint, hoch und niedrig zu sein, kein Hauptunterschied Zwei 6V6 Energienröhren Dieses ist ein 67 Ampere und ist in der erstaunlichen Form. Es hat eine RSC (Radio Supply Corporation) Lautsprecher, die identisch mit den 15 Jenson in meinem 64 Fender Vibroverb. Ich hatte gehört, dass die beiden Unternehmen hatte ein Geschäft zurück in den 60er Jahren - vielleicht bestätigt dies. Theres auch eine späte Version mit 6BQ5 Die Seriennummer eines solchen Amp-Kopfes ist 1091764 (angeben September 1971), das Logo ist vom Parallelogramm-Stil aber ohne erhöhte Buchstaben. Sie sind einfach in weiß auf einem schwarzen Metallstreifen gedruckt. Der Name und Modell-Nummern werden mit geschrieben Eine kursive Schriftart auf dem Typenschild und in einer regulären Schriftart auf der Frontplatte. Eigenschaften Nadelartvorwahlknöpfe. Silbergrauen Gittertuch Das Combo-Kabine ist mehr Würfel-ähnlich verglichen mit einem YBA-2B. Es gibt auch eine quadratische Öffnung im Rücken, während die späteren Modelle e. G. YBA-2B waren versiegelte Rückeneinheiten. Sound Dieser Verstärker klingt großartig. Mit der Lautstärkeregelung von 1 bis 3, gibt es wenig Unterschied in Ton, sondern gibt einen schönen, sauberen Sound aus meinem Lager 89 American Strat. Drehen Sie es nach 3 und die Power-Röhren zu überladen beginnen, wie Sie die Lautstärke erhöhen. Mit meiner Gitarrenlautstärke auf 10 und dem Verstärker ganz nach oben bekommst du die schönste natürliche Verzerrung für Blei. Durch das Sichern auf dem Lautstärketopf reinigt es es gerade genug für Akkorde. Die Klangregelung scheint noch mehr Top-End von 1 bis 4 hinzuzufügen, aber von da an gibt es keinen größeren Unterschied, aber mit beiden auf Full-Lookout, weil Clapton kann an Ihrer Tür klopfen und frage mich, ob Stevie Ray vergangen war oder gerade ist Versteckt in Ihrem Kleiderschrank. Großartiger Klangverstärker. Es hat das Schleifen jeder liebt. Ich spielte ein YBA-2 Bassmate, dass jemand umgewandelt in EL34s (schlechte tranny) Es war verwüstet, und stark überteuert, aber klang ziemlich gut. Zuverlässigkeit ein paar Probleme im Anfang (Röhren, Brummen), aber alles ist o. k. Jetzt Preis YBA-2 Bass-Mate, US 199.99 gebraucht, guter Zustand, gesehen bei Daddys Junky Music bei ugbmamp. htm, September 1998 Mit der einzigen möglichen Ausnahme des Dyna-Bass war meine 6V61x15 Version der YBA-2 potentiell die Schwer zu finden in gutem Zustand. Ich hatte schon seit Jahren nach einem gesucht, und obwohl ich in Toronto lebe, hatte ich noch nie einen gesehen. Ich besitze ungefähr drei oder mehr der meisten anderen Traynor Verstärkermodelle und ich kann bezeugen, dass der 6V6 YBA-2 Bassmate der potentiell schwierigste Traynor Verstärker ist. Es wurde nur für ein paar Jahre gemacht. Ich scheine, die Version 6BQ5 alle paar Monate zu sehen. März 2001 Bewertung Dies ist die Best-Practice-Amp, die Sie sich wünschen konnten. Die 6V6 YBA-2 Combo ist ein sehr cooler Amp. Einer der schönsten und coolsten Traynor Verstärker. Die YBA-2 Combo ist eine der coolsten Traynors. Im ein großer Fan der YBA2YBA2B Amps, und versuchen, es so oft wie ich kann. Ich liebe, dass YBA-2 6V6 Kopf. Es klingt großartig durch ein Leslie Modell 16 Great Blind Faith Töne. Bewerte den YBA-2 Bass-Mate. YBA-2 Bass-Mate, hinten YBA-2 Bass-Mate, vorne YBA-2 Bass-Mate, vorne YBA-2 Bass-Mate, vorne YBA-2 Bass-Mate, Bedienfeld YBA-2 Bass-Mate, Bedienfeld YBA-2 Bass-Mate, YBA-2 Bass-Mate, YBA-2 Bass-Mate, YBA-2 Bass-Mate, 12 Lautsprecher. Gekauft von einem Mann, der behauptete, ein Keyboarder von CROWBAR gewesen zu sein. Er behauptet, dass er im Keller von Yorkville mit Pete war, als Pete diesen Verstärker für sich selbst machte. Guy sagte, es war nie ein Logo auf sie. Obwohl es einige auffällige Snags in der Grill-Tuch in der oberen linken Ecke. YBA-2 Bass-Mate, 12 Lautsprecher. Guy sagte auch, Anmerkung dort war NIE ein Seriennummernschild auf dem Rücken., Und das steht auf. Ich merke auch die Eckenschützer wie die auf dem Dyna Bass SN 0011 aussehen. YBA-2 Bass-Mate, 12 Lautsprecher. . Der Verstärker mit einem 12-Lautsprecher (nicht original Celestion) die Kontrollen sind am Boden zurück, nicht hinten oben wie die Produktion Amps. YBA-2AB Bass-Mate-Schema 11966, YBA-2AB Bass-Mate-Schema 11969, YBA-2AB Bass-Mate-Schema 111970-111976 (Brent Yukawa, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yamaha, Yuki YBA-2A Bass-Mate 25 Watt. 1970 Features Es gibt zwei Versionen, einer hat zwei 12AX7 Röhren in zwei 6V6 Ausgangsrohre, der andere hat zwei 12AX7 Röhren, die ein Quartett von EL84 (6BQ5) Ausgangsrohren speisen. 1972 YBA-2A Base-Mate Kopf. SN NB-6100. Dieses Gerät verwendet 6V6 Ausgangsrohre. Original Sylvania 6V6GT Rohre in der 6V6 Version, original Phillips-Mullard Rohre in der EL846BQ5 Version 1971, EL846BQ5, original Phillips-Mullard Das Röhrendiagramm wurde gerieben, wo es die 6V6s - ich wirklich wünschte, dass diese 6V6s - und an ihrer Stelle 6BQ5 wurde in Kugelschreiber geschrieben. Ich glaube, das Logo ist eines der letzten Block-Logo-Typen (kurz bevor das Parallelogramm verwendet wurde). Das Logo sieht fast wie die 60er aus, aber es ist etwas anders, und ist aus Kunststoff, nicht aus Metall. Es hat zwei Eingänge. Silbergraues Gittertuch Abmessungen: 16 12 x 9 34 x 8 14 Gewicht: 22 lbs. Sound bekommt eine sehr Vox-ey schleifen, wenn die alte Version Bass-Mate ist so nah an einem kleinen-Box 50 Watt Marshall wie ich je gehört habe. Es klingt wunderbar wie ein Bass-Amp, wenn auf mittlere Ebenen gespielt und bricht, wenn gekröpft. Mit Gitarre hat es eine große natürliche Röhrenverzerrung. Dieser kleine Welpe sickert 6V6 Ton. Die Tiefen und Mitten sind dicker und ausgeprägter als meine EL-84 angetriebene YBA-2A Kopf. Die Macht ist ungefähr gleich. Die Verzerrung klingt wie ein Marshall-Fenderkreuz, während das eine mit EL-84s mehr Voxy ist. Ich kann nicht warten, um diese in einige richtige Lautsprecher laufen. Ich habe es in einem 2 x 12 Marshall Fahrerhaus getestet, aber ich habe eine frühe 1960er Johnson Kabine mit original Celestion alnico G-12s in der Lagerung. Ich glaube, ich kann nur Ton Himmel zu finden. Habe gerade die YBA-2A gestern, die 6V6-Modell. Blaues Juwellicht sieht nett aus, weiß nicht, ob sein Vorlage. Original Sylvania 6V6GT Rohre sah tot um, aber der Verstärker noch klang OK. Ich vertauschte in einem Paar sehr alten Weber 6V6GT (könnte RCA Rebrands), die scheinen, um etwas Leben übrig zu haben. Auch tauschte ein Valco () 12AX7 in die erste Steckdose (die Originale sehen ziemlich abgenutzt aus). Der Verstärker klingt ein bisschen besser jetzt, und was ein Klang ist es zu gut zu diskutieren. . Neuere Rohre können es noch mehr verbessern. Tut es bis zu einem YBA-1 Bass-Master leider nicht, aber diese kleinen Amps haben sicherlich einen Charme von ihrem eigenen Preis YBA-2A Bass-Mate, CAD 175 verwendet, gesehen bei Gilles Grignons bei Rainbow Music bei rainbowmusicshopused. Html, Januar 1999 Über US 100 bei einer Auktion bei Ebay, drei Tage zu gehen. Kratzige Töpfe, fehlende Holzrückwand. 1. März 2001 1971 YBA-2A mit original Phillips-Mullard EL846BQ5 Röhren, gekauft in einem Pfandhaus, März 2001, sehr vernünftiger Preis von 140 CAD. Ich habe vor kurzem ein YBA-2A Kopf von einigen schlechten ignorant Seelen Müll. Es war beladen w 6V6s bei der Inspektion und wenn ich es wieder und es vorgespannt es war ich erstaunt von seinem fabelhaften Ton. August 1971 YBA-2A (EL84 Röhren) in großer Form, Tolex, Grill, alles, funktioniert gut, verkauft auf Ebay für US 228, Mai 2002 Bewertung für das Geld, Ill nehmen em jeden Tag Die 6V6 YBA-2A ist ein großer Amp , Zumal Sie beide, die 6V6 und die EL84-Version haben. Die beiden sind Tonmarken (verkleidet). Bewerte den YBA-2A Bass-Mate. YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan, YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan, YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan, YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan, Katalogseite YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan 11969, YBA-2AB Bass-Mate Schaltplan 111970-111976 (CW, Dan Lear, Ebay, Edde, Glen H. Jason Macaulay, JC, Mond Keith, Patrick Walsh, Tim Casey, vivaAnalog bei lynx. bc. ca YBA-2B Bass - Mate 15 Watt, 1x15 Tubenkombi, 1970 Bautasten, Höhen und Lautstärkeregler Ein Blick in die Schaltpläne zeigt, dass der Lautstärkeregler kein regelmäßiger Verstärkungsfaktor ist, der auf den meisten Verstärkern zu finden ist, Mit dem Verstärker dimed und die Lautstärkeregelung, die auf dem Verstärker ist eigentlich ein Master-Volume Theres eine frühe Version mit zwei 6V6-Röhren. Die Seriennummer einer solchen Combo ist 31453, gibt es derzeit kein Logo auf diesem Amp, aber ich scheine zu Erinnern daran, dass es ein teilweises (gebrochenes) Skriptlogo hatte, als ich es zuerst erhielt. Der Name und die Modellnummern werden mit einer kursiven Schriftart auf dem Typenschild und der Frontplatte geschrieben. Eigenschaften gewöhnliche runde Vorwahlknöpfe. Etwa 15 Watt (zwei 12AX7s, zwei 6BQ5s (EL84)). Um einen besseren Ton zu erhalten, für Gitarre zumindest, können ein paar kleinere Mods ganz einfach gemacht werden, zumal dieser amp ist alle Punkt zu Punkt verdrahtet A 1971 YBA-2B Bass Mate 1x15 Combo ist die EL84-Version, nicht die gesucht 6V6 Ausführung. Es hat nicht die Chromstoßstangen wie einige der späteren Ive gesehen. Front-Panel verfügt über hohe und normale Eingänge, Lautstärkeregler, Höhen und Tiefenregler mit einer 1 Ampere-Sicherung und einer Ein-Schalter-Rückwand verfügt über eine 8 Ohm-Lautsprecher-Buchse vier Röhren: Zwei EL846BQ5 und zwei 12AX7-Röhren Traynor machte sowohl die 6V6 und EL846BQ5 basierte YBA - 2AB Amps in der Mitte bis Ende der sechziger Jahre. Beide Verstärker waren kathodenvorbelastet. Tonig 6V6s sind ein cremiger klingende Röhre und die 6BQ5s sind eher glasig. Ich persönlich denke, beide dieser Amps hatten einen schönen runden Sound und wurde ziemlich knusprig, wenn geschoben. Meine persönliche Vorliebe für die 6V6-Version basiert weitgehend auf der Tatsache, dass ich immer den Klang dieser Röhren geliebt habe. Ihr Geschmack könnte anders sein. In den siebziger Jahren hat Traynor nur die Version EL846BQ5 und das Design auf feste Vorspannung umgestellt. Es gab andere Schaltung Variationen, aber das war die biggie. Dieser Ton und das Gefühl der Amps aus den beiden Jahrzehnten sind unterschiedlich. Um eine siebziger Version auf Kathodenvorspannung umzustellen, wäre einfach. So ändern Sie Output-Röhrentypen wäre schmerzhaft. EL84s6BQ5s sind kleine 9-Stifte und 6V6s sind oktale Rohre. Du müsstest den Verstärker anschließen, also Löcher im Chassis stanzen. Silbergraues Gittertuch geschlossener Rücken kombiniert Abmessungen: 27 14 x 16 12 x 9 34 Gewicht: 42 lbs. Der Sound bekommt ein sehr Vox-ey schleifen, wenn die alte Version e gedrückt wird. G. 6V6 Bass-Mate ist so nah an einer kleinen Box 50 Watt Marshall wie ich je gehört habe viele Töne möglich, sehr sauber, Tonnen von Headroom (für Gitarre und Bass) Die YBA-2B Combo braucht keine Hilfe, um die Art von Knurren, dass zu bekommen Viele andere Verstärker benötigen eine Reihe von Pedalen zu erhalten. Aber bei weitem die süßesten Geräusche sind mit meinem Am erhalten. Std. Tele, gefolgt von der Les Paul. Ive bekam die EL84 YBA-2B Combo, und seine bekam eine beschämend Vibey Schleifen, deutlich, aber vertraut. Im Nüsse über es, und haben für die 6V6-Version für ein paar Jahre gesucht. Sie scheinen etwas schwieriger zu finden. Ein EL84 YBA-2B Bass-Mate klingt absolut fantastisch. Es ist mit 25 Watt bewertet, klingt aber eher wie ein 100 Watt Killer Röhrenverstärker mit Monsterton. Ich persönlich bevorzuge den Klang dieses 6V6 Amps über jeden Verstärker in meinem Haus von der JCM 800 Marshalls, Fender, jede andere Traynor und sogar meine frühen Ampg Reverborocket. Es ist einfach ein awsome Verstärker. Basierend auf meiner Erfahrung, die YBA-2B wird nicht laut genug sein, um mit einem Fender Super, passt es kaum mit meinem Deluxe Reverb. Mein YBA-2A Kopf mit EL846BQ5 Röhren ist wesentlich neueren und sauberer als die YBA-2B, aber es fehlt, dass Balsy-Sound, dass die Combo 6V6 oder EL84 setzt aus. Jedoch bevorzuge ich es zu meinem alle meine verschiedenen YGM-3 Modelle. Ich schätze die saubere Durchfahrtshöhe, und der EL84-Verstärker scheint gut zu schlagen, aber erst nach 7 oder so auf dem Lautstärkeregler. Sein ein fabelhafter Amp, und sollte Sie sehr nah an den Thunderbolt Tönen erhalten (vorausgesetzt, Page ist Ihr Bezugspunkt). Ich finde, der Bass-Mate ist ein wenig zu schwer (Überraschung, Überraschung - es ist ein Bassverstärker), und es fehlt an Höhen für meine Bedürfnisse. Ich konnte sehen, wie es ein Killer-Match für eine Telecaster-as-is machen würde, aber ich brauche ein wenig mehr Glanz für die Hohlkörper. Zuverlässigkeit sehr stabil Preis US 50 gebraucht YBA-2B Bass-Mate in sehr gutem Zustand. Sein bekam ein Paar oder 6V6s (RCA nicht weniger) und ein Lautsprecher in einem versiegelten zurück Fahrerhaus. Ein Pfandhaus hatte es an US 190 markiert, März 1999 ein Kerl in Massachusetts forderte US 165 für einen YBA-2B Bass-Mate einschließlich Versand nach Kanada, März 1999 70s YBA-2B Bass-Mate Combo, CAD 350, Oktober 2001, Angeboten auf der Web-Seite von Songbird Ottawa Ich habe diesen Verstärker von meinem Bassisten in einem Pokerspiel gewonnen. YBA-2B, eBay-Auktion, verkauft für US 134. März 2002 Auf der gleichen eBay-Auktion Jetzt kaufen für US 250 Ist es nur mich oder ist diese Person etwas von einem Träumer Rating anständigen Gitarrenverstärker Von allen meine Traynor, Marshall Fender und andere Amps, die YBA-2B 6V6 Combo ist bei weitem der Favorit in unserem Hause. Ich habe mit meinem YBA-2 Kopf und einige meiner YGM-3s auf dem YBA-2bs Lautsprecher experimentiert und sie haben einfach nicht diese balsy, Page Sound. Jeder andere Verstärker wird typischerweise mit einem Arsenal von Boss-Pedalen verwendet. Aber dieses Baby setzt seine eigene einzigartige Wirkung. Es muss die 6V6s sein. Wirklich außergewöhnlich meiner Meinung nach. 1969 YBA-2B mit 6V6 Röhren: Gekauft in Hamilton, Ontario. Sieht aus wie seine modded ein wenig. Zusätzliches Loch im Chassis. Dated bis 69 von Styling und Röhren (von Traynors Geschichte Seite). YBA-2B verwendete nur 6V6 Schläuche für eine kurze Zeit im Jahre 1969. Hat ursprüngliches rayno Firmenzeichen. Schwarze Tolexverkleidung mit Metall-Ecken. Keine Aluminiumverkleidung. . Derzeit läuft mit neuen JJ 6V6 und Sovtek 12AX7. Klingt erstaunlich mit meinem Tele. Ich wünschte, es war so laut wie meine Hot Rod Deluxe. Bewerte den YBA-2B Bass-Mate. YBA-2B Bass-Mate, Seitenansicht YBA-2B Bass-Mate, Seitenansicht YBA-2B Bass-Mate, Katalogseite 1969 YBA-2B 6V6 Bass-Mate, vorne 1969 YBA-2B 6V6 Bass-Mate, Verkabelung YBA-2B Bass-Mate Handbuch, YBA-2A Bass-Mate Schaltplan 111966, YBA-2AB Bass-Mate Schaltplan 11969, YBA-2AB Bass-Mate Schaltplan 111970-111976 (Craig, Dan Lear, Dennis Royl, Edde, Gino Iorfida, Kevin Taylor, KO, Lee MacMillan, Keith, Nigel Stanley, Tom Becker, Tim Casey, vivaAnalog bei lynx. Bc. ca jc, Wayne, schematicheaven) YBA-3 Kundenspezifisches Special 105-160 Watt, Schlauchkopf, 19667 1972 Features ein Kanal und zwei Eingänge Volumen, hell, Höhen, Höhen-Expander, Bass, Bass Expander, heller Schalter, tiefe Schalter, Stand-by-Schalter, Kontrollleuchte für Stand-by und zu bedienen. Dieser Verstärker wurde gebaut, um größere Hallen und Outdoor-Konzerte zu spielen. Der Mangel an Reverb war nicht ein großes Thema, da die meisten Live-Auftritte Akustik voller Nachhall (Hallen, Arenen) hatten. Auf der Rückseite haben Sie Lautsprecher-Buchsen und Netzstecker, Erdungsschalter, Steckdosen-Sicherung, keine Impedanz-Selektor Dieser kanadische Kopf geht bis vor 1969, als Traynor einen Master-Lautstärkeregler hinzugefügt. Peter Traynor baute diese Dinge, um aufzuhalten, um Missbrauch, im Gegensatz zu einer Menge von Vintage-Sachen. Es klingt großartig mit Bass und Gitarre und bietet einen sauberen (und lauten) Ton. Funktioniert groß in großen Club-Einstellungen. Die Frontplatte verfügt über zwei Eingangsbuchsen, Regler für Höhenverstärkung, Lautstärke, Höhen, Höhen, Tiefen, Bass, Präsenz und Bassverstärkung. Es gibt auch einen Standby-Schalter und entsprechende grüne und rote Kontrollleuchten. Die Rückwand verfügt über einen Ein-Schalter, einen Erdungsschalter, Ausgangsbuchsen für einen Lautsprecher und eine Verlängerung sowie eine Steckdose für einen zweispaltigen Stecker. Es gibt keine Auswirkungen in diesem Kopf, aber Stomp-Boxen funktionieren gut. Die Vorderseite des Verstärkers ist in ein Fender-Stil Silber-Gesicht Tuch gewickelt. . Es ist auch ein Kühlgebläse installiert. Original Röhren Komplement: Drei 7025As und vier 7027As oder drei 12AX7s und vier 6CA7s oder (frühe Modelle) 7027 Röhren auch verwendet (späte Version): Vier EL34s habe ich den Verstärker um 6550s verkabelt und zusätzliche Sicherung für die B Plus-Spannung. Viele frühe Traynors wurden von 7027A zu 6CA7 Röhren, auf Yorkvilles Beratung umgewandelt. Später YBA-3 Amps kam mit 6CA7 Rohre Vorrat. Mit 6550 Schläuchen erhalten Sie ungefähr 200W vom kundenspezifischen Special. Original Rohr Komplement war drei 12AX7s und vier 6CA7s, die ich für 6550s vertauscht (sehr einfach, nur Booster Bias über zehn Volt, um 30mA im Leerlauf haben) Original-Eingangswiderstand war 100k und ich änderte es für 5,6meg wie mein Ampeg. Kann von 7027 auf EL34 umgestellt werden, ich denke, ein Pin-Jumper benötigt wird. . Keine große Sache. Lüfterkühlung, da ursprüngliches Röhren-Setup heiß läuft (läuft bei 540 Volt auf Platte) große schwere Hammond-Transformatoren Am besten mit einem 4 Ohm Gehäuse. Das Schema für meine 69 Custom Special sagt, eine 8 Ohm Last zu verwenden. Allerdings, wenn Sie einen Blick auf Traynors Werbung aus der Zeit, scheinen sie empfehlen Schrank Kombinationen, die in Lasten so niedrig wie 2 Ohm (wie ich mich erinnern, dont haben die Anzeigen vor mir) führen würde. Mein Verstärker macht etwa 160 Watt in eine 8 Ohm Dummy Last, und 120-140 in 4 Ohm. Ich habe Probleme mit dem Vorschlag, dass es 160 Watt produziert, aber. Ich hatte keine Möglichkeit, es zu diesem Zeitpunkt zu messen, aber Peter selbst behauptete nur über 105, und 80 Wattpaar ist viel zu erwarten, auch von 7027s in der realen Welt. Ich glaube nicht, dass die Umstellung auf 6550s wird die Transformatoren werden immer heißer. Silbergraues Gitter Tuch Abmessungen: 8x29x10 (HWD) Gewicht: 60 lbs. Dieser Verstärker passt nicht einfach in den Rücksitz der modernen Autos (vergessen Sie den Kofferraum, youll brauchen einen Van oder ein Pick-up). Ich spiele seit fast 40 Jahren Bassgitarre. Ich besitze ziemlich viele Amps im Laufe der Jahre (einschließlich einer 72 SVT mit beiden 8x10 Kabinen und dieser Traynor yba-3 Kopf ist einer der besten Es hat großen Ton und viel Volumen. Es ist heavey, aber seine leichter als ein SVT und less expensive. I own 3 of these heads and they are from 1968 and 69 non-master volume. The non-master volume heads have chokes in them. I have used JJ-E34Ls, EH6550s and Svetlana KT88s in the heads that I own. The KT88s make a lot of power and sound better than the 6550s but the JJ-E34Ls have the best tone. The low end and low mids are lush, very tubey. The tone cuts right through the band in a very full and pleasing way and fills any voids. I have the tubes biased at 30 ma. The only thing the head needed was more low end, every thing else was there. Almost all the bypass caps are .1 mfd 600volts except one that is .02 and it goes to either the bass control or the expander control. Change that .02 cap to a .1mfd 600volts. The last two caps at the phase inverter(bias feed) are .1 change these two caps to .33 or.47 mfd 600volts which ever ones are easier for you to get. Ampeg had these on many amps. Also at this location are two 220k bias feed resistors (or at least their should be) change the two 220k resistors to 100k resistors. This will help the tube deal with the high voltages. On EL34 tubes pin 1 is an active pin. It is tied to a grid. On many amps pins 18 are tied together and are grounded to the chassis of the amp but Traynor amps use pin 1 as a second bias voltage feed (raw bias). Pin 5 sees normal bias voltage and if you look youll see all of pin 1s looped together off the circuit board. BIAS VOLTAGE IS NEGATIVE VOLTAGE THAT KEEPS THE POWER TUBES FROM OVER HEATING AND BURNING UP, IT KEEPS THE POWER TUBES STABLE. It takes the bias voltage from the right side of the circuit board and loops to every pin one and then goes back to the circuit board completing the circuit. When the amp is in the standby mode it sees about 100 volts of bias. When you turn the amp on the bias voltage comes down slowly, takes about 60 seconds. This way the tubes are protected from the surge of dc power going to the power tubes. The amp will sound fuzzy and distorted until the bias voltage fully drops. So you have bias voltage on pins 5 and 1. This is how Peter Traynor wanted it. It makes the amp cleaner and more stable. Also note that if you use 6550s or Kt88s pin 1 on these tubes is connected to the metal collar so if you put these tubes in this amp you will read bias voltage on the metal base of the tube. If you want to use THESE tubes I would disconnect the bias voltage going to pin 1 and recheck that you are still seeing bias voltage on pin 5. I bought a YBA-3 new in 68 with 2- 4X12 huge open back cabs for 1400.00 to replace a Standell amp I had. The ad I saw before purchase stated it was rated at 320 watts. I think the cabs had Goodman speakers. The cabs had a removable dolly boards and the amp had a T bolt to secure it to one of the cabs. If you see one of these cabs thats the reason for the threaded insert on top. These were the days when bigger was far out. They also had a smaller closed back version with what I was told were Norelco speakers. Pete had a good thing goin for him. They also had a 6x10 version for the Bass guys. Ampeg 8X10 coffins came out later. The amp would stay clean at full throttle. I used a Silvertone 1482 as a preamp set up on top the amp with a dummy 8 ohm resistor, and resistors in series to drop the output signal voltage to around .6 volts. Im 56 it was all I could do to reach the preamp for adjustment. A lot of guys were doin similar things to get crunch out of Twins etc. It was freakin awesome, and a Marshall killer. I had the Traynor checked by a tech after an intermittent transformer problem. With a new transformer it didnt clip till 98 watts. I used this set-up till the early 90s. The amp disappeared after a show one night and I was heart broken. I still have the Silvertone. I will say the only thing that I could find to duplicate the sheer power of the Traynor was a Rivera M-100 which I bought as a replacement and still have in my collection. Nothing topped the YBA-3 amp for clean power and tone for days. I still remember the photo of Pete tossin the amp to prove its reliabilty. Clean out the broken tubes, re-tube it and play on. Most of the plastic logos broke off of these amps and cabs so it wasnt unusual to see raynors, Trayno or rayno logos swinging when you moved them. I say so long to a very reliable and good friend. It shared a lot of great memories with me. (Jeff J. De Roche) Sound sound is solid and clean if you need distortion youll have to add it with a pedal I play hard rock The sound is loud clean and fat, and can compete easily with any today bass amp reference especialy plugged into SVT 8-10 cab. This is especially true with this mod e. g. 6550 tubes. This is a clean bass amp but my guitar player was surprised to like the sound of his Stratocaster through this amp because it sounded tubey ( la Fender). better sound as a Fender Bassman (bass and guitar) will work just fine in a loud rock setting more versatile than the Bass-Masters I always used it for bass. Its more power than any right thinking guitarist would ever want. Its pretty damned loud. Dont expect to be getting power tube distortion out of it - its made to be a bass amp. I never modded it because it was perfect for my needs as is. Mine was a 1973, with the master volume, EL-34s and the ulta-snazzy red (in standby) and green (not in standby) power lights. it was a great amp, . I think of them as 23 of an Ampeg SVT. in a lot of ways, including weight. Using it for bass and the YBA-1 for guitar is a great idea. It plays bass with much more authority than the Bass-Master. Go for it. Although designed for bass, the amp was very handy when extra volume was required. This is not an amplifier for your living room or basement jam sessions. The amp fit the bill for a power trio when you needed to fill the hall. If you are wanting to recreate some of the mid to late sixties power trio experience, this amp will do it. Mostly I played a Gibson EB-0 bass or a Fender Stratocaster. With bass I would get by with Traynors Big B YC-810 Bottom (8x10 speakers) and for guitar I would add another 2x15 bottom. When that wasnt enough I would throw in two 15 horns. This amp works best with Gibson basses and Fender guitars. The reverse combination does not work as well. I had one of these when they were new (serial number about 17), and basically found it too loud and hard to distort for my style. Eventually traded it for a 1968 Bass-Master. The sound is solid and clean. If you need distortion youll have to add it with a pedal. Very heavy but what a great sound Big and Loud. I have an YBA-3 with 8x10s in the cabinet. With dolly. Sounds great, have used for both guitar bass. It will make your neighbors think the end of the world is at hand. Reliability this amp used to be totally reliable To gig I bring this amp and a Ampeg V4B but I could use it alone it never broke down. Wiring is like old Fender, road proof, schematic is stick on chassis cover so you can have service in any shop. old and still going strong My sons alterna-punk band has used this setup e. g. a 4 Ohm load for bass at several gigs, wide open and definitely driven into clipping all night long. The tube plates have never shown any red, and the transformers barely even get warm to the touch. Its a brute of an amp, in other words, and I have no hesitation in operating it into 4 ohms. This is the kind of amp you could throw in the van and boogie. This amp used to be totally reliable. It never let me down. However after thirty plus years (circa 1966), I am changing the caps and making minor modifications such as adding a bias pot. You can push the limits with this amp and then get it fixed to start over again. This isnt an amplifier for bassistsguitarist with an easy touch. If you are interested in owning this amplifier, youll need to find a technician first or be a techy yourself. Handy with a soldering iron just wont cut it. Price CAD 300 used October 1997 CAD 200 used October 1997 US 275 used, needed a little work but playable, cheap buy US 279 used, seen at brocktonmusicamps. html, September 1998 CAD 395 used, not a bargain, bought at songbirdmusic, most recently October 1998 US 275 used, plus shipping, very good condition, early model, seen at the Harmony Central classifieds, November 1998 CAD 353 used, early 1970s, good condition, seen at songbirdmusic, February 1999 This same amp changed apparently its price to CAD 305 in April 1999 YBA-3, early model without the side rails, in good working condition and has not been modified, US 300, on the Traynor mailing-list May 2000 YBA-3, good condition, needs cleaned up, US 100 firm, seen advertised on compufind June 2000 Bought a 1968 YBA-3 (serial CS2318) that worked, it just needed its pots cleaned, had some small scratches on its bottom, for US 100 plus shipping and that should be about US 50 more April 2001 I paid (and got back out when I sold) CAD 275 - 300 for that amp. If its as good as mine was, its well worth 300. Snap it up. April 2001 1969 YBA-3 (serial number CS-1293), bought on eBay for US 45 Great Buy October 2001 Rating I would buy it without question. I love its extra power and great tube sound. This baby delivers. If I find another one I buy it . very practical amp. Ive owned the YBA-3 - it was a fabulous amp. I have a 1976 YBA-3 which I bought matched with a 1976 Traynor Group 3 4x12 cabinet. . Ive been running this rig for about five months now on live gigs. Its wonderful. all the power Ill ever need. Size and weight are an issue. With the Group 3 cab, it stands about five and a half feet tall and must weigh 160 lbs. The EQ capabilities are great and with the channelmaster volume combination, I can get it to crunch pretty well. Certainly my favourite amp in thirty years of playing. but then Ive never owned an SVT. Rate the YBA-3 Custom Special. YBA-3 Custom Special, (old style, Fender-type wrap-around case old logo), front view, angle (on top of a Voice Master) 1973 YBA-3 Custom Special (removable top with master volume), front view 1973 YBA-3 Custom Special (removable top with master volume), back view YBA-3 Custom Special and YC-810 Big B speaker cabinet, front view, angle YBA-3 Custom Special, front view YBA-3 Custom Special, back view YBA-3 Custom Special, front view, angle YBA-3 Custom Special, schematic 11967-101972 YBA-3 Custom Special, schematic 11967-101972 YBA-3 Custom Special, schematic 11967-101972 YBA-3 Custom Special, manual, schematic, schematic 11967-1970, schematic 11967-41974 (COOL SCHEMATICS at mif. pg. gda. plhomepagestomschematics. htm, Dan Lear, Dave, Dave, Eric Knudsen, Gary, Glen H. Gord, Ian Craig, John Shedlock, Kerry Ayres, Kraig Olmstead, Michael E. Levy, ocd3py, Os, Robert De La Cruz, Stevie Rob, Terry Ladd, thewrath2, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca jc, schematicheaven, songbirdmusic) YBA-3A Super Custom Special 250 watts, tube head. 1967 Features It looks like an early YBA-3 with a Fender type wrap around case. I think my amp is very early - from the first production run - perhaps 67 or 68. It has no serial number, and the revision block on the schematic is empty. There pencilled in corrections on the schematic that look factory original. two input single channel with master volume tone controls consist of bass and treble boost switches, bass gain and bass expander, treble gain and treble expander. Uses three 12AX7As, runs a quartet of EL509s (6KG6As) at 560 Volts (or 630 volts as in a 1968 amp) to produce an insane quantity of house shaking power (probably capable of about 300 watts - itll do 150 without clipping into a 2 ohm dummy with only two EL509s in the chassis) Actually, 6KG6A tubes are easy to find - even Electro Sonic lists them in their current catalog. Svetlana is currently making an expensive version. I have ordered NOS US tubes from AES (tubesandmore ) to save about 10 a tube. June 1999 Id be a little wary or the YBA-3A - it uses bizarre tubes and Im not sure how plentiful they are. It didnt use a standard amp tube - it was something much weirder. The tubes are obscure - and they use strange sockets, which makes changing tube types a lot of work. The YBA-3A uses four 6KG6A (AKA EL509, EL519) beam tetrodes (same general type as 6550s and 6L6s). However, it uses a nine pin magnoval socket and a cap on top for the plate connection. It has a glass base - the pins come directly out of the glass like a gigantic 12AX7. On the plus side, while there are not many of the tubes around, no one wants them, so if you can find them they are cheap. I bought four RCA NOS 6KG6AEL519 for about 15 US each from AES a year ago. (They are in current production at Svetlana tec-solproductstubessvetlanael509.pdf ). The new Svetlana EL5096KG6 tubes are supposed to be very high quality - but more expensive than the NOS RCAs. (I checked again today - the Svetlana tubes are now 32 - up about 10, and the NOS tubes are 22, up about 7 - ouch). June 2000 it has two speaker output jacks and a switch for 2 or 4 Ohms silvery grey grille cloth Sound With my 66 Jazz and a Yamaha 2x15 cabinet it is a very warm sounding amp - actually leaning toward the muddy side. I havent gigged with it yet as it is still on the bench. Reliability When repaired and set up properly this should be a fairly reliable amp as old tube amps go. The EL509s seem to run pretty cool and should provide very good service life. The problem is getting good output tubes for it - EL509s arent all that common and are hard to find matched. I dont recommend the Sovtek 6pi45C, I bought some (unmatched) and two were trash - they failed quite spectacularly. I highly recommend adding some output fusing. Price US 50 used before February 1998 US 90 used, amp in very good (810) condition, 1997 YBA-3As are rare indeed. June 1999 Rating This is a very cool amp, Ive never seen another one like it. Its freakin huge. This is one of those amps you take to gigs just to scare the competition - when you drag this bad boy out of the truck (you couldnt get it in a car) they will know you aint screwin around. It should have been called they Traynor Peterbuilt. Rate the YBA-3A Super Custom Special. YBA-3A Super Custom Special, front view YBA-3A Super Custom Special, front view, angle YBA-3A Super Custom Special, instructions YBA-3A Super Custom Special, schematic YBA-3A Super Custom Special, two manuals, two schematics (basspalace, Chris Oswald, Dan Lear, John, Eric Knudsen, Kraig O, Mike Holman, Paul Bechtoldt, Steve, schematicheaven) YBA-4 Tube-Bass 50 watts, 1x15 tube combo, before 1978 Features The schematic of this 1977 YBA-4 is somewhat like the 1972 YBA-1 schematic, however there are some significant differences. The presence control is moved back in between the 2nd and 3rd gain stages. Most different is the power supply. The HV winding is now untapped, a 4 diode bridge is used for rectification, and there is no seperate bias winding. Bias voltage is taken off the main HV winding by means of a .047uf capacitor. Due to the untapped winding, no bias voltage is produced until the standby switch is on, producing a short delay until full bias is achieved. The chassis is the same as the YBA-1 of the same year, except no accessory outlet, 1 14 inch external speaker jack, and internal speaker connects via a RCA phono plug on the bottom of the chassis. The cabinet holds one 15 inch speaker, unmarked, shiny frame, large square magnet. The cabinet is vented by two ports in front. Grille cloth is dark black or silvery grey, removable by velcro retainers. Sides are trimmed in automotive type silver and black side molding. Unlike earlier YBA-1, this unit has a rather skimpy output transformer and no choke. Tube complement is two 6CA7 and three 12AX7A. The amp still has the original PhillipsMullard EL34 output tubes in it, and three GE of Canada, made in Japan 12AX7A tubes. Circuit contruction is eyelet on tan paperphenolic board. Filter caps were mounted inside the chassis with side clamps. Although power output is 50 watts nominal, it is probably more like 40 watts clean. it runs on a duet of EL34s - somewhere around 50watts. the preamp is voiced for a bluesy feel which means that it has a medium amount of headroom. preamp headroom in almost all guitar tube amps is set by the two resistors in the filter circuit - these can be lowered somewhat to provide more preamp headroom and an overall cleaner amp sound. I can very easily see this amp used for playing jazz - it has a smokey feel to it, a little bit like the Ampeg Geminis but not as opaque. besides, Mike Gauthier in montreal plays his Guild Artist Award through a Marshall Bluesbreaker combo which is basically the same circuit since the JTM45 based Marshalls and the Traynor Bassmate YBA-4 and Bass Master YBA-11A are all based on the famed Fender 5f6-A5f8-A Tweed BassmanTwin (5859) topology we all know. sealed cab, a 1973 amp has rubber bumpers Sound . I was in the back seat of this limo recently. and some lady brought over her Traynor YBA-4 Bass-Master . to my shack for a tune up. somebody had erroneously stuck some 6L6s in there and one tube was weeny roasting. but the amp was otherwise stock. anyway, after replacing these by used NOS EL34s this thing spat out tremendous tone and attitude - its almost as if Rory Gallagher had come for a visit. yes, I was blown away by this Traynor and somehow it took an extra week of full out testing before the lady got her cute little combo amp back. 1973 YBA-4 Bass-Master sounds awesome with my Les Paul. Its an YBA-1 head in the combo version, but to me it has a nicer tonal quality than most of the YBA-1s Ive played. Im cant explain why, the heads have been hooked up to various cabs, but none as pleasing as the combo. I also tried it through my YT-15 cab. didnt like it. sold the cab. It could work very well as a jazz amp, but you need to try it out with your guitar - the tone controls have limited flexibility - you would have to see if you can get the sound you want. the 1x15 closed back bottom of the yba4 is simple and effective. the amp has a gutsy feel to it (voiced like a Traynor, not sounding like a JTM45 or 59 Bassman) and the speaker is there with it all the time - no frapping. as for jazz, I sure wish Id hear more players ridding on this smokey stuff. John Scofield take note Price CAD 400 used, good condition, seen at songbirdmusic, April 1999 pretty cheap YBA-4 Bass-Master, eBay auction, its about to sell for US 150, which is pretty darn cheap. I was dying for one of these amps a few years ago. Subsequent Traynor (and other amp) purchases have made it nearly impossible for me to justify even at this price. Bummer. Whoever gets it is getting a nice amp for dirt cheap. Its gonna sell in about 4 minutes April 2001 YBA-4 Bass-Master, seen for sale at Harmony Central, US 225 May 2000 Rating The speaker cabinet though carefully sealed and ported appears to have had no particular design as to its volume or porting. As a result, it is a really poor sounding bass amp. With a Weber C15CA speaker, new caps, added choke, reworked circuit, changed controls, replaced 12AX7s, this amp sounds pretty good. i love this amp with my tele or strat and agree with the above review, except that it is not such a terrible bass amp with my fretless jazz. sounds good in fact. if i was just playing bass i would rather lug my peavy microbass cuz its lighter and easier to move. but for electric guitar lug the Traynor YBA-4 Tube-Bass - well worth the weight It is a fact that this amp controls have limited flexibility but it sure sounds good for me Wow Heres one that I will not part with. And it came with the originals Mullard 6CA7 Rate the YBA-4 Tube-Bass. YBA-4 Tube-Bass, front view YBA-4 Tube-Bass, front view, speaker YBA-4 Tube-Bass, control plate YBA-4 Tube-Bass, back view YBA-4 Tube-Bass, front YBA-4 Tube-Bass, back YBA-4 Tube-Bass, control panel YBA-4 Tube-Bass, schematic 61974-111974 YBA-4 Tube-Bass, manual, schematic 61974-111974 (Dan Lear, Harry Nuttall, JC, Kraig Olmstead, Larry Barras, Luc Vanier, Mike Levy, Pete Dako, Rick, Tim Casey, Wayne, schematicheaven, songbirdmusic) YBA-5 80-100 watts, 1x15 tube combo, 1969 Features A mythical beast reputed to have a YBA-1A chassis with a Cerwin Vega 15 speaker in the same cab, a tale related to me by an old timer named Mike at Yorkville Sound-Canada one dark and stormy night. silvery grey grille cloth It does weigh a ton, and the Cerwin Vega 15 speaker is no help there. Soundwise, it sounds much like any other Traynor of the period, very solid, good bottom and a good top end. The tone controls are very good, Treble, Bass, Low and High. There are two channels, each with two inputs, and two separate volume controls. One is high-gain, the other seems to be low-gain. Inside, theres a fan, and a transformer Ive added myself as I now live in Ireland where the voltage is 220 as opposed to 110. This was added to keep the amp original, and is unseen except when the amp is removed from the chassis. Sort of like older American cars - lots of room in the engine bay. I earthed (grounded) the amp properly, as originally it was sold without a ground, which could lead to surprises when the non-polarised plug was inserted into the wall-socket the wrong-way around. Only mod I did was to make a new rear amp-cover panel (the original wooden one was missing) and drill big holes in it to let lots of air circulate. I added to this a modern AC socket of the European type which will take a modern EU-type mains lead (cord). The original AC-cord plugs into the transformer which is then connected to this socket. It is a closed-back cabinet, built like a tank (did I mention heavy), and when the front grill-cloth is removed there, on the speaker-mounting baffle, is the chalked legend YBA-5. Must have been put there by the factory elves. Somebody before me put casters on the amp too. See, they do exist. And it weighs a ton. YBA-5, front YBA-5, controls YBA-5, grille off YBA-5, back YBA-5, back, close up YBA-5, back, close up 2 YBA-5, schematic 11969-11972 (Dan Lear, Mike Levy, schematicheaven, Robert Quinlan) YVM-1 Voice Master 40-50 watts, tube head, 1966 Features Four inputs, each with its own volume control master controls for volume, bass, treble, presence onoff and stand-by switches and lamps Early models use 7027s silvery grey grille cloth Early Bass-Masters and Signatures are identical in appearance to the Voice Master. four channel all tube PA amp The amp is very much like a Bass Master with two additions: 1. There is an extra 12AX7 to allow four inputs rather than just two on the Bass Master. You dont really need four inputs - this gives you an extra tube plus two extra pots for all sorts of interesting mods. 2. The output transformer is tapped for 4, 8, and 16 ohm output - a useful bit of extra flexibility. It is switched and has 4 parallel output jacks - very convenient. The control setup is different than a Bass Master. You have 4 input level controls, a master volume (but dont expect it to work like the ones on guitar amps,) and bass, presence, and treble controls. But the stock circuit and circuit values on a YVM-1 Voice Master is almost exactly NOTHING LIKE a YBA-1 Bass-Master, as the two amps were designed for different purposes. The four parallel gain stages in the front end, with completely different circuit values around them (capacitive coupling to the inputs, 0 cathode resistance and 475K plate resistor) gives a gain response and tone that is unlike the Bass-Master. The 7027A tubes could be replaced with 6L6 tubes without any modifications. Four 12AX7s and two EL34s6CA7s The original tubes were 7027As - tough to find originals these days. The 6CA7sEL34s work fine. Three-position impedance selector on the back is labeled as follows: - 4 ohm --- - 2 ohm There is a single jack (again out back) marked speaker . with three others tagged Extension . On the back there is a Power amp input (which is not shown on the 1966 schematic). I assume this is where you would plug a preamp signal in. There is a Mixer Output (again not shown on the 1966 schematic). Is this actually a preamp out put Is this like an effects loop sort o thing The effect loop level is matched for outboard reverb devices. I tried effects through the loop on my YVM-1, and no sir, I did not like it. There was odd distortion and it sounded crappy to my ears. But effects through the clean front end sound good though. Yes, the stock effects loop sounds like crap. If you can get your hands on a copy of The Ultimate Tone (londonpower), there is a schematic on page 7-11 for an excellent and very transparent, tube buffered effects loop. This loop is easy to build, and uses only one 9 pin tube position (usually a 12AT7). I have built it into several Voice Masters and it is a standard mod for me now. If you really want a Plexi-style amp, you still have plenty of room on the main board, and enough tube positions in the stock amp to make it happen. Check out JC Maillets notes on doing this at lynx. bc. ca jcbassmasterMod. html. My 1968 YVM-1 (serial number V-2581) has 16, 8, and 4 ohm switch. I tried the effects loop with a Fender satalite and it worked alright. However Im using it with a bass. The older models had 4-8-16 ohm switches while mine had 2-4 ohm switch only. YVM-1 early version with Fender style wrap around cab. Sounded bland with guitar and tried bypassing the preamp through the power in jack but blew the tube in my outboard pedal preamp so cannot recommend use of that input. Instead changed channel one to Plexi and channel 2 to JTM. Sounds awesome now. Playing through a pair of Jensen from 1960s. Also have a pair of Celestions that are brighter and louder. Note that the PPI is not a double side of a 12ax7 but rather a divider network it looks like, anyway. It sounds good and probably avoids issues with unbalancedunmatched 12ax7s. also have a new pair of weber cap cans installed and next looking at a PPIMV. Another oddity is the diodes across the power tube outputs - these were on the Custom Specials as well and I see it is recommended to remove them. I paid 300 and have another 200 into it including a tech at MainDrag Music. Now selling my Boogie. (Tom the Canuck lost in NY) Dimensions: 23 x 10 x 13 weight: 42 lbs. Sound Straight up, this amp sounds like a Hiwatt. I use mine regularly for guitar. The YVM-1 is very clean sounding, but can be modded to do whatever you want it to do (except wash your dishes). It does not sound like a Bass-Master, but rather like a sterile Fender, unless some mods are made. I have tried it through my TS-215 cab with a Strat and sounds nice and clean. The YVM-1 has a fairly flat frequency response compared to Traynor guitar amps and mine (used to own one) was sterile sounding with my Strat. Price Bought a Voice Master YVM-1 for CAD 99, serial number V-2581 (indicating 1968), good score A Voicemaster in decent condition for CAD 99 is a great deal. October 2001 This guy is asking CAD 200 or Bo. it is a point to point wired tube amp so I guess I can always get my back. January 2002 Rating This is a pretty nifty amp - definitely more interesting than a standard Bass-Master. I think an early one with a choke would be more entertaining. The Voice Master has become a popular guitar amp, even though it was designed as a P. A. head. I feel that for overall features (reasonable weightreasonable sizefour 9 pin tube positionsand lots of holes on the back panel for mods) the Voice Master is my favourite Traynor amp to mod. They can be made to sound MUCH better than stock with a little know-how and a little solder. I personally prefer other Traynors for guitar, but the YVM-1 has mucho mod potential (4 inputs) and an extra 12AX7, as well as extra speaker out jacks and volume pots, etc. If the price is right, grab it. A keeper. I used to use the YVM-1 to drive a YBM-3. Just connected the speaker outputs of the YVM directly into the YBA-3. Not sure why it worked so well. But it sounded awesome. Used a Rogue Cabinet and a Norelco (YN412) with it. Got the idea from a guy in a Toronto Band called Its All Meat in 1969. Rate the YVM-1 Voice Master. YVM-1 Voice Master (old style, Fender-type wrap-around case old logo), front view, angle (under a Custom Special) YVM-1 Voice Master, catalog page YVM-1 Voice Master, schematic, early version with a choke and 7027A output tubes - I would expect later ones dropped the choke and used 6CA7 outputs - same progression as the YBA-1 Bass Master YVM-1 Voice Master, schematic 111966 (Billy, Craig, Dan Lear, Denis, Eric Knudsen, Glen, Karl, Michael, moo, Moon Keith, Phil, Rob, Roger Doger, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca YGL-3 Mark III 100 watts, 2x12 tube combo, late 1960s 1972, 1976 Features two channels, each with volume, bass, middle, treble controls, treble boost switch channel two has reverb and a really neat tremolo effect master gain effects are footswitchable for guitar one extension speaker output jack on the back panel Tubes are: Four 6CA7, one 6BQ5, five 12AX7A. It says 4 ohms output impedance on the schematic. It has a pair of 12 JBL K120s and a quartet of Mullard EL34s. silvery grey grille cloth REALLY heavy Dimensions: 27 34 x 21 x 12 12 weight: 75 lbs. Sound lots of punch in the bottom and middle distort naturally or use a pedal can barely get it to overdrive, so it aint no crunchy amp, but it has more than decent tone in fact, its pretty good THIS AMP IS CLEAN and LOUD. Itll absolutely knock just about anything else right out of contention, both in volume and tooooone. . If you needwant the ability to stand up and be heard. for miles. go for it. I use a Strat or Tele with stock pickups. Im presently playing mostly blues now to which this amp is well suited because of its warm tones or capable of great highs with the boost switch. Its still a super clean sounding amp at low to mid-range but does buzz and crackle a bit a high volume. I think all Traynors did a bit even when new. Its a hard amp to overdrive without a pedal. Amazing blues tone - particularly off of the front pickup of a Strat - and the tremolo is old-school, but it doesnt do all that breathing (which can get in the way if you are trying to do ambient stuff). The treble boost opens up a high-end that leaves you with that sweet Pete Townshend post-gig ear buzzing thing. As for the weight, who did they think they were kidding, only putting one little handle on the top Its like trying to carry a bus with one hand I have a Traynor Mark III head with a Traynor YN-412 cab. I took out the whizzers (sounded kinda crappy) and replaced them with Eminence Legends (4 ohm). I was in a band with a guy who had a Marshall tube amp and a 1960 cab. My rig was and is way bassier and smoother. Paid 325 for the Mark III head and 140 for the cab. plus 120 for the replacement speakers. 585 for a rig that surpasses the Marshall by volume (check out the RMS of a Marshall and the RMS of a Traynor. hands down a Traynor slaughters). Sep 2002 The Traynor circuit sounds indeed great. I also found that using .1uF caps instead of .01 slowed the tremelo down nicely. For any keyboardists out there: The YGL-3 has plenty of power and my Wurlitzer electric piano really sparkles through it. I use a Visual Sounds RT-66 american overdrive pedal and it really worked well wthe YGL-3 at various configurations. Organ (Voce V5 midi module) actually sounded better through my YBA-1 (I think its due to power-tube distortion, maybe 6L6GC vs. EL34 characteristics too) but its still new and Ill have to try some different tube and tone settings (Im thinking a overdriven 12AT7 might work better for V1). Speaker compliment was: 12 xd over at 800hz and a 8 behind a rotating baffle for midhighs. Reliability excellent reliability I bought this amp new in 1972. It has tons of power and over the years 1972-2000 all Ive done is replaced the original speakers only once with new Celestions and re-tubed it twice. . It never let me down or broke down. Still have the original tubes for back-up. Price a few hundred US bucks used US 275 used, seen at guitarshoppeguitaramps4sale. htm, September 1998 CAD 375 used, crudly cut down to a head, overpriced, seen at Used Music, Ottawa, September 1998 US 700 used, seen at a store in southern IL, US, outrageous price, November 1998 US 225 used, 1976 or later amp, all original except for a missing logo on the front and two 6CA7 Ruby Tubes, satisfying purchase, November 1998 picked up a YGL-3 Mark III combo today for US 250, it is in pretty good shape with just enough wear to give it character. Somebody had performed some interesting tube substitutions. a 12AX7 for the 6BQ5 and a 6L6GC for one of the EL34. Im still surprised it wasnt smoking when I tried it out. Other than those tubes everthing else was original. March 1999 I paid 300 Canadian for it in mint condition. YEEE HA I have recently in January 2002 seen a few for sale around the Toronto area for about CAD 350, . US 400 sounds a bit stiff. Bought a mint 1976 YGL-3 Mark III, with all original components, tubes, speakers, switches, for CAD 250, from a private. October 2000 Rating I love the sounds it makes. Again, not a bad amp for a cheapie and my bass sounds amazing through it. On a dollar to dollar basis Traynor built a fantastic amp that was as good as or better than any Fender or Marshall or anything else in its price range. I have used a Mark III for road and studio use for most of my 30 years of playing. My other amp is a fender twin from the mid 70s i also used peavey and Randalls. But i digress. My Traynor though old and in need of some new tubes, is a real working mans amp. You can get a wide range of sounds from squeeky clean to gritty blues add your choice of distortion and you have it all. The speakers have never blown up and I abuse them the boost switch send it into ICEPICK IN THE EAR LAND pn clean or adds a nice bite when over driven all in all if you can find one BUY IT YOU wont be sorry. I rescued my YGL-3 Mark III from an indefinate engagement at the local nuisance ground. These kindly old people who had bought it for their daughter who wanted to learn guitar back in the early 70s decided that it was just the wrong shape for draping afghans over. They were going to ditch it because someone had dropped it off of the back of a farm truck one time and now it didnt work. Turned out to be just the soldered connections which only cost a few bucks to repair. . This is the first guitar amp Ive ever owned, but Ive played through other gear and honestly, Im not going shopping any time soon. I bought my Traynor Mark 3 (my 2nd) 15 years ago and it still had the orignal Mullards in it and still the original speakers DAMN LOUD on clean - can get mild over drive. If i have an outdoor gig I AB it with a silver face twin for over drive clean My friends joke and say I can only play canadian music Like Rush, Max Webster, Chilawhack, and BTO on it but when compared to myfriends Marshall super lead the traynor combo won hands down in clean loudness Rate the YGL-3 Mark III. YGL-3 Mark III, front and back view, angle YGL-3 Mark III (new style, removable top case), front view, angle YGL-3 Mark III, front view, angle (under a YGL-3A Mark III and a Vox) YGL-3 Mark III, catalog page YGL-3 review in Guitar Player, about 1971 YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III, schematic 1976 YGL-3 Mark III, two english manuals, french manual, factory mod, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic, YGL-3 Mark III schematic YGL-3A Mark III manual, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic 1972-1973, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic 1976 (Ben, Bernie Michelle Girardin, Dan Lear, Darryl Dozlaw, Dave, Donnie, Eric Knudsen, Greg Gallant, J, Jean-Charles Maillet, Michael E. Levy, Michel, Moon Keith, Mr. Pants from Mr. Pants music gear at interlogmonkey, Murphy Family, rippersmusic, Steve Willis, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca jc, Wayne, guitarshoppetraynoramp212.htmTraynor212GuitarAmp. jpg, schematicheaven) YGL-3A Mark III 100 watts, tube head, 1976 Features two channels, each with volume, bass, middle, treble controls, treble boost switch channel two has reverb and tremolo master gain effects are footswitchable two speaker output jacks on the back panel On the YGL-3A, the output impedance is 4 ohms (two 8 ohm speakers in parallel). silvery grey grille cloth Dimensions: 27 34 x 11 x 10 weight: 47 lbs. Sound The sound is ok, a bit mean with reverb on 5, but useable for Blues and rock. Price US 249.99 used, good condition, seen at Daddys Junky Music at ugbmamp. htm, September 1998 CAD 395.65 used, very good condition, seen at songbirdmusicottawaguitaramplifie. htm, September 1998 CAD 75 used, cut down YBA-3, rough condition, a few years ago in 1998 CAD 135 used, a few years ago in 1998 CAD 396 used, good condition, seen at Songbird Music, Ottawa, November 1998 CAD 375 used, very good condition, seen at Songbird Music, Ottawa, January 1999 1971 YGL-3A Mark III. Best US 75 dollars I ever spent. before 2001 1973 YGL-3 Mark III with 1973 YC-610 cab, its in really in good order, all original, inside, outside and all the tubes. They say Philips on them, but Ive never seen these Philips before. American Together approx. US 340 or DM600. I think thats a good price for something with this quality. January 2002 Rating A very good amp I think. I have owned the YGL-3A Mark III for 15 years, I havent had any problems with this amp. I must say its very loud and clean. works great with overdrive effects etc. you can get some great sounds. I had a YN-412 with a Mark III head. It was a great sounding amp, unfortunately I sold it a few years ago but would like it back. I used it with a Telecaster and a Takamine EF-318 acoustic. Great sound with the acoustic as well. Rate the YGL-3A Mark III. 1973 YGL-3A Mark III, (removable top, with master volume), front view, angle 1973 YGL-3A Mark III, (removable top, with master volume), front view 1973 YGL-3A Mark III, (removable top, with master volume), back view 1973 YGL-3A Mark III, front view (on top of a YC-610 cab) (same amp and cab as below) 1973 YGL-3A Mark III, front view (on top of a YC-610 cab) (same amp and cab as above) YGL-3A Mark III, front view (on top of a Vox and a YGL-3 Mark III) YGL-3A Mark III, catalog page YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III, schematic 1976 YGL-3 Mark III, two english manuals, french manual, factory mod, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic, YGL-3 Mark III schematic YGL-3A Mark III manual, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic 1972-1973, YGL-3 and YGL-3A Mark III schematic 1976 (Dan Lear, Eric Knudsen, EviLTwiN2SX, Jean-Charles Maillet, Moon Keith, Murphy Family, Phil, Ronaldo, Songbird Music Ottawa at songbirdmusic, u87, schematicheaven) Mark IV (exists) . watts, tube headcombo. 19. Mark V 100 watts, 2x12 tube combo, 19. Features very heavy silvery grey grille cloth Sound It is basically Traynors reply to the very popular twin reverb, so the sound is very similair, this amp is loud, very powerfull blues to heavy heavy alternative Reliability so far the amp has been fine. Price They do seem to be fairly rare, even here in Toronto. You dont see them for sale that often. Feb 2002 (Craig, Daddy Mac, Dan Lear) YGM-1 Guitar-Mate Reverb . watts, tube headcombo. 1967 Features silvery grey grille cloth Price Guitar-Mate Reverb, YGM-1. US 275 used, seen at hopkinspressraysamps. htm, September 1998 Guitar-Mate Reverb, YGM-1. US 250 used, seen at skyportsolrjmusicamps. htm, September 1998 Rating I have two and I gig with them. A great small club amp. (Kim) I really dig them Ive got 2 left. I had 3. Im pretty sure I had the actual YGM-1 pictured on Traynors site. I bought it from a guy in Saskatchewan off KIJIJI. I just traded that to a young fellow in St John NB. Put a good speaker in them, tweek some values in the reverb circuit, cut out the bright cap (changed it to 250p) and cut out the presence cap too. The screen supply had a 12 ohm resistor. I upped that to 1K and then 470 ohm on each tube. The trem is very good and so is the reverb. Very good little club amp. (Danny) Rate the YGM-1 Guitar-Mate Reverb. (Dan Lear, Eric Knudsen, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca YGM-2 Guitar-Mate 25 watts, 1x12 tube combo, 1966 Features Its a 25 watt combo, runs a pair of EL84 tubes, cathode biased, two channels (treble and boost), tremolo, bass and treble adjustment, but no reverb. The serial number of my amp is g-486. silvery grey grille cloth Price I just bought a 1970 YGM-2 Guitar-Mate from up North for US 220 shipped. Rating Perhaps the only thing keeping it from being the perfect amp is the lack of reverb. To tell you the truth, I really dont care for this amp. If you or anyone else is interested, Id be glad to ship it to you for half that US 220. Rate the YGM-2 Guitar-Mate. 1966-ish YGM-2 Guitar-Mate (front, back, wiring) (Dan Lear, Dave Gillespie, Tim Casey, Tom Becker, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb 20 watts, 1x12 tube combo, 1963 1969 1973 Features volume, bass, treble, reverb and tremolo (speed and intensity) controls treble boost switch reverb and tremolo are footswitchable via jacks in the back there is also an 8 ohm extension speaker jack five 12AX7A pre amp tubes, two EL84 power tubes silvery grey grille cloth Dimensions: 22 x 23 38 x 9 12 weight: 46 lbs. Sound the speaker is probably the weakest link in the chain overdriven power tubes sound no kind of metal distortion with this one just a nice bluesy power tube crunch I play surf with it. This puppy barks big time I have a 1979 Traynor YGM-3 guitar mate combo. It sounds good, its kinda got that plexi sound like the old marshalls. Its all original, even got the original tubes and the speaker. Reliability built like a tank bullet proof I bought mine new 30 years ago. Its had the piss beat out of it and all Ive ever done is clean it up occasionally and replace the tubes. Price CAD 200 used Songbird had a Traynor 50 watt head with reverb and tremolo, late 1960s YGM-3, fair condition, for CAD 227 in June 1998 CAD 296 used, late 1960s, very good condition, seen at Songbird Music, June 1998 described as 50 watt 1x12 combo with reverb and tremolo US 150 used, modified, bought at a San Francisco shop, ca. September 1998 Guitar-Mate 1x12 combo, CAD 250 used, seen at Gilles Grignons site at Rainbow Music at rainbowmusicshopused. html, January 1999 I recently scooped up a 1976 Guitar Mate at a local thrift for US 30, and have only found one problem with it. It hums when I use the reverb. Rating sweet little amp I would buy this one in half a heartbeat, even if I already had one. The YGM-3s have a bit too much midrange. I can hook up any guitar to the bass heads YBA-2A and YBA-2B and get a sweet sound without effects. But with the YGM-3s, YSRs, and Voice Masters, I need to modify the sound with peddals or an equalizer. In fact, the only guitar that sounds ok with the other Traynors is my Gibson L6s because it has midrange control unlike my LP and other axes. A great little amp for blues and rock. Excellent crunch, sounds particularly good with a Rickenbacker guitar. I just bought a 1970s YGM-3 via eBay and took it to band practice on the day that I got it. I was very pleasantly surprised by how well it performed. Ive been using Fender Deluxes, but their expense has grown beyond their value. I guess the main difference between the YGM and the Deluxe would be the EL84s. Ive found that I prefer the vibrato on my YGM (though the difference is slight and mostly due to the overall tone of the amp), and I also like the midrange boost of the EL84s. I dont know the wattage 20 watts of the YGM-3, but the midrange boost does give the perception that it is slightly louder than the Deluxe. Other than the obvious cool factor of owning a Fender, I would rate the YGM-3 on par with the Deluxe. The Traynor, though, costs half as much 1975 two input model with original Philips valves which show no sign of wear. . Great amp . the tremolo is superb, reverb also if used sparingly. The amp has benefited from replacement of the stock Marsland speaker for a Celestion Vintage 30. These amps are hidden gems amd worth seeking out even in the Uk. Rate the YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb. YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, catalog page YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, catalog page 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, front 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, top 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, right side 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, left side 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, back 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, back close 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, tubes 1975 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, inside YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb and YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate), schematic 91973 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb and YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate), schematic 91973 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb, schematic 111998 apparently theres an Error in this schematic. Reverb drive tube plates are tied together. Compare to the scanned schematic to see errors. (Alexis Fortier, charcoal, Dan Lear, David Compton, Denis, Jackie Hull, Jean-Charles Maillet, John Templeton, Karl, Mike Baxter, Mike, Moon Keith, Peter Beka, Songbird Music at songbirdmusic, Ttaborfamily, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate) 25 watts, 4x8 tube combo, 1972-9 Features The YGM-4 Studio-Mate is basically a YGM-3 Guitar-Mate with 4x8 speakers. Made from 1972 to 1979. It has two 6BQ5 (EL84) power tubes, with five 12AX7s. Other features include a 60s style Tremolo and a great reverb tank. three inputs, tremolo speed and intensity, reverb, tremolo and reverb footswitchable silvery grey grille cloth Dimensions: 27 x 21 34 x 10 12 weight: 57 lbs. Sound Great balsy sound. Reliability Like all of Traynors amps, it is indestructible. Price For those interested in how fast people are catching on and buying these up and how prices are escalating rather quickly: On January 15, 2009, I bought a 1977 studio mate for 450 (tax incl.) in Ottawa, Ontario. Theres another one selling at another store for 749 (tax not incl.) Tube amps that are point to point, hand-wired would still cost more to build. Even amp kits, you first build them, then build or provide for a cabinet speaker(s), require more expertise than I have and can easily cost more than the YGM-4. . As for my 1977 studio mate, Im putting two TAD EL84 power output tubes in it, some vintage black plate JAN 12AX7s and a black plate JAN 12AY7 to lower the gain factor (because Im a blues harp player), some special silver connectivity gel on all the tube prongs and tube damping rings. Rating A great sounding balsy tube amp available for a great price. Ive played harp for 25 years through two vintage 4X10 Fender Bassman amps, but got more compliments on my tone when I borrowed the 4X10 Traynor version belonging to our guitar player. To keep me from kidnapping that amp, he found the YGM-4 on eBay and snagged if for 250. Ive only played a few gigs on it . Ive realized that it is underpowered compared to the Bassman (running G6L6 power tubes). The Traynor clips much sooner, albeit pleasantly enough. Perhaps a new set of tubes would give back some headroom. Great combo amp for harp players going for a classic blues sound at low to moderate volume. Rate the YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate). 1974 YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Rever, front view, angle YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb, catalog page YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb and YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate), schematic 91973 YGM-3 Guitar-Mate Reverb and YGM-4 Guitar-Mate Reverb (Studio-Mate), schematic 91973 (BackStage (Joe Piazzas WorldWide Web Page) at servtechpublicpiazzajoepage, Dan Lear, Eric Knudsen, Jean-Charles Maillet, Lame Buffalo, Mike, Moon Keith, Richard Layton, vivaAnalog at lynx. bc. ca jc, schematicheaven, servtech YSR-1 Custom Reverb ca. 50-60 watts, tube head, 1972 Features Front panel left to right: Two channels, four inputs (two low, two high), two volume knobs (one for each channel), treble and bass controls, reverb control, tremolo speed and intensity controls, and standby switch (also has green and red lamps, green for operate mode, red for standby mode - VERY COOL. ). Rear panel left to right: Acc. plug, fuse, ground toggle, power switch, 2 speaker outs, and Trem Reverb jacks (for footswitch(es)). like a YBA-1 Bass-Master with reverb and tremolo It does NOT have a master volume, middle or presence controls. Huge Hammond transformers produce 45 watts from two 6CA7sEL34s, six 12AX7s. output speaker impedence is 8 ohms Mine is an early model YSR-1, with a choke tranny. I believe it is from 1968. The rectifier is solid state. The amp cabinet is the rounded corner type, not the pop-top style. My amp was made in January 1970, just after the choke was removed from the power supply filter stage (I have re-installed a 20H choke where the originals had one). The advantage is that it still retained a reverb driver transformer. It seems incredibly more of a tonnally versatile amp than some would like to claim, though. Because it has active tone circuitry (as opposed to front-panel Fenders, Marshalls, Hiwatts and most old amps with a Middle control), the frequencies are actually changed as you dial in more Highs or Lows. In other words, the Highs and Lows arent a fixed frequency that gets cut as the dial is turned down. Its a healthy 50W, but the gange on the 4M () volume pots is very drastic Im pretty sure you can push 50W out of it with volume on 1 and a half on the bassy channel (channel I). The older ones dont have the chrome molding but do have both a red and green light indicating the status on the front. Silvery grey grille cloth Dimensions: 23 x 13 x 10 weight: 44 lbs. There must be some mod options available for the YSR-1, with six 12AX7s. Mods on this amp are the power supply filter choke, a 3-prong AC cable, an appropriate output transformer and the ground switch converted to an impedance selector. The tremelo is kinda nice but more of a novelty it not really about the features it about TONE. Sound Punk and alternative with Boss distortion pedal This is the best clean sounding amp Ive had. It has crystall clear highs and bassy lows and sounds excellent with the cab I use - a 240 Watt (i think) with 4x10 inch speakers. Very clean, almost sterile at moderate volumes. Not as pleasing as the classic Fender sound. At higher volumes, it breaks up nicely with a Marshally roar when played through Celestion speakers. I play classic rock and dont need much distortion so it sounds fine for my needs. What a killer amp. It was pretty loud even with the volume at 2 the band that owns it said it was actually too loud. So who says only Fender has the market cornered on loud and clean sound. The bright channel is really bright, almost too bright. I drive this amp with a quality older 12AX7-driver stomp-box and this thing just sings with sweet rich compressed distortion. I bought a Marshall 6100 head shortly after I got this and only rate the Marshall better because I dont need a 12AX7-drive box to get the same sound. On the other hand, the YSR-1 has a sweeeet internal reverb and the Marshall doesnt have any reverb. what a toss-up The original schematic was still inside and the latest revision date on it says Jul. 12, 71. 1971 YSR-1 Custom Reverb Tube Amp Head. It does sound GREAT and has not given me any problems. I also own a 68 or 69 YSR-1 Custom Reverb, which does have a choke tranny, and other features, such as reverb and tremolo. But the tone is not as good as the Bass-Master, unless you wind it up. I find YSR-1 tone to be very tight, compressed, and slightly sterile (which is good with effects). Keep in mind, however, my YBA-1 runs on 6L6s and the YSR-1 runs on EL34s, which will account for a good part of the tonal difference. Both the YBA-1 and YSR-1 each have 4 input jacks, so I can jumper the channels and use both the bright and normal volumes to adjust my tone. This really works great. The tonal difference between the YSR-1 and the YBA-1 is huge, IMO. But the YSR-1 has a good vibe of its own. I drive mine with a TS-9 Tubescreamer into a Marshall GuvNor (original issue) and through a Boss DD-3 delay. The sound is tight and in your face. Great for hard rockmetal. OTOH, running these same effects into my YBA-1 gives a wetter and rounder tone good for blues, rock, and chicken pickin. My late sixties YSR-1 sounds pretty clean . it is a great amp. Mine sounds OK but Id like a little more drive, and maybe better reverb. I put a small bypass cap on one channels preamp cathode. Definitely moving in the right direction. I put a 1 meg volume pot in. That gives you more control over the volume at lower levels. I also revoiced the channels along Marshall lines: A 1.0 uf cap (couldnt find a .68) with 2700 ohm cathode resistor on one channel and a 250uf with 820 ohm resistor on the other. I replaced the .001 uf cap across the brite volume with a .0005 uf to tame the treble a little. I dont think you can do too much about the reverb. It will never be a Fender. With a 2x12 or 4x12, this would be a great gigging amp. Stick a pedal in front for overdrive, this baby stays pretty clean until its really loud. The amp is very loud and very clean. I was looking for a more Marshally tone so I modded mine - cascaded the channels so I have one channel stock (two 12Ax7 preamp stages) and one which has three 12AX7 stages configured similar to some of the later Marshall amps. I also added a master volume, channel switching, put a proper grounded plug on it and fused the output transformer primary. The new channel sounds great, very Marshally and has killer vintage tones thru Celestion Vintage 30s. I have run this amp through a Marshall 1936 2x12 cab, and it sounds a bit sterile at low-to-mid volumes (like Lee M. stated earlier), but I find that using a jumper cable to blend the 2 channels adds more dimension and warmth. The amp begins to warm up around with the volume at 2-3. . The tone controls are not too effective, but they get the job done (like a Marshall). A mid control might be a nice addition, but I can live without it, and I want to keep this amp as original as possible. The reverb is adequate, and the trem is very nice. I noticed the power tubes pulsing along with the trem . I have not cranked it much yet, but it is pedal friendly. I have run a Boss OD-1 and tube distortion pedals into it with excellent results. Chorus, flanging, phasing, and digital delay sound very warm and clear. There is no master volume. This amp will distort at higher volume levels, but that is TOOO loud for my basement - so I use a distod pedal to do this. I like the transparency this amp has with pedals, so I find it very flexible. The amp is quiet, and sounds very woody with my 74 Stratocaster, thus representing my guitar properly. It does the Chris Isaak Wicked Game thing very well. I would not recommend this amp for heavy metal, unless an outboard distortion device were used. But I really appreciate how it reproduces my guitar tones. I would rate it higher if it were not as sterile sounding at lower volumes. Rocks out for just about ANY style of music. . I wish it had a mid potknob (not that it really needs it, but. ). I use this amp in my home studio and at large venues and club gigs. It is more powerful than I will ever need it to be. It Wails . Its sounds kick ass all around. Its very clean. You get a great blues distortion sound without using any effects. For effects I have all 22 Danelectro Pedals daisy chained and secretly rigged so I still have a strong amp signal. These work like a dream with this amp. This is an abolutly great amp. Good for Stray Cats style rockabily to outright rock and roll. I use it with a 92 Strat and 81 Gibson Sonex 180 (buddies, basically a bolt on les paul with hot pickups). No master volume so put a good overdrive in front of it and it sings. For rhythm I have a simple Boss OD-2 and lead a Vox Dist-Booster. Works great, from CCR to Bad Co. to Sabbith. Tweeking the nobs is a little different with the dependant tone control. Reverb sounds good but gets spooky when turned up. Tremolo is nice, not a lot of personality but it works good with little noise. I even use the darn thing for bass with no problems. At first, I found the reverb rather weak (us Surfmongers NEED our verb. ) in comparision to the dry signal and was dissapointed with the amps name Im used to playing my amps with their tone controls maxed all the time. Later, I realized that the tone controls are in parallel to the reverb rather than the typical 3M resistor This means that with the basstreble turned to 0 and verb to 10, ALL you hear is the tank, zero dry signal. So now, with my bass on 2 and treble on 3 (reverb on 10, of course), I get a nice wet sound. The tremolo on this amp is power-amp-bias style, so its very fine indeed it doesnt go quite as slow as I wish it did though. . The amp is deathly quiet with the filter choke without it, the reverb had a terrible 60Hz hum all the time (which is why, I presume, they trashed the reverb driver transformer). . This amp is worthwile for any one that digs REAL Rock n Roll circa 56-68 (RIP). Get a nice cab too, they make a big difference. The sound of this is amp is very clean and very loud (I havent played it above 2 and usually run it at 1). With the Marshall JTM-C212 cabinet (2x12 wired for 4 ohms) it has a lot of bottom end and a lot of upper mids. I also have a Mesa Boogie DC-3 and it (not suprisingly) has a darker clean tone than the YSR-1 through the same cabinet. With this amp I only use the normal inputs. The bright inputs have too much treble for me. The tremolo is kind of a cool novelty. Reverb is OK to my ears but I dont think Im that picky. The amp is pretty quiet at all volume settings. Not too much variety with this amp - its really just a simple clean amp with basic tone control. Still, for what it does, it does it pretty well. I bought my YC-610 with a Custom Reverb head after a fellow failed to sell it on ebay around August of 2000. He told me that people asked him about the tone of the rig. When he responded with loud and clean, they all lost interest. I got in my car the next day with 350 in hand and headed to Pennsylvania to buy it. As soon as I saw the pair I was in love. They were both spotless. I got them home and powered up. It sounded constipated and lifeless. Our drummer was less than enthused as I disconnected the head and hooked it up to my Marshall 4x12. It exploded with huge, hairy ACDC-type tone. This YC-610 was clearly no guitar cabinet. I still use the Custom Reverb as one of my main heads (I bi-amp via a Lehle switcher) and have yet to retube or bias. I predict a cap job in its near future. Reliability This amp is very reliable. Its built like a tank with the biggest output transformer Ive ever seen. It is reliable. Pretty rugged only drawback is that the reverb is rather sensitive. This is a great sounding reliable amp Legendary Traynor construction. I havent had any problems. . I have 100 trust in this amp. This amp should easily last another 30 years. Traynors (esp. the tube models) generally are very reliable. Well, its 34 open if not full volume when I play and have had no problems to date. When I got the amp the output tranny was FRIED (even smelled like BBQ sauce). I replaced it with the appropriate Hammond transformer (same company that made the originals), with intentions of rewinding the original eventually. This amp scares me a tad because transformers dont burn up for no reason. The tubes (2x Westinghouse EL34s) that came with it - and that were in the amp when it burned up - still measured good, so I figure the amp was just pushing too much power. Because of this, Im somewhat reluctant to crank it. Anyway, the Hammond tranny is rated at 60W (can probably take 80W or so because of Hammonds crazy underating tendencies), so eventually Ill get enough adrenalin in me and crank the darn thing. Its quite old but solidly built. High quality Hammond transformers, rest of the parts are decent. Point to point and circuit card wiring which is easy to modify. Traynors have a reputation for being bulletproof and this amp seems to bear that out. I havent had the amp long but it is almost 30 years old and still looks as though its all original - that means something I guess (it has beer stains so it must be used somewhat). The part quality looks pretty high - it has a Hammond A1310 power transformer and a huge Hammond A1312 output transformer. Its about twice the size of the one on my Mesa DC-3. Its point to point wired using cloth covered wire (really important -). The wiring looks a bit messy but not disastrous. All the tubes have metal shielding cans. This thing would be much easier to fix than my DC-3 which has a PCB and about a zillion tightly wired flying leads. One downside is that its fixed biased but installing a bias pot would be easy. Price US 75 used US 100 used I currently own and operate a YSR-1 head and YT-15 cabinet. I boughthaggled the pair at a pawn shop for US 125 back in September 1997 in Michigan. They look rather used but not trashed. The head, when purchased had one 6CA7 and one 6L6GC for output tubes which were older and deader than dirt yet the amp still powered and didnt blow up. just noisier and flaky as hell I had to repair all front panel pots as the internal wipers had all fallen off in the pots (the miracle of patience jewelers screws fixed this :) ). A new set of Sovteks all through brought this sweety back to life. US 199.99 used, fair condition, seen at Daddys Junky Music at ugbmamp. htm, September 1998 Found near a dumpster, reverb and tremolo not working, two tubes missing, San DiegoCA, 1998 US 189 used, seen at an Ebay auction, priced above market, October 1998 CAD 376 used, good condition, seen at Songbird Music, Ottawa, November 1998 CAD 360 in January 1999 for this same amp US 75 used, This piece is toast, but unlike the corpse Lab L-11, this thing would be cool if you fixed it. Channel II doesnt work at all, and channel I is wide open, always on ten, el blasto. Reverb doesnt work - missing three knob caps. seen at Daddys Junky Music Auction (rockauctionoscategoryAUCcur101.shtml101), December 1998 1972 YSR-1 Custom Reverb, bought for 125 Canadian at Songbird Music in Ottawa about six months ago so that must have been in about December 1998. It was in very good condition but the reverb channel hummed. I bought it and determined very quickly that the wires to the reverb tank had been reversed, that fixed the problem. Everything else worked perfectly. I discovered later that it had two vintage brown base Mullard El34s in it, which are supposed to be among the best sounding EL34s ever made. What a bargain US 150 used, a beauty without a name plate, recently in January 1999 Songbird always has a couple in stock but they usually ask CAD 300-400. I just saw a Bass-Master in the paper today for CAD 200 with a cab, I may take a look at it. May 1999 I found a YSR-1 with cabinet for US 350 overpriced September 1999 YSR-1 CAD 360, used November 1999 1970 YSR-1 CAD 25 December 1999 1971 YSR-1 Custom Reverb with two EL34, CAD 225 at Cash Converters pawn shop April 2000 A YSR-1 sold on Ebay for US 290. April 2000 I have an opportunity to buy a YSR-1 Custom Reverb with a YT-12 cabinet. Everything is supposed to be in pretty good condition and working well. Is 375 Canadian a decent price for the package May 2000 I have seen these heads go for close to US 300 so I think that sounds like a good price. May 2000 Sold the Custom Reverb locally. I took CAD 320 for it and a 2x12 cab that I had built with a pair of Celestions. Probably could have done better on Ebay but shipping is a real pain so I took the cash. October 2000 Im putting my YSR-1 on Ebay tonight. The last one of these went for US 290. Ill take 225 plus shipping from 46635 if anyone is interested. This amp is virtually stock except for the following upgrades: 3 prong cord, new filter caps (LCRs), new bias caps, adjustable bias. I have also revoiced the two inputs as a bright channel and a bass channel, similar to a Marshall Plexi and installed a two-wire master volume (in existing hole) on back panel. The dual mono footswitch jacks have been replaced with a single stereo jack. All the mods are easily reversible. Good cosmetic condition a few burns on the tolex (not through), some snags in the grillcloth, chrome is peeling on the trim. October 2000 1971 YSR-1, used, US 200 a long time before December 2000 197x YSR-1, used, US 300 before January 2001 1972 YSR-1 and 1972 YF-10, used, US 250 January 2001 1968 YSR-1, used, CAD 175 February 2001 I pulled a YSR-1 from a scrap heap. November 2001 Rating Overall this is one hell of an amp, like I said before it blows any 100 watt Marshall away. Sounds good for clean sounds This is the best clean sounding amp Ive had One of the best values available in a vintage tube amp. I have a YSR-1 with a YC-610 and an old Traynor Reverb unit. This stuff is priceless to me. I love this amp Im keeping my eyes peeled for more Traynors. My YSR-1 is not as beastly and touch responsive as my 6667 Traynor YBA-1 Bass-Master, but is special in its own way. It does share the same model output tranny and choke tranny as my YBA-1, however. Plus, I like the addition of reverb trem. . I rate my YRM-1 second to my YBA-1, because it does not have as much balls. Also, my YBA-1 sounds great at all volumes, including low setttings. The YRM-1 is good sounding, but not as responsive, raw, or soulful as my YBA-1. Still it has a very good feature to value ratio and looks killer. I cant see myself EVER replacing this amp. Well, for 25, this is the best amp money has ever bought me I reallly dig it and wouldnt change a thing about its design. Im a big fan of tube amp distortion, but not the point of desiring a 5150. If I saw another one of these amps anywhere near this price CAD 125 I would buy it in a heartbeat. For classic rock tones on the cheap it cant be beat. Its not that flexible but its a good clean amp - not as good as an old Fender though. I bought for its clean sound and because Fenders and Marshalls are going for ridiculous prices around here. I have been using the YT-12 cabinet with my YSR-1 Custom Reverb amp for about 15 years and I will never give up my head unit or cabinet for anything. Neither one has given me any problems, and the sound quality is unmatched. Rate the YSR-1 Custom Reverb. YSR-1 Custom Reverb, front view 1971 YSR-1 Custom Reverb, front view 1971 YSR-1 Custom Reverb, partial back view YSR-1 Custom Reverb, catalog page YSR-1 Custom Reverb, catalog page YSR-1 Custom Reverb, schematic YSR-1 Custom Reverb, schematic 11967-1972 (Alex Fortier, Axeist, Ben, Cavemaaan, Cj, Dan Lear, Dave, David Fowler, David Vernon Falkenau, Donny, Eric Knudsen, Glen, guildman, Jim Jones, Larry, Lee MacMillan, Moon Keith, Patrick Walsh, Phil, Rich Heslip, Rob, Songbird Music Ottawa at songbirdmusic, tzero, Tony S. William M. Pearson II, schematicheaven) YSR-2 Signature Reverb ca. 50-60 watts. 4x10 solid-state combo, 1972Furk. net is your personal secure storage that fetches media files and lets you stream them immediately You can use it to stream video or listen to your music from PC, smartphone, HTPC or even a game console (XBOX, PS3). 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